How are you going with the challenges?

Are you keeping up?

Have you been visiting other blogs and leaving comments?

Have you been checking out those blogs I have been recommending you visit?

This week is another free choice – catch up on earlier posts or write one of your own.

Admin first:

Have you joined freerice and our student blogging challenge group? I know Becky and CJ have because they have written posts about it. So far we have had:

Members count: 75

Grains donated: 106 130

Have you taken part in the M&M tallying activity? So far only one student from Russia and one student from the Ukraine have left results at this link.

Again, if you can’t think of your own you might like to try one of these:

  • How could you do mathematical activities using your clustrmap? Remember if you click on the map, you will get more statistics and numbers. Write a post about the usefulness of your clustrmap when it comes to mathematics.
  • Create an A-Z  about mathematical terms – try to take your own photo of each term and add it to a slideshow.
  • Write your own story relating to mathematics. Research some that have already been written.

Read some blog action day posts: Angie, Mrs Black’s Russian class, Ms Fernandez class, Jarrod, Mrs Miller’s class, Room 2.1, student power in Serbia, Mrs Krebs

Visit other blogs to comment:

Mrs Ligon wants to know where in the world you would like to visit and why

Kaela thinks maths is boring. Do you agree or not?

Hannah has a great maths reflection post

Check out the posts by Shirley’s class about geocaching

Image: ‘catching up

23 thoughts on “Challenge 6 – More choices

    1. G’day Ms Fernandes,
      That would cause a pingback on your blog, but for a pingback to the challenge blog you might write “This is a link to challenge 7” then you will highlight the words challenge 7, click on the chains icon and paste in this link

      Doing this would cause a pingback or trackback to the student blogging challenge post headed challenge 7. Then I would know you have written a post in your blog about a challenge activity.

  1. Hi Miss W,

    If you have trackbacked/pingbacked a post, is it supposed to show up in comments saying Pingback: _____? Because, mine don’t seem to but I trackbacked the link of this post…



    1. G’day Ms Fernandes,
      A pingback or trackback is just a link back to the post on the student blogging challenge.

      If you are writing a post and want your students to visit a particular website, you include a link that they can click on. This is virtually the same as a pingback.

      Write your post relating to the challenge, then leave a link so students can visit the challenge post to find out more information.

  2. I’m also part of the Giggle Girls. Our teacher noticed that problem too and she fixed it up. We hope you like Sonvi’s 100 Word Challenge!


  3. Dear friends!
    In fact, it was not one student from Russia who took part in the M&M tallying activity and left results. We did it as a class on week 5. We gathered together, counted the sweets, typed the numbers on the form and even tried to make a pattern. You can see it here The only thing we are sorry about is that we didn’t have more packets. Maybe next time …

  4. Apologies for using this space but I’m trying to get in touch with the Giggle Girls. They have entered 100 word Challenge but we can’t get in to leave comments as it is password protected. don’;t know if you can help. The link left is

    Thank you!

    1. I am part of the Giggle Girls except I’m not the one who signed up for the 100 Word Challenge. I will see if I can fix that!


  5. Pingback: FreeRice

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