Class photo
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Anna M via Compfight

There are many different types of schools around the world. Most of the students in the challenge go to a government or public school, I think. But some are homeschooled like Warrior Kat and Ghost Soldier. Visit their school blog written by their mother. We have some students go to specific religious schools yet others go to international schools.

How is your school the same or different to a government or public school?

Activity 1.

Answer some of these questions by writing one or more posts or present using a variety of tools mentioned in the sidebar:

  1. What time do you normally get up to go to school?
  2. What do you normally have for breakfast, recess, lunch, tea (dinner, supper)?
  3. How do you get to school?
  4. How long does it take to get to or from school?
  5. A typical lunch at school
  6. Subjects you have to do – remember to explain abbreviations like LOTE and ELA
  7. Specialist subjects or electives, options
  8. Technology in your school
  9. A typical schoolday with timetable and breaks
  10. What do you do at break times? Games, activities etc
  11. School bell has gone for end of day – what happens now?
  12. Do you have to wear uniform?
  13. How many days per year are you at school? How is this arranged – terms etc?
  14. What do you enjoy most about school?
  15. If you could improve your school, what would you do?

Activity 2.

You might like to run some surveys in your school re questions 1,3,4 and 10 above. Collect data and create graphs. If you create a google doc to gather data around the world, make sure your teacher contacts me to publicize this over twitter where other classes can join in adding to your data.

Activity 3.

Check out this video on how some students get to school in their country. Find images of children going to school and put together a photo collage or slideshow showing ten interesting images. Remember to include the attribution for the images on the last slide of your slideshow. Here is the link to a video from UNESCO about children getting to school – also includes some statistics re education funding.

Activity 4.

Compare your classroom to these pictures from around the world in the Guardian newspaper. Write a post about what you see and feel when looking at these images. Would you like to be in any of these classes? Why? Also check out the statistics included in the information below each image.  What does this tell you about these classes?

Activity 5.

How has schooling changed over the last 100 years? Interview parents, grandparents, great grandparents, people from other countries and ask them questions about their schooling. Write a post from your results.

If you have completed at least one of the activities above, you might want to take part in our commenting game.

Before you start, please make sure you have at least 5 other student blogs linked on the sidebar of your blog or in a recent post that your visitors can find easily. Make sure these are blogs from other students around the world, not just those in your class or school.

Game week is all about visiting other blogs.

Student and class blogs – new bloggers and old hands at the blogging – mentors as well as participants.

Remember one of  the main aims of blogging includes commenting and carrying on conversations with the author of posts and their other readers.

A good commenter will have read the post carefully, checked out the links in the post and have read the previous comments before they leave one of their own. Good commenters add to the conversation with a quality comment – remember that video from Mrs Yollis’ class.

Game rules

This is one we have run for many challenges and allows you to connect globally.

Those who have taken part in a challenge before know the game of  ‘Count Out Three’. Here are the instructions:

  • click on a blog on the student list – count one
  • now click on a blog from their blogroll – count two
  • finally click on a blog from that blogroll – count three

Leave a comment on an interesting post at this third blog.

Do this activity at least three times and finally, write your own post saying which blogs you visited and which posts you left a comment on. Why did you choose that post? Remember to include a link back to the post you left a comment on so that student gets a pingback or trackback.

Next week is our penultimate week  for the March challenges.

It will be a chance for you to show what you have learnt about blogging in the last three months. You will be asked to write a post, including an image with attribution, links to at least two other websites where you found your information to use in your post as well as use another web tool.  The topic will be set next week. See you then.

16 thoughts on “Week 8: Schooling

  1. This is great advice. I hadn’t allowed comments on my previous post and by reading this I was able to understand how to make that change.

  2. Hello, Miss W. For the Week #8 post on Schooling, my teacher told me that the post was great, and I should share it with you. A link to the post is here.

  3. Hi Mrs. W I think the next blog challenge should be about the 2014 FIFA world cup. Also it should be about who you think will win and give a good explanation why

  4. Hello Miss. W. and Everyone,

    Thank you, Miss W., for including our homeschool class blog in this challenge. That was very sweet of you!

    I have added a Thank You Miss W. page to our blog to thank her for all of her hard work, help, and being so warm and welcoming.

    To thank all of our wonderful visitors for stopping by, I have also added a Gifts for Visitors page, so make sure to check them out! 🙂

    I also wrote a personal post about our homeschooling journey: A Journey Into the Unknown, which can be found on the home page. (Wasn’t sure if I could add more than two links to the comment ❓ )

    Thank you,
    Ms. Mara

  5. I finished my post for activity 1 and think you should check it out! Thanks.

  6. Hi Miss W.

    It was nice of you to mention me in this challenge. That was really cool. I wrote my post about my school day, and I tried my best to do a good job on it. It seemed to take forever for me to do 😯 . Here is the link: My School Day. I hope you like it!

    Kat, aka Warrior Kat 😎

  7. Thanks for the great ideas! Hope to use them as we close this year, and open next!

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