Welcome to the seventh student blogging challenge.

Looking through the list of participants, we have very few students who have taken part in a challenge before so the activities will be new to you all. A reminder that some activities will be about setting up your blog while other activities will be writing posts or improving your commenting skills. Each week you can choose to do as many of the activities as you like or your teacher might choose the one they want for that week.

Whatever happens – Enjoy your blogging!

When you meet someone for the first time or join a new class, you usually have to introduce yourself. Most blogs have a page called ‘About’ or ‘Sample Page’ or ‘Profile’.

Activity 1. Write or update your ‘About’ page. Tell your readers your first name only, a bit about your interests but remember to be internet savvy and not give out any personal details. Check out these  students – EmmaDaniel , ChloeSimon , Ben and Molly. If you wrote your ‘About’ page last year, things will have changed – so update the information or improve the layout of what you have written to make it easier for your readers to understand.

In Edublogs, log in to your dashboard. On left go to all pages, hover under sample page and click edit. Make sure you change the title and delete what is already written there. Once you have finished, hit the update button. Now remember to go to appearance> widgets and drag your ‘Pages’ widget to your sidebar.

If using Blogspot, check out this blog and all its hints.


Because Sue Waters (from The Edublogger) and I want to know about student commenting skills, we would like everyone to do the next activity.

Activity 2. Leave a comment on this post to answer the following questions.

Why did you join the blogging challenge?
What do you hope some of the activities include?
Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?


Because we can’t all meet face to face (f2f), we have to have an online identity to represent us. Whenever I leave a comment on your blog, you will see a grey haired lady. I love wearing thongs on my feet and drinking iced tea. So that is a picture representing me – these pictures are avatars.

Activity 3 – make an avatar

Step 1. Create an avatar for your blog and for you to use when leaving comments.

Avatars are a representation of yourself. Check out this post about avatars.  Create your avatar using one of the websites below.

Most important is remember to save as a jpeg file if using Edublogs.

MyHero[1] avatar2 avatar3 avatarbig

Any age can use these avatar sites:

From abi-station:

But over 13, need parental or guardian permission for these.

14 or older with parental permission

Step 2. Using printscreen to save your avatar or use the snipping tool

So you decided to create an avatar like “Hero Factory” or “Build your wildself” or “Mini Mizer” where you can’t save it easily. You need to take a picture of the screen first. Most computers have a printscreen button on the keyboard or if using Windows 7 you have an icon called “snipping tool”. Not sure what Mac users have but I am sure there is a similar button on your computers.

When you press printscreen or use the snipping tool an image of your screen or part of it  is now copied to your clipboard. You will still need to crop and resize to get an avatar that fits well on your blog.

Open MS Paint and click control V to paste your image from the clipboard. To save, you need to go to File>Save As> change the name of the file to yourname with ava eg  sueava then underneath change the file type to JPEG. Make sure you save your avatar to your drive.

Go to your drive, right click on the icon for your avatar image and choose “Open with” choose MS Picture Manager. This might be in Microsoft office tools.

In the icons at the top, go to View> task pane.  On the right go to edit pictures > crop.  Now move the black bars on the side of your image in, to crop your picture to what you want in your avatar.

Click OK, then back to edit pictures. Now click on resize. In the box “custom width and height” put  97 in both boxes. These numbers might be slightly different but one has to be 97 and the other smaller than 97. Click OK.

Back up to file>save as> call it sueava2 or similar> make sure it is still JPEG. Make sure you have saved it to your drive again.

Step 3. Upload avatar to your Edublogs blog

Now to upload to your blog.  Go to your dashboard> users>your avatar> browse to find your image on your school H drive>alternate upload.  This is your comment avatar.

Now for your blog avatar. Dashboard>appearance>widget> blog avatar drag to your sidebar.  To upload the avatar, dashboard>settings>blog avatar> browse to find your image on your school H drive>alternate upload. Go to your blog page and refresh. Your blog avatar should appear on your blog now.

If it now looks like a black coloured square then you haven’t cropped the image to the correct size in step 2 using printscreen. Or maybe you didn’t save the image as a JPEG in step 2 using printscreen.

Activity 4 – Write a post describing your avatar.

How much does it look like you? What sort of personality does your avatar have? What makes it typically you? Remember to include your avatar as an image in your post.

Activity 5 – Visit 10 student blogs in the challenge where you have the same interests.

Write a post or leave a comment telling me who you visited and what post you commented on in their blog. Why did you comment on that post?

Activity 6 – Write a tutorial post about creating your avatar

This would be handy for Miss W to have for the next set of challenges. Your post could be used to teach other students or teachers about how to create, resize and upload their avatar especially if using blogspot, kidblog or a Mac computer. Mention in your post what type of computer you were using and the programs used for resizing etc.

Extra activity or as a class – Create different avatars and share them with the world.

Now create an animoto with your images to embed in your blog. Check first if your teacher has a class animoto reference code.

Maybe you know a tool to create a flip book that can show your class avatars with a description similar to activity 4.

If you don’t want to create an animoto, then add the avatars in a gallery to your blog post. Check out how Max created his animoto. Check out the post about his family by Jack.

Remember to leave a link back to this post (see below) if you have written about one of the activities in your blog.

September Challenge 1

Image: ‘merhaba

398 thoughts on “Challenge 1: All about you

  1. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined the bloging challenge because it was part of my school program.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I new to blogging so anything would be good

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    To know and learn more about blogging


  2. My avatar looks like because we both have glasses and we both wear t shirts and shorts most of the time. The personality of my avatar is that it’s fierce, but it can spread its wings and fly to its dreams. The avatar is typically me because I’m a little sassy, but I still can reach for my dreams and work hard.

  3. I wanted to join becuase I have for the past three challenges and it’s really fun. I want us to be able to make videos and things like that. I expect lots of fun activities! :3

    Sadness only leaves me exhausted, so I’d rather live my days feeling nothing. ~Touhou

  4. I joined the student Blogging Challenge because we joined as a class. I wish that there are more drawing actives to do instead of posting and witting.I hope to get to be an example for the student Blogging Challenge.

  5. i joined the Student Blogging Challenge because we joined as a class. the activities id like for this season is to see what other people have interests in.Out of this session id like to see more things and learn more about technology skils

  6. 1. I joined the blogging challenge because I thought it would be interesting to talk to people from other countries.
    2.I hope some activities are that we get to interview people from different people of the world or maybe we have a compititon of some sort.
    3.I hope we get put of the challenge is that we get to learn more about blogging and maybe start our own blog.

  7. i join blogging because i want to improve my english and my writing skills.
    i will like to have more activities that include more interactive ways to communicate with other bloggers
    i hope many people visit my blog and enjoy it

  8. 1.Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    2.What do you hope some of the activities include?
    3.Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    1. I joined because I wanted to increase my blogging skills
    2.I want them to include anything that hazs to do with art.
    3. I hope to have better commenting and posting skills

  9. 1. I chose to join because I do hope this will improve my writing skills and such, and to help me become a better blogger.
    2. I hope these activities are just fun to everyone, and I hope I have a good time.
    3. I hope to just have a great time competing and blogging! 🙂


  10. Hi,

    blogs.saschina.org/alison01pd2020/ I commented on the hamster post because I could connect with the blogger about dying animals, then getting a new fiesty one. Something very similiar happened in our household.

    bbgrace.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because I decided to list my visiting blogs like hers. I thought it was a very good idea.

    clairebrhes.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because it was the latest and it was a great thing to write about. Sounds like a lot of fun.

    blogs.saschina.org/joshua02pd2019/ I commented on this blog because I recently made an avatar, so I had something to write about.

    blogs.saschina.org/wade01pd2019/ I commented on this blog because he wants more visitors, I want more visitors and he just sounds like an overall nice person.

    bbsimone.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because it is interesting and we share so many of the same interests.

    sophiessuperblog.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because I love going on holiday, even though I have never been out of New Zealand.

    angie1234.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because I love reading and thought it was a great idea to write about.

    ashleighblog.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because I have gone to many of those web sites and enjoyed them. So I had something to say.

    hannah5456.edublogs.org/ I commented on this blog because she asks questions and I wanted to answer them.

    Thanks, Kayla

  11. Hi Miss W:

    Firstly, I’m sooo excited, because I’ve always wanted to have a blog or webpage!
    So the answers to your questions are:
    1. I joined this competition because we’re making our own blogs at school, and they told us to subscribe.
    2. Putting some games for other people to have fun, or really challenging things!
    3. I really want to have lots of comments of other people around the world, and lots of visitors. I want to have new friends from other places, obviously, following the internet safety rules.
    Also, I want to have really fun and interesting things, so that people really like my blog and visit it more frequently. I hope this is going to be such fun, and secure, because, I’ve always been a little bit scared about internet safety.

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity of challenging ourselves in such fun things.

    Your blogger number 142534428476238437, (I invented that number),
    Mariana B

  12. For Activity 2
    1.I joined the challenge because I like to have blogging buddies
    2.I hope one of the activities is to try to get a blogging buddy
    3.I hope to learn more about different people from different states

  13. why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I’d like to improve my understanding of blogging.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    Meeting new bloggers…

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge at the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope that by the end of the 10 weeks I will know how to blog, and be interesting at the same time! 😀

  14. Why I joined the blog challenge:
    I joined because I hope it will be fun

    I hope the activities include:
    I’m not sure

    What I want to get out of this:
    I hope that when I finish this I will know a lot more about blogs

  15. I joined this challenge to learn new things about blogging. I’m a new blogger and very restricted in my knowledge.

    I hope this challenge includes writing a lot of new posts as so far, I only have two and nothing more interesting to write about. So I hope that you give me cool topics.

    I want to get more visiters and comments on my blog. Not many paople know about it, so hopefully this challenge will make people notice it.

    From Kayla

  16. Hello this is Kayde,I have finished my about page.I joined because Mrs S made me.I hope one of the activites is to get a clustr map on my blog.I hope to have learnt more for my blog.

  17. Why did you join the student blogging challenge?
    -I joined the student blogging challenge so that I could learn more about blogging

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    -I hope that we get to make an avatar

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    -I hope to learn more about blogging and how to be a better blogger

  18. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge because Mr.P told us to, and because blogging is fun!

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that they include visiting other blogs because that is fun to meet new people.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope that by the end of the blogging challenge, I will have learned more about other people, and to improve my writing skills.

  19. Hi this is Ayla and I joined the student challenge and i just wanted to say that I updated my about page. Regards Ayla

  20. i joined the blogging challenge for school projects. I would like some of our projects to include sports & to do tons of group stuff. i hope can get a lot better at using technology by taking these challenges

  21. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    i joined the blog challenge because i’m in a blogging unit in 6th grade so i have my own blog. But still i need to learn more about it. so using this i can become a better blogger and become my blog each time better and better.

    1. What do you hope some of the activities include? i hope some activities include sports because i’m #1 fan of sports in colombia, also a little bit of geography because i love learning about different countries in the world, exciting things, an interaction activity between the participants of the challenge and to make cool and fun posts in our blogs.

      what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? i wil like to get of result that i become an expert on blogging, have a very good and cool blog with many comments on it, to finish the challenge doing a very good job and to make some friends by blogging around the world. miss w please leave a comment here in my blog :www.6cmariosblog.weebly.com

  22. Miss. W (activity 2)
    I join the blogging because I thought it would be a experence and I would be able to blog to new people and start conversation all over the world.
    This is my first year being a blogger and also doing the blogging challenge so I really do not know what to expect.
    I hope that I would have learned a lot more about being blogger and have been able to talk to heaps of people from all over the world and even the blogging challenge is over still have conversation with a few.
    Lily 🙂

  23. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    -I hope to be more succeesful with blogging and to have more fun with blogging.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    -Interesting activities that anybody can blog.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    – I hope to complete my goal of being a succeesful blogger and have had fun blogging.

  24. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge because our teachers thought it was a good idea because our class is making our own blogs.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope they include drawling to make a post.

    What do you hope to get out go the challenge by the end of the 10 weeks?
    I would like to get out everything on the challenge.

  25. I joined it so I can make my blog “blogtastic” and because my school made me.

    Hope the activities include making a post and uploading a picture.

    what I hope to get out is perfecting my blog and improving my computer skills.

  26. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    -I hope to become a better blogger
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    -posting about local things to do, and personal intesrests
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    -I hope to acheive my goal of becomeing a better blogger.

  27. Why did you join the blogging challenge? I joined the Blogging challenge because our teacher Mr.L told us about it and I thought it would be good fun so Mr.L helped me get a blog!
    What do you hope some of the activities include? I think it would be good if we had to do an activity when we all had to do a story bird activity! Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of 10 weeks? To have learn’t how to do some other things that I didn’t know how to do before and to meet some new blogging friends! 😀
    Maddi! 😀


  28. Why did you join the blogging challenge? Because our teacher inspered me.
    What do you hope some of the activities include? Fun and exciting things
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    lots more people comenting on my pots

  29. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because my teacher told me to.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Socializing with new people.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope it helps me learn more, and get a better grade.

  30. Hi! This is Activity 2. 🙂

    1.)Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined because I wanted to do more blogging. 🙂

    2.)What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Fun challenges!

    3.)Finally, what do you hope to get out of the
    challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to meet other students and to get more visitors. 🙂

    Meridith 🙂

  31. Hi i’m Nicola:

    Why did i join the blogging challenge?:
    Because my teacher M. L made me.

    What do you hope soem of the activities to include?:
    Something to do with Art of Music.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of ten weeks?:
    Just some blogging strategies i guess….

    Thanks, Nicola.

  32. Hi, here i’m doing the activity 2.
    Actually i join to the blog chalenge because it was a project from school but when i got in for first time to this blog i thought, what a cool idea making this chalenge, because we can improve our blogs as we bisit other blogs and have fun!!!

    I hope some activitys have something about youtube videos or about putting pictures and things people can see and like them

    I hope that then of this 10 weeks i can have a better blog and a lot of comments and visitors and maibe be nominated to win!!!

  33. we joined the student blogging challenge as a class , i would like to interact with other students around the world and learn new things what i intend to learn in the next ten weeks is learn how to blog on my own

  34. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because my teacher wanted me too.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Interacting with other students.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    How to blog!!

  35. Hello

    I have done Activity 5.
    The peoples blogs I commented on were:
    1. bronte b
    I commented on that because sometimes if I see a title that is big and clear, I seem to want to read it.

    2. Edith
    My Amazing Blog
    I think I commented on this because it was one of the first posts on there.

    3. JennaR
    New season of Glee!
    I commented on this because I LOVE GLEE!!

    4. AnnaB
    My Rock! 🙂
    I commented on this because I like to collect rocks.

    5. TaylaW
    100 words
    I commented on this because it sounded like an interesting thing to do in class.

    6. ChloeC
    I commented on this because I like to dance.

    7. DaraM
    Looking Forward To It 🙂
    I commented on this because it was the first post.

    8. RebeccaP
    I’ll always remember thee
    I commented on this because I love to write poems, and I just saw the word poem in the first few lines.

    9. Ellie
    Class work
    Same as Tayla, I commented on this because it sounded like an interesting thing to do in class.

    10. MollyR
    My Bucket List
    I commented on this because I did not know what it was and I was curious to find out what a Bucket List was!

    Thank you

  36. 1) Why did you join the blogging challenge? Because I want to meet new people and learn new things.

    2) What do you hope some of the activities include?I hope that they will be really fun and I hope that I can talk to people from around the world.

    3) Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? I would like to make some new friends.

  37. 1) I joined the challenge because it was a school project and it could be fun.
    2) Funny things!!!
    3) A blog that i made and i want to learn how to make a cool blog.

  38. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    – Because my teacher told me about it, and said it could be fun,. That nice

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    – Some fun challeinge
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    Meet some new friends, and be a better blogger.

  39. 1.Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    2.What do you hope some of the activities include?
    3.Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks

    1.I joined the blogging challenge because we have a lesson in school that is called the globe, were we write to people from other countries, and learn the language, and then we also have to make a blog and join the blogging challenge.
    2.I hope that it has something to do with video, and language.
    3.I hope that I have learned something new. And about go to see things in other countries, and be more interested in the culture.

  40. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge because we have some lessons where we are going to learn about other culture and countries, and then our teacher told us to be in the challenge so we could learn about it.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that some of the activities included something about how to dress in other countries. I will love to see what’s hot.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

  41. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    – I joined the challenge because we have some lessons in the school called The Globe. In the Globe we are learning about other countries and their cultures. That’s why I joined the challenge.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    – I hope that some of the activities include something about food. Because I love to taste food.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    – I hope that I will be more interested in visiting unknown countries.

  42. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because that we have a supjekt in school where we are gonna do things like this….
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that some of the activities might be: Photostory or mowie..
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    To meat some other peaple and learn some other countries.

  43. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the Student Blogging Challenge because I’m hoping to find interesting blogs and challenges.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that some of the activities include fun challenges

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to have more people visiting my blog and I hope to have learnt a lot about how to do cool things on my blog.

  44. Hi.
    First, I joined because I have to do it for school.

    Second, I hope that some activities will include, games and fun.

    Third, I hope to get better blogging skills and share them with friends.

  45. The Blogging Challenges make us get going on doing some different things on our class blog. I know it is important to be learning how to create some of the things we see on other class blogs. These Challenges give me a push to keep moving forward – slowly perhaps but still moving.
    We like it when there is a reason to make contact with other classes.
    Many thanks for all of it

  46. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because my teacher told me about and thoght I should do it, plus I thought it would be fun.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Stuff that I don’t know. That way I will learn lots.
    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the 10 weeks?
    I will of learnt how to put all sorts of stuff on my blog. And last of all I would of had fun!

  47. Hi everyone I joined the blogging challenge because it is a good way to get more people on your blog and the rest of my class are going in it as well.

  48. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Our teacher signed us up for the challenge so we could learn how to blog and connect with other classrooms all over the world.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    We aren’t sure since its our first time.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    We hope to learn about classrooms out of Arizona and what they do in their class. We also hope to learn some new web 2.0 tools.

  49. Hi! I am here to answer challenge #2.

    First, I joined because I have to do it for school.

    Second, I hope that some activities will include, games and fun.

    Third, I hope to get better blogging skills and share them with friends.

  50. 1) I joined the Student Blogging Challenge because I’m hoping to find interesting blogs and challenges.
    2) I hope that some of the activities include fun challenges and some to learn from. As well as posting videos, images, ect.
    3) I hope to experience new things.

  51. I joined this challenge with my class, I’m really excited. I can’t wait to do these challenges, I think that these challenge are going to really help us with our blog. I think most of these challenges are going to be about writing certain kind of posts, adding links or other widgets, and other things that help our blog. I think that one of our challenges will be to go to a different student’s blog and right a comment. I think that we’ll gain a lot more knowledge for blogs.

  52. I joined so I can learn more about people around the world.
    I would like if we can put posts about what our class is learning. I will hope to be a better blogger.

  53. I joined because I want a new thing on my blog every week. I think one of the activities will be post a comment on 5 different blogs. I will lean how to use my blog more.

  54. I joined the student blogging challenge because it would help me and my blogging. I would not care what I see on the student blogging unless it would hurt someone.
    thank you for your time.

  55. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because I want to let my family know what’s happening.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Um, stuff about what we learned.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Everything like my teacher.

  56. I am doing the blogging challenge with my science class in 6th grade. I hope some activities include cool experiments about electricity and human behavior. By the end of the challenge I hope to have learned about the bones in the human body.

  57. Hello, everyone!
    I joined the blogging challenge, because it is a very good way to learn a lot about how people live in the world, about their traditions and practice English.
    I’m sure, all activities will be interesting.
    I hope, I will have fun with my blogging.

  58. Why did I join this? Because my awsome sciecne teacher made me if I didnt want a bad grade. I hope this activity includes social interaction. A good grade. Seez yahz laterz

  59. Hello

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    Because my teacher told our class about it and I thought it would be a great way for me to learn more things to do on my blog.

    What do you hope some activities include?

    I am not really sure, as this is my first year doing the blogging challenge. Maybe just doing things that I didn’t know how to do.

    What do you hope to get out of blogging challenge in 10 weeks?

    I hope to have more people visiting my blog and I hope to have learnt a lot about how to do cool things on my blog.

    Jacinda 🙂

  60. HI i am in this competition because this year my grade is learning about bloggin. i hope we can do some activities that are of adding picures to our blog.i will like to improve my writing skills because im bad at spelling also to become a very good blogger :).

  61. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because I love blogging and I want to know more about it and the features in it.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Putting new widgets, visiting other peoples blogs and doing new things.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Lots of things about learning to blog. And Be a better blogger.


  62. I join blogging because my class is doing it but i think it is a fun experice. I will learn how to blog which people sometimes use in the future.

  63. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    My teacher asked me to
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    chatting with freinds and doing some experiments
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I would like to make some new friends

  64. We joined the student blogging challenge as a class. I hope some of these activities are for communicating with other people around the world. I hope to get a good grade out of this.

  65. I joined this website because of a school assignment . I hope we get to blog a lot in this class .I hope we get to learn how to blog responsibly

  66. I joined this challenge because of a school assignment.
    I hope we get to blog on a lot of different blog.
    I hope to learn how to blog responsibly and very well.

  67. Why did you join the blogging challenge? Because it is a requirement in my SR. English class.

    What do you hope some of the activities include? I dont really know. Hopefully it makes education fun.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? Again, I’m not very sure. But I just hope that I can get it done in the time its supposed to be done.

  68. Hi, Miss W
    I am in this competition because we are learning about blogging this year. I personaly think your posts in edublogs and the challenges are wonderfull.I hope you continiue because you make a grat job. also i hope at the end of this 10 weeks I will be a very good blogger. thanks for your posts.

  69. I joined the blogging challenge because my teacher assigned it. I hope some of the activites include writing about interesting topics. By the end of the challenge, I want to be a better writer and blogger.

  70. i already visited ten blogs i think all of them were interesting and creative. i learnt many things and discovered other people interest.

  71. To be honest, the only reason I am on here is because my English teacher is making me; however, after blog a little I am finding I actually enjoy blogging. By the end of this I hope to be able to blog well.

  72. 1. My teacher made me join.

    2. I hope the challenge will include some avatar making.

    3. I hope to learn about science, blogging, and, computer.

  73. My teacher made me do this.
    I hope to leran about internet safety in the ten weeks.
    I hope that one of the activities include creating a page with a friend.

  74. I joined the blog because Mrs. Wilson made the whole class.
    I hope some of these activities include computer science or trivia.
    I hope to gain knowledge about blogging.

  75. I joined beacause my whole class is doing this.
    I hope to see movie making in the activities.
    I hope I will have had fun in ten weeks.

  76. Q:Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge to help improve my skills.
    Q:What do you hope some of the activity’s include?I hope that they will include playing around with different web tools.
    Q:what do you hope to achieve by the end of the challenge? to be a lot better at blogs.

  77. I did this blogging challenge because i like to do challenges and so I could learn lots of things about computers. I hope the challenges include talking to people all over the world.

  78. Im doing a blogging challenge so I can make my blog better each time. I also liked doing it so i could improve my blogging habilities. Blogging is new for me and I have been liking it because it is a good place for expressing my self. I also liked to take part of the blogging challenge because i would like to share the experience with my family and friends.

    I hope that some of the activities of the blogging challenges are fun to do. I would also like to improve my english and it`s a good way if native speakers, in a polite way, correct my mistakes so i can learn from them. As I live in Colombia, I speak in spanish, and if some one else around does a blog in spanish and they are not shure of how to say something or woulg like to learn a different way to say it, i would happily help them!

    By the end of ten weeks of following the challenge I would like to have a great blog that lots of people visit, enjoy and have fun with!!!

  79. Hey,

    I joined the blogging chalenge beacause it gives me something to do and I have done the class chalenge before so I am doing the individual now.

    I hope some of the activities include adding pics and widgets.

    I hope to get out of the blogging chalenge is some skills.


  80. 1. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I enjoy blogging and our whole class was doing it.
    2.What do you hope some of the activities include?
    being creative, using logic, and just having fun with technology.
    3.Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Improvement of my blogging skills and making me look at blogging in a different way.

  81. I joined because my teacher made me.
    I hope to talk to people around the world.
    I hope I learn some computer skills.


  82. Hi Miss W,
    Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge for a fun challenge and to learn more stuff for blogs.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Making movies and doing widgets

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    To be expert on blogs
    from Simone @ http://bbsimone.edublogs.org

  83. I’m doing this because my language arts teacher assigned this to the class. I hope I eventually get to have more freedom with the blog. I hope I learn more about blogging at the end of this.

  84. Why did I join the challenge?
    Because I want to meet new people and learn new things.
    What I hope some of the activities include:
    Talking about my family and showing what things I do.
    What I hope to get out of the challenge.
    New friends and more computer tricks.

  85. Why Did I join the blogging challenge?
    I thought It would be a Fun Challenge!

    What Do you hope some of the activities Include?
    Doing a Post On your Favourite Animal or Place.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of 10 weeks?
    Be better at blogging.


  86. 1.Why did you join the student blogging challenge?
    Because my teacher made me and I thought it would be fun.
    2.What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that they will be really fun and I hope that I can talk to people from around the world.
    3.What do you hope to get out of this blogging challenge by the end of 10 weeks?
    I hope that by the end of 10 weeks I will have had lots of fun and made lots of friends through the internet and learn about people from aroung the world. I also hope that lots of people will visit my blog.

  87. I joined the blogging challenge because it was homework assigned by my teacher.
    I hope that the activites include using my website
    I hope get better at using the internet out of this

  88. I joined the blogging challage cause my teacher told me to and i thought it would be a little fun. I hope these activities have somthing fun like talking with people aroundthe world.

  89. Why did you join the blogging challenge? Because the rest of my class joined.
    What do you hope some of the activities include? Mostly computer activities.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? some more imformation about different topics.

  90. I am doing this challenge because my teacher told me to.

    I hope some activities will include design.

    I hope I will learn good bloging skills from these activities.

  91. I join the bloging challenge with my class because Mrs.Wilson wanted us to . I hope to do a lot of scince based activites , meet new people ,and become a better blogger

  92. Why did I join the student bloging challenge?I joined the student bloging challenge because I think it would be fun to talk to somone across the globe and meet new people.
    What do you hope some of the activites include? I hope we get to talking to people because it would be nice to talk to somone across the globe Finally, What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks ten weeks? I hope this site will hep increase my creativity skills!

  93. Hey,
    I joined because at my school my teacher told me to. I hope to do things like meeting other people around the world during blog times. Also I hope that I will learn to type faster from typeing so much so that I can blog more.

  94. Why did you join the blogging challenge? My teacher made me.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I don’t know what activities I want it to include. Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?To get people from Portugal to comment on my blog.

  95. I joined the blogging challenge because I did it last year and my whole class is participating.

    I hope that one of the activities has to do with our favourite book for movie.

    I hope to be a better blogger and a better writer by the end of these ten weeks.


  96. Why did I join the Blogging Challenge?
    I joined to better understand how technology works and how to use it better.
    What do i hope the activites include?
    I personally hope they include experiments and fun activities.
    What do i hope to accomplish in the next ten weeks?
    I hope to better understand technology.

  97. Q: Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    A: Manly because My nice teacher, Miss Wilson, do this for a class project.
    Q: What do you hope some of the activities include?
    A: I hope this activity has a lot of fun computer science.
    Q: What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    A: I hope i had a lot of fun from this activity

  98. 1)Why did I join the student blogging challenge?
    Everyone in my science class, including myself, made a blog. We decided to do this chalenge so we could keep up with our blog and see what other students around the world are doing.
    2)What do you hope some of the activities will include?
    I’m not exactly sure, because this is my first blog, but I would probably say that I would like to see some activities where we can use our imagination.
    3)Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the next ten weeks?
    I hope I will actually understand how to do all of this stuff on my blog, keeping in mind the fact that I’m horrible at working with computers.

  99. Hi,

    Why did I join the Blogging Challenge?

    I want to improve my blogging skills and to develop my interpersonal intelligence.

    What do I hope the activities include?

    I hope we can make a glitter text and put it on a post.

    What do I hope to get out of the Blogging Challenge in the next ten weeks?

    I want to develop my skills in all areas like interpersonal as well as ICT skills.


  100. Hi,
    I joined the blogging challenge cause my tearcher thought it would be a good idea for me to enter .

    I would really like to see some creative challenges

    I hope to learn more about blogging and have lots of fun at the end

    From darcy

  101. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined because I really wanted to challage myself asw a blogger and see what comes out of it. Because i am always trying to make my blog even bettere everyday for my viewers and the world.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    something about animals because i LOVE animals and hope I can do another post about them.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    i hope to have given this challenge my best shot and hope i get a good score.

  102. Hi,
    For activity 5, I visited many blogs with there hobbies as gymnastics or dancing. There were many good blogs, but the one I remember is by Laura in the USA. She had a very interesting bucket list that I commented on. She had a list of 10 things, and many of them are on my bucket list like sky diving, going on a really scary rollercoaster, going on a segway and having kids. Many of our hobbies are in commen which made me comment on her post.


  103. Mrs. Wilson made me do the challenge. I hope that the activities stay fun just like these ones. I hope to have a chance to win prizes.

  104. Hi,
    Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Because I want to get new skills to use on my blog.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Something fun like taking photos then editing them.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    A lot more visitors on my blog, I don’t get much comments.

    From Siabhaon. 🙂

  105. Q-why did you join the bloging challenge?
    A-because my teacher (ms.w)told us to but, it’s kinda fun.
    Q- What do you hope some activities includ?
    A- creative and entertaining ideas.
    Q- what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeeks
    A- I hope to learn more things about different people and be a better writer

  106. I’m doing this for my teacher. I hope that there will be more blogging challenges and class challenges. And I hope that by the end of this i learn more about computers and other people around the world.

  107. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined the blogging challenge because my teacher made me, but also because it sounded fun.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope that some of the activities include telling about yourself, because it is so easy.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope I get a good grade on this, and I improve my writing skills along with my creatvity skills.

  108. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    1)Because me teacher told me to and it sounded fun.
    2)I hope some of the activites have us see who can make the best website.
    3)I hope to make new friends.

  109. Hi Miss W,

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Year 6 signed up for the blog challenge so that we could all (me included) learn how to better use the bogging tool and all of its great features and to connect with other global learners.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Well, because we are all beginner bloggers, we hope there will be lots of tasks that help us to create and connect with one another.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    To connect with other class bloggers from around the world, to become better and more confident in using the technology.


    Mrs S and Year 6 🙂

  110. Why did you join the blog challenge?

    It was a assignment for class.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope we get to play fun games and communicate through blogging.

    I hope to become a better blogger

  111. I joined the blogging challenge becausethis is an activity my whole class is doing.

    I hope that some of the activities include writing a post about your favourite animal.

    I hope to be a better blogger and a better writer.

  112. I joined the blogging challenge because It is an assignment for my Applied Technology Class.
    I hope to improve on my blogging
    I hope by the end of these 10 weeks I will learn to love technology and have better appreciation for it

  113. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    My teacher made me.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Not a Lot of work because I hate technology
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    A 100 as my grade.

  114. I joined the challenge to learn more about blogging, I hope to get tons of information out of this, and i hope to have blogging skills in ten weeks!

  115. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    My teacher made me, but it also sounded like a new experience.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope that we can play fun games and communicate using a blog about normal day activities even though they may be good or bad.

    Finally, I hope to get out of the challenge a better understanding of a blog and a new perspective on reading and technology.

  116. 1. I joined because I think blogging is a good way to communicate with people.
    2. I hope to have different blogs about different things going on in my life.
    3. I hope to be able to blog skillfully and become a better writer.

  117. 1. I joined because it would be fun to blog.
    2. I hope to blog about my life.
    3. I hope to be a better blogger.

  118. Why did you join the blogging challenge? Because Mrs. Rauser made us.

    What do you hope some of the activities include? Just more activities about “yourself”. Because I like to talk about myself.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? To be a better blogger.

  119. 1. Why did you join the blogging challenge? My class joined because we are doing research and instead of writing a paper we are blogging about it.

    2. What do you hope some of the activities include? I don’t have any specific activities that I hope are included.

    3. Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? I hope to become a better blogger.

  120. I’ve joined the blogging challenge, because it’s very interesting and useful for me. I can find new friends and practice my English there.

    I hope some of the activities will include something new and unusual.

    I hope to improve my English skills and make new friends by the end of the ten weeks.

  121. This is for activity 2- challenge 1

    I joined the student blogging challenge to learn tons, keep up my personal blog and post about different things for people to read.
    I hope some of the challenges include things that express ourselves like hobbies and interests. Lastly, I hope to make tons of new blogging “buddies”, blog more and keep it up.

  122. Hi Mrs W,
    I have joined the blogging challenge because I want to become a better blogger and write more interesting posts.
    I hope that some of the activities will include interesting posts, commenting on overseas blogs and create new things on our blog.
    I hope to become a better blogger and to reach my goal of 1000 visitors by the end of the year.
    I also hope to become more experienced in blogging and to attract more visitors.
    Keep Blogging,
    Sophie 🙂

  123. Hi Mrs W,

    I joined the Student Blogging Challenge because I waned to become a better blogger and see if I can achieve most of the challenges.

    I hope that some activities will include writing some challenging posts and commenting on different blogs from overseas.

    I hope that as soon as the Student Blogging Challenge is finished that I will be a more experienced blogger and have a goal of 750 visitors by the end of the year.

    Thank You!

  124. Hello here are my answers, for activity two on the student blogging challenge.
    Why did you join the blogging challenge? My teacher told me about it and how she was a teacher who was involved and from there I thought it was a great idea so I jumped online and registered.
    What do you hope some of the activities include? Well I love to write so anything will be fun for me. And I love adding Widgets and pictures and designing slide shows.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? Probably more visitors, and improve on my posts.

  125. Hi Student Blogging Challenge,
    These are my answers to your questions!

    Why did you join the blogging challenge? I wanted to learn more about blogging, and I wanted to meet new bloggers and see new blogs!

    What do you hope some of the activities include? I hope they include writing comments to other bloggers and writing posts!

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? I hope I learn how to do good comments and how to interact with more people around the Blogging World!

  126. Hello I am called Mika
    have entered the student blogging challenge and can’t wait for more tasks.
    I entered the student blogging challenge so I could get a better blog. My blog needs a little help since it started this year I do enjoy blogging and love to write stories and let people finish them off. I am from the blog year5rc and lo0ve to look at different peoples blogs. I don’t think anything should change to the student blogging challenge because there is already so much great things about it. however there is always room for improvement. I can improve and so can you. I love the student blogging challenge.
    Keep Blogging.

  127. 1.I jioned to meet new people and to learn about blogging

    2. I hope som of the activites inclued communicating on our blogs

    3. I hope to meet new friends and have a ton of imformation on blogging

  128. Why did you join the blogging challenge?cause i had to
    What do you hope some of the activities include?things to do with codeing
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? lots of computer noledge

  129. Why did you join the blogging challeng?
    My applied technology class and me, we all do it. I am especially doing it to learn about blogging and social networks.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope the activities conclude assignments about art, fashion and music.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope I will be a constantly blogger about fashion, music and art. Also I just like how blogging and social networks work.

  130. I joined the blogging challenge to learn new things and challenge myself. I hope that it will include many fun activities. And finally I hope that in ten weeks i will get new experiences!

  131. Hi my avatar looks nothing like me. I didn’t make it look like me because I don’t whant some one to trak me down. And also I couldn’t find anything that looks like. Cheers Ella

  132. this is of challenge #2
    Why did you join the blogging challenge:
    I join the blogging challenge because i wanted to learn new things of other countries and make new friends
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    i hope that some activities are interacting with other people
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope that more people visit my blog and put many good comments

  133. Hi ms. W I want to talk you about challenge #5 i visit 10 blogs 3 of Australia 5 of USA 2 of Canada and 1 of Colombia but i only live a coment in 2 the 1st one is 2017mmr.edublogs.org and in http://2017bvm.edublogs.org/ i think that where the most interesting

    have a nice day and visit my blog bye

  134. i join were to take risks for new challenges

    well like challenges thath can catch you imagination and many more

    learn much many more things

  135. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined the bloging challenge because I think it is a good way for me to get to know how to get to know how to get around my blog.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope some of the activities include gitting a flag counter and learning how to make an avatar.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    What i hope to get out of the challenge by the end of ten weeks is to beable to have lots of stuff on it.

  136. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined because my teacher assinged it to the class.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that some of them will inclued blogging with people from different places around the world.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to have a better and coller blog. I also hope that I will learn alot about blogging.

  137. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge because I think it is good way for people to look at my blog and for me to look at other peoples blogs.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    To find other blogs that have the same interests as mine and to learn how to make my blog better.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    More visits on my blog
    More posts and comments
    and ow to make my blog the best blog it could possibly be.

  138. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    It was an asigment
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    i hope an activity is to leave a comment on amother person’s blog
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    i hope to learn how to comunicate with other people by blogging

  139. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined the blogging challenge because it was required for my Applied Technology Class.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    Fashion, music, basketball, tennis, volleyball, food, and much more.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope to get a a lot more followers on my blog, and use it as my way to let people know a little more about me, then what they know I like to so from school.

  140. Why did you join the blogging challenge? I was forced to.
    What do you hope some of the activities include? Having fun.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? Learning how to blog better.

  141. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    To enhance my new found blogging skills.

    What do you hope some of the activities include.
    To be able to go on others blogs and comment.

    Finally, what do you hope to get Out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    How to create, use, and learn a blog.

  142. Hi Miss. Wyatt, these are the answers to the questions in challenge 1.

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I think it is a great way to meet new people but it also helpes me with my writing skills because I can express what I am feeling.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope some of the activities include going on others blogs and commenting on there posts because then I can read about others interests and that way they can come to my blog to read about my interests.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to meet new people and explore different ways to make my blog more intersesting for the people that come and read my blog.

    Thanks, Jared.

  143. Hey,
    Here, I will answer some questions…
    I joined so that I will become a better blogger and an awesome blogger!
    That we have to do 7 random facts again and to make a quiz about a super star that people have to answer.
    WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO GET OUT OF THE NEXT 10 WEEKS? I hope that I am mentioned a few times for my posts and pages and that i have people comment on my blog!

    Bub Bye

  144. I joined the challenge because i want to have fun and i thought this would be fun. I hope some of the activities include best picture post ( when you put up a picyure and write something ). By the end of ten weeks i want to be a pro at blogging.

  145. Hey Miss W, I commented on here before about the questions you asked, I have a blog avatar and I wrote a post about how to upload your avatar for a microsoft computer.

  146. I joined because my teacher told me too but this does seem kind of cool at the same time. I hope that some of the activities include blogging to other people and lots of just free fire writing where we can take it wherever we want to. Plus all the activites have to be fun other wise all this technology stuff in the class just becomes boring. I he to learn how to blog overall and I hope that everyone can gain tons of informant and become Internet smart.

  147. 1. I joined the blogging challenge because my teacher told me to.
    2. I hope that the activities in this challenge include learning how to use a blog and posting blogposts
    3. I hope I will become more confident after doing this challenge.

  148. I joined the student blogging challenge because my teacher made us.
    I hope some of the activities include book reviews because I love to hear about new good books.
    I hope to get a great experience out of this activity

  149. I joined blogging challenge, because i wanted to add more things to my blog, and let more people come visit my blog. Make it more interesting! I don’t care about which activities we do, at least we have more things do add to our blog! About 500 visitor’s!!! I really just want to have lots of people visit!

  150. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Well, only my teachers have visited my blog and left comments I hope at the end of this I will have approved 10 comments.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope we get a new friend through blogging.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope I will be a better blogger and have more people visit my blog.

  151. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    My teacher thought it was a great activity to be included in.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope to create awesome blogs. And be able to go on peoples pages and comment.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope i get to learn how to create cool blogs, improve my commenting skills, and learn some cool things about different subjects.

  152. I joined the blogging challenge because our teacher assigned the whole class to do so.

    I hope some of the activities involve posting and commenting on our blogs.

    I hope I learn more about how to blog nd using the computer better.

  153. ACTIVITY 4-
    Samantha…we both love cheerleading.
    Katrina…she talked about Math.
    Abbey…posted a fashion show picture.
    Vatrina…love the grafiti picture!
    Amber…we both like to read and swim.
    Teegan…uses same avatar site.
    Jarrod…both love walking on the beach.
    Lauren…love the song on her blog
    Isaih…loved the poem
    Riley…love the keyboard on her blog.

  154. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Well,it was the homework for the night but it’s pretty fun!+_+
    What did you hope some of the activities include?
    I really want to comment on peoples pages.
    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Just have some fun talking and getting to know everyone

  155. Hi
    why did you join the challenge.
    ijoined the challenge because i thought it would be fun.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope the activities involve lots of fun but educational stuff.
    what do you hope to get out of this challenge .
    I hope i learn lots of new stuff about blogging.

  156. My teacher made me.
    I would like to share my acheviements with others.
    I hope to know more about others.

  157. I ultimately decided to join because I get extra credit for it. But now that I’m here, It looks like fun!
    I wanna start writing this blog to be able to talk about what I want to talk about and see others opinions on things.
    I hope to become a better blogger and make a habit of it!

  158. Why did you join the student blogging challenge?
    Mrs. Wilson made me.
    What do hope some of the activites include?
    I hope the challenges include lots of fun with real work in them.
    What do you hope to get out of the challenge?
    I hope that people will learn more about me and I can learn more about other people.

  159. This is my first doing the student blogging challenge so I dont know what to expec. I am doing the student blogging challenge because my teacher is making me. I am looking foward to having a good time with the student blogging challenge.

  160. Hi,

    I am trying to complete activity 2 so here are my answers.

    1. Why did you join the blogging challenge? – I joined the blogging challenge because it was a non compulsury school activity and my days are a lot less busy than they used to be now that netball is over.
    2. What do you hope some of the activities include? -I hope they include making avatars, writing posts and writing comments.
    3. Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? – I hope to be a better blogger at the ene of these 10 weeks and I would also like to learn some new skills to interest me and my viewers.

    There are my answers!

  161. I joined because my teacher (Mr.Ferreirae)told me that this web site was a great web site . I hope it includes making a avatar . I hope to get friends from the other side of the world .

  162. I enjoy THE Blogging Challenge because it is interesting.I hope some of the activities include some of my favorite topics.I hope that I learn to be a better writer.

  163. 1) I joined this Student Blogging Challenge because my teacher made us do it as a class, but I want to find different and interesting challenges for this session .

    2) Well since this is my first day blogging I want to learn about all of the things I could do on my blog to make it better .

    3) I hope I get views on my blog for this session .

  164. 1.I joined the Student Blogging Challenge so i can learn about other things ( like music and sports).
    2. I hope we learn about music and sports and other things AROUND the world.
    3.I hope we get the word out and that we have the latest things

  165. I joined it because my class was doing it.
    I hope i learn how to make my own website.
    I Hope to be a more confident blogger.

  166. We joined as a class, I hope we learn about art, fashion, and music. I want to learn how to make music, and i want to learn how to do animation. Also i want to learn more about fashion and learn how to make my own design.

  167. I joined the blogging challenge because i have heard a lot of cool things about it from last year. I hope one of the activities will include us posting one of our family vacations we have been on. I hope to learn all of the features and to be a pro blogger.

  168. Hello Miss W,
    I joined the Student Blogging Challenge because my teacher thought it is a great way to become a better blooger/writer…I agree.

    I hope this yrs challenges have a variety of activties so they will enhance my blog and interest a wider variety of readers.

    I hope that, by participating in this challenge, I will learn more functions for blogging, and improve my writing tecnique.



  169. Hello Mrs.W

    I joined the challange because I wanted to become a more expernised and better bloger.

    Some of the challanges I would hope to learn how to become a better bloger, to write better, and write posts.

    I hope that i can be a better and have a large flag counter at the end.


  170. I joined the blogging challenge because i herd great things about it and wanted to try it myself.
    I hope some of the challenges incloude sports activites.
    I hope to become a better writer when i finish the challenge

  171. Hello Mrs.W !

    Last year my teacher, Mr.P made us join and he did agin this year but I am so much more excited then I was last year ! I cant wait !!

    I hope the activities include lots of oppurtunities to interact with people my age all over the world.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks
    I hope I get lots of new writing skills and techniques.

    Thanks so much !


  172. Hey Miss. W,

    I joined the blogging challenge because I wanted to become a better blogger.

    Some of the challanges that I hope to learn how to write better posts and reply with better comments.

    I the next ten weeks I think that I will have completed all of the challanges and have a very large flag counter.

    this is my blog:


  173. I joined the blogging challenge so I could become a better blogger and people to notify my passion for writing- also to maybe be short listed for a blogger award at the end of the challenge.
    I hope some activities include writing about different countries and cultures.
    Like I said I hope I become a better blogger and of had fun doing it.

  174. Hi Mrs. W
    ~Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I wanted to do the blogging challenge because I enjoyed it last year.
    ~What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope some of the activities include getting to know other people through blogging.
    ~Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to improve my writing skills.
    Thank you

  175. I joined the blogging challenge because i have heard lots of awesome comments from people who did it last year. i hope some of the activities will include spoorting challanges. i hope to be a more experinced blogger and learn all the features.

  176. Hello Ms.W

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined this blogging challenge because i wanted to become a better blogger.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    Making an Avatar!
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I want to learn how to use my blog properly.


  177. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    to have a blog-of-fun!!
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    updating games to the blogs
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    being a popular blogger!!!

  178. Hello Mrs. W,
    Thank you for putting together these challenges.

    Our class is brand new to blogging so we joined to make sure we are getting the most out of our blog and to connect with other classes.

    We are hoping to learn all of the basics, as well as, how to make our posts interesting and how to include images and video in them.

    At the end of the 10 weeks we are hoping to have an interesting blog and lots of connections with other classes and students around the world.

    Miss deVries (on behalf of the Grade 5 Delvers)

  179. Hi.
    I joined the student blogging challenge because I wanted to lean more about blogging because it is only my first year.

    I hope some of them include writing about the best thing that happened to us that week and writing a post on why we like blogging.

    I hope to learn a lot more about blogging and how to do things that I didn’t know how to do earlier.

    Those are the answers to your questions.
    Thank you.
    P.S. I can’t wait until the next challenge.

  180. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
 To learn new things for my blog because I just created one this year and I wanted to know how to put fun things on my blog like widgets and plugins.

    What do you hope some of the activities include? I hope some of the activities include things like putting a video on a post (from youtube), creating a prezi/slide/photopeach on a post on my blog, writing a post about an interesting topic that you tell us to write about.

Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? I hope to have learnt to create new widgets and posts to put on my blog and I hope to have more people visit and comment on my blog.

  181. Hello,

    I’m really excited to be involved in my first blogging challenge with my class.

    Here are the answers to your questions
    Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the challenge for a few reasons. Firstly, to learn more about blogging so that our class blog can be as exciting and interesting as possible. Also, to increase mine and my class’ ICT skills and to make connections with classes around the world.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope some of the activities include collaborative projects with other schools and classes. Also, activities which teach me how to add slideshows, videos, new widgets etc to the class blog. Perhaps also how to involve parents for a sustained period of time (and not just when we have our blog challenge month)

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I would like to have made new connections with classes and to have new features on the class blog (new skills).

    On a completely different note, I have started the challenge with my class and we all made avatars in buildyourwildself. We’ve cropped them but I can’t work out how to load student ones to the blog. Mine is fine but I can’t add users to my global2 blog as any email address I use is not accepted. Doe I need to upgrade my global2 membership? Hoping you can help solve this problem as my class is very keen to get their avatars to appear next to their comments.

    Miss C & 3/4C

  182. Hi Mrs W

    I am answering you questions for the student blogging challenge!!
    Why did you join the student blogging challenge? I joined the student blogging challenge because my teachers said it was a great oppourtunity and it helps you with your blogging skills.
    What do you hope some activites include? Well I hope some activites include Writing posts, visiting other peoples blogs and getting taught how to get some awesome things on your blog.
    What do you hope to get out of the challenge? I hope to be a more confident blogger and know how to make friends from different countries by blogging and commenting.


  183. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I joined the blogging challenge for a good grade in school. i hope some of the actives include getting on other peoples pages and commenting. i hope to get a few new friends and some knowlage.

  184. I join because I like blogging and it’s fun.

    I really hope some of the activities include anything from coming up with new ideas or just learning new things.

    After ten weeks I hope to come up with a new invention or idea.I hope to learn how to make blogging easier.


  185. Hi, I enjoyed the blog challenger because our class has started to make our own blogs. it has be fun. I also liked the challengers because i could see what other people think and like about it and i can not wait to have some more fun. i would love to keep seeing new peoples things cant wait to come back.

  186. Hi.

    I joined the Student Blogging Challenge because our science teacher made us make one.

    I hope that some of the activities include some cool stuff to see and to learn from it.

    And finally, I hope that I get some information out of it and that it will be fun.

  187. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined to help improve my skills for blogging.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Activities to do with commenting.
    What do you hope to get out of the blogging challenge over the next ten weeks?
    To become a better blogger and writer.

  188. I joined because I thought it might help me improve my blogging skills. I thought I might find new friends too. I hope there are fun challenging activities to do during the process.
    Zainab 🙂

  189. I hope this will be a awesome journey in this Kids Blogging Compitition! I hope through this journey my blog will be famous and people will have the urge to read it! I would like to see photography activities!

  190. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    It looked like a new experience for me and I wanted to try it out.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I would like to gain expertise in blogging and the internet, (blogger)
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I would enjoy some Photography activities.

  191. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    So I could improve on my writing level and because I like a challenge:)

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Stuff about sports and maybe superhero’s

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    My writing level improve by a stanine or two

  192. This blogging challenge is cool because you have to test yourself if you are up to this challenge to compete against, others. It is also cool because you get to meet other people in other countries.

  193. Hey,
    I joined because my teacher made us for class this year. I hope to see some really cool things like posting on other blogs and stuff like that. Lastly I hope to learn new and exciting things about science or really any subject!

  194. I joined the blogging challenge because I wanted to improve my typing, my grammar and my writing. I also wanted to tell everybody what I have been up to. I hope some of the activities will include scavenger hunts around the internet.

  195. I joined the student blogging challenge to not only get comments from people in my country but from other to see what they think about my writing, getting more criticism i don’t mind, I’m looking forward to it. I hope there are picture challenges. And I hope that I am a much better writer by the end of the 10 weeks.

  196. I joined the blogging challenge, to help me improve my writing and meet other people and students in the world. (in the blogging world)

    I hope to get lots of comments on my blogs 😀

  197. Why did you join the student blogging challenge?

    I joined because it was required in my science class.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope we get to make cool widgets.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I want to have learned about many different cultures and people.

  198. My sceince teacher assinged it to the whole class.
    I hope to do lots of fun blogging notes.
    I want to have fun and even for me to be able to teach a class about the stuff we learned.

  199. Why did I join the blogging challenge?

    I joined because I wanted to be challenged into making a cool blog. I also joined because it is a project for school.

    What do I hope some of the blogging challenge activities include?

    I hope some of the activities include learning how to post videos and comments, learning the rules of blogging ( Since I’m not over 18 ), Also learning how to blog with people around the world.

    What do I hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope to learn how to be a safe blogger. I also hope to have the highest understanding of blogging too. This will be great practice for blogging later on!

  200. Why did I join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge because my teacher said we had to.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I have never done the blogging challenge so I don’t know.
    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten nine weeks?
    I hope to have fun and want to do it again.

  201. Hi Miss W!
    Today the first day my class got online! After setting up accounts and gaining access, we have started to fill-in our About page. Feel free to drop by and welcome the students to challenge. Only one of my students are returning from last year, so there is much enthusiasm for the adventure of blogging.

    While I’m here, I’ll answer the questions as well: I joined the challenge because it offers structure and support to the experience of blogging. I hope that activities this year include the incorporation of images and perhaps videos into the blog. I hope to get a better understanding of how to interact with others, such as using trackbacks/pingbacks.

  202. My science teacher gave my class this challenge.I want some of the activities to have alot of info about blogging.I hope this makes ms better on the computer.

  203. I joined the Student Blogging Challenge as an assignment in Science class. I hope to see activities where we get to interact with people from everywhere. I love meeting new people! I hope to just get some more technical knowledge from this challenge.

    1. Grace,
      Spam is often a comment left on a post that has nothing to do with the post. The person who sends the spam often doesn’t use your name or their name in the comment. They also often have at least one link that will take you to a site where they are selling something like shoes or handbags.

  204. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    My teacher said that we were doing the blogging challenge as a class.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that one of these challenges will include writing a short-story.Because i like to write short stories.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I want to learn how i can continue to post interesting items on my blog.

    Here’s my blog! \/

  205. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    *Well we didn’t really have a choice if we wanted to make a blog or not, but this is my first blog i have ever made and i enjoy it so far!

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    *well since this is my first blog i really want to learn about all of the things i could do on my blog to improve it.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    *I hope to learn new things from other people in other countries on there blogs and hopefully get new skills that will help me when i get older.


  206. Hi Ms W

    We joined the Blog Challenge to put our blog out there to different people and classes and to be able to see what different classes and students are up to around the world.

    We hope some of the activities include new ideas for things we can post about using a variety of media.

    By the end of the challenge we hope to have a greater understanding of the world of blogging – how to write great posts and great comments.

  207. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge mostly because it is a project in my class, but i also joined because I think it will teach me important things about blogging. Plus, it will be really fun!
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope the activities include making your blog interesting and fun to read.
    What do you hope to get out of the blogging challenge over the next ten weeks?
    I hope I learn how to properly make an awesome blog!

  208. activity # 2
    I joined this blog because my teacher said we need to.

    i hope to have something like a pen pal.

    i hope to learn how to write interesting post and comment

  209. I joined this website because my awesome science teacher said we have to for our class. But I think it is a pretty cool site and that we are going to have a lot of fun this year. So far this website has been fun having an account and all I think that we will all have a fun expierience and I hope to learn more about blogging and talking to people over the enternet.

  210. I joined the blogging challenge because my class and I are starting it as a project.

    I hope some include making cool posts and doing cool things to our blog.

    I hope to improve my computer skills/learn how to use a blog better

  211. I am doing this blog because my teacher made me and it seems kind of fun. ;]
    I hope that all of the challenges include a lot of technology.
    I hope to learn (by the end of the blogging challenge) more ways to work with technology.

  212. I joined the blog because Mrs. Wilson made the whole class join as a class project.
    I hope some of these activities include writing stories or saying hello to people.
    I hope to gain knowledge about blogging for when I am older.

  213. Pingback: Earth Science
  214. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the blogging challenge because my class has required me to as a grade. Also, I do believe that in doing this challenge, I will learn something.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    What I hope some of the activities include are being able to post blogs that I can be fun and creative with.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    What I hope to get out of the challenge would be to be a better and more creative writer/blogger.

  215. We joined the blogging challenge to learn more about what makes a quality blog. We especially want to learn how to insert pictures and videos in our posts. By the end of the ten weeks, we hope to have learned enough about blogging that we can each set up our own personal blog!

  216. We joined as class. I hope we go to other types of blogs to look at them and comment about it. My name is Amro I like basketball my favorite team is Lakers. My hobby is playing video games.

  217. I joined student blogging challenge because we all joined as a class.I hope many students will read our blogs,and I also hope we get to talk to different people and students all over the world.I hope we don’t have any problems with our information.Also that people won’t hate our blogs and posts.

  218. We are all in this blog because we all joined as a classroom as a class period.I hope some of the activites we do in this class is talk about our hobbies and what we like I also want to find out and get more expirienced blogger.

  219. I joined the student blogging challenge because i’m in a class that requires it.I hope to make a lot of videos do a lot of art projects and just mainly do stuff i like.I hope to get a better understanding on blogging and the internet.

    1. Lucy,
      You have two avatars on a blog. The first one is a blog avatar which you find in your dashboard under settings. The other avatar is a user or comment avatar and you find this under users on your dashboard. You will need to load both of them.

  220. Hi!
    Here are my answers:

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I have only just started blogging a few months ago, and I absolutely love it! My teachers said that if we have a blog, we should enter the blogging challenge so I did! I am trying to do all this in my spare time, and fortunately I have enough spare time to do these tasks!
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    DEFINITELY widjets. I have about 50 widjets on my blog, but I really want to let kids of younger ages to visit my blog so I’m hoping to not delete any!
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Hopefully, I have gained some more knowledge of blogging and I am determied to do it more often!

    Lucy M

  221. Hi Miss W,

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined the blogging challenge to have more experiences with blogging and I thought it would be really fun taking part in all the challenges! Also, as Sarah has mentioned above, my teacher said that alot of her students last year learnt alot about blogging. I also wanted to visit and read alot of other students blogs and see what they have been up to! I think the student blogging challenge will open me up even more to the world of blogging.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope some of the activities include writing posts, maybe creating new widgets and I hope that I have a better understanding of the world of blogging.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope that I learn alot after the 10 weeks of blogging and I also hope I meet some other student or even teacher bloggers like yourself. I also hope that I improve my blog and learn how to use it better and write quality posts.

    As Sarah as said, thanks for the challenge!

  222. Thanks for creating such a great blog. Where do we find out other students that are doing the blogging challenge?

    1. Dawso,
      Great user avatar, by the way. To find the other students, look in the header of the student blogging challenge blog. There is a title – Participants September 2011 – hover over that and you will find a link for students. Click on this and it should open up to a Google document with all 700+ students who have registered so far.

  223. Hi Miss W,
    Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the Sudent Blogging Challenge so that I could learn how to make my blog more interesting and new tips and tricks. I also wanted to gain visitors and skills in the blogging world! Also, my teacher said that the people last year learnt heaps about blogging!

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope that they include other people visiting our blogs and also that we can visit other blogs. I also hope that we get subjects that we can write about. I hope that we can do things that make our blogs look awesome but we get to learn along the way.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I pretty much hope that I have learnt how to do better posts and how to make my blog a better website. I also hope that I lean cool tips that I can teach to other people!
    Thanks Miss W, you have put lots of time and effort into this and thanks so much for creating it!

  224. Hi Miss W,
    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    The reason why i joined the student blogging challenge is because my teach said that the people in her class last year learnt alot about blogging. I thought that it would be interestin to try something new and lear about blogging. I saw how many people had signed up for it so I thought that whay should I miss out on all the fun so i signed up. I also needed to know alot about blogging to be a great blogger and not have borring post but people will want to leave comments and will come and visit my blog. I also want to know how i can get more people and comments on my blog. I also joined becauseThat is why I know that I joined.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope they are challenging an I learn alot about them. I also hope that they are fun and interesting. And that I do not know how to do them well it is the student blogging challenge. I also hope that it includes writing.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope I know how to improve my blog and how to write interesting posts and comments. I hope I have fun and have more knowledge on how to blog.
    Thankyou Miss W for the challenge
    Smiling sarah

  225. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I joined the blogging challenge because i want more people on my blog.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    i hope some of the activities are doing fun activities and stuff like that.

    what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    i hope to get 200 post or have 200 people on my blog.

  226. Why did you join the blogging challenge? So i can learn more about my blog

    What do you hope some of the activities include I hope it includes making avatars!

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the
    challenge by the end of the ten weeks? I would love to get more comets posted on my blog.

  227. I joined this challenge because my teacher made our class do it
    I hope some of these activities include some games
    I hope to be a better blogger

  228. I joined the student blogging challenge because I wanted to improve my blogging.
    I hope that one of the activities is how to make a animoto.
    At the end of the student blogging challenge I hope to have 150 comments,19 more posts and an animoto.

  229. Why did i join the blogging challenge?
    because i had to.




  230. I joined the challenge because it seemed like it would be fun and interesting. I also thought that might students would enjoy it. I really don’t have any ideas for activities that I would like to see at the moment, but I will keep you posted if I do. I hope to learn more about blogging, and build my communication skills. I would like to see the same for my students.

  231. Q.why di you jion the blogging challenge?
    A. I joined the bloggingchallenge b/cmy teacher asked us to b/c we will be usingthis sitea lot for school
    Q.What do you hope some of the activities include?
    A.I hope to do fun projects and fun things like that.
    Q.What do you hope to get out of the challenge during the end of the first ten weeks?
    A.I hope to get more skills and learn more about blogging

  232. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    For one my teacher told our class to, but I think it will be really fun.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I’m not really sure what to expect, because this is my first time doing blogging challenges.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Just to have had fun and maybe learn some things about blogging.

  233. Hi,

    Why I joined the blogg challenge because everyone in my class did as homework assigned by our teacher.

    What I hope to be in activities is challenge between two or more people.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope I’ve learned a lot and had a fun time doing it.

  234. I joined because my whole class is doing it.
    I hope it involves a lot of computer things, like programming.
    I hope to have had the time of my life! 🙂

  235. Why did I join the blogging challenge?

    I joined because I wanted to be challenged to make a cool blog. Plus, I haven’t ever done a blog before.

    What do I hope some of the activities include?

    I hope I’ll figure out how to put a video on my blog and figure out what is allowed since I’m not 18.
    I also want to have a chat with someone around the world.

    What do I hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I want to have more knowledge about blogging and be able to view another person’s blog whenever. I also want to make a personal blog, so this will be good practice.

  236. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    To keep track of my blog
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Fun,interesting,and new things
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Alot of viewers and good blogging skills

  237. Hello Mrs W,

    I am Going to answer you 3 questions you asked and here are my answers……

    Why did I join the student Blogging challenge?

    I joined because, I feel like I am not blogging enough so, I thought doing the student blogging challenge would help me become a better blogger.

    What do I hope the activities will include?

    Some big creative project but not to big. Also maybe some art or designing something.

    What do I hope to get out of the challenge by the end of ten weeks?

    I hope that I would have become a better blogger and proud to call myself one.

    Thank you,

  238. Hi Sue
    Thanks for mentoring so many of us through this process. Your expertise, advice and support is very appreciated. To complete Activity 2 answers to your questions follow…

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I’m a new blogger with a class of Year 1’s. I thought it would be a good way to expand my knowledge and increase my class’s expertise. I am also looking to connect with other blogging classes and student bloggers.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    Making avatars and embedding them into the blog has already been a highlight. It has been good to have links to blogs to be able to see what other student bloggers are doing (and to give us the opportunity to comment) Teegan did a magnificent post about avatars (Thanks Twitter for telling me about her post) and Max and Jack had such cool examples on their blogs to get us started.
    I’m keen to explore web 2.0 tools that I might not yet be aware of. I want to understand about the use of Creative Commons.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope to have learnt new techniques, about web 2.0 tools and discover new things that will help me be a better blogger and help me to improve the skills my Year 1 children are building as novice posters and commenters. I know I’ll look back and think – WOW – I’ve learnt so much.

    Thanks again Sue and Sue for all your work as coordinators.

    Jackie Nelson

  239. Hi Mrs W and other students,

    Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    Well my teacher (Mrs Thomas) told my class that anyone with a blog should join the student blogging challange, so I did and I am glad I did.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I hope some of the activites involve doing something creative, different and unexpected.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    I hope to get more noledge and more visiters to my

    By Chloe;)

  240. Well I joined because my ict coordinator said I might want to. I hope some of the challenges will include some type of way to get to know someone better! I hope to have my blog looking interesting!


  241. Why did you join the Blogging Challenge?
    I joined the Blogging Challenge because I wanted to challenge myself and I also wanted to learn new things.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope some of the activities include making things on the internet because I find it really fun.
    What to you hope to get out of the challenge?
    I hope to get new skills out of this challenge and knowing how to use more things on the internet.

  242. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    I joined the Blogging Challenge because my teacher told me about it and I thought it looked like fun.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Web 2.0 tools because i love making things for my Blog on the internet and explaining them.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to get more visitors on my Blog and to know more blogging skills.

  243. Great job, new bloggers! I’m sure you will all learn lots about some very fun uses of technology, as well as putting to good use those English skills! Have fun, and best of luck with the challenge.

    All the best,
    Carla (a teacher and fairly new blogger as well 🙂

  244. @ Miss W,

    What a great way to start the challenge.

    I joined the blogging challenge to get more visitors to my blog from all over the world. I hope to learn more about widgets that I can use for my blog. I look forward to seeing what the next activity will be.

    Your new pal,

  245. HI Miss W,
    This is my answers to the questions!
    I joined the blogging challenge because I have done it wice before and enjoyed. The reason I signed up the first time was because my teacher said it would fun to do and she was correct. Why did you start up the challenge?
    I want to get more visitors to my blog, learn more about commenting html codes to create symbols and smileys. I also want to get ideas for posts.
    A challenge that I would hope to see is a story with no words challenge ( that one was fun) and maybe we could make one where one person writes as a comment their favourite website that has things to embed onto your blog and after you could try some of the ones you have never used before!
    Keep blogging
    Teegan 8)

    1. Teegan,
      Thanks for your reply and I started the challenge so my students could get out into the big, wide world through their blogs. In that first challenge we had students fromPortugal, Canada and USA. They had to learn how to translate the Portuguese which was interesting.

      Thanks for your idea of a comment about your favourite website that allows embedding. That would be good to put in the Digital Footprint activities.

  246. Activity 4
    My Avatar looks nothing like me it is cool but I think that a avatar should look cool not like me or other people that are making avatars. So in addition to the question my avatar is nothing like me.
    Thanks Amber

  247. Hi,
    I am answering the questions from activity 2.

    1. I joined the blogging challenge because our teacher said we had to and it was for school.

    2.Going through the blogging challenge I hope to learn new things.

    3. I hope to have learnt new skills over the next 10 weeks.


    I joined the blogging challenge because my whole class have blogs so my teacher made it an activity in ‘Reading Groups’ (Other Words We Had To).

    I only got my blog a couple of months ago and I have never done a challenge but I hope it includes things I haven’t done to my blog, inserting things from the internet like Page Plugins and Physics Games.

    I hope that I will get more comments and regular visitors. I will be able to look at other peoples’ blogs around the world and A better blog!

    Checkout my blog at http://meggsiesarah.edublogs.org

  249. Why did I join up for the student blogging challenge?
    Well my teacher told me about it and said that I might be good at it and also enjoy it and i thought it would be fun.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Web 2.0 tools, because I like to make things on the internet and I find them fun to use.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to make my blog more popular,and to also improve my blogging skills

  250. Q: Why did I join up for the student blogging challenge?
    I joined up because it sounded fun and it will help me improve my blog and make it more enjoyable.

    Q:What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Things like Toondoo and GoAnimate because they are relly fun.

    Q:What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Better skils in writing and editing.

  251. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    Becouse my dad told me about and it sounded fun.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    I hope some of them include sports.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I want to meet new people and learn new stuff.

  252. Why did you join the blogging challenge?
    becuse my dad told me he thought I would like it and I did.
    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    geting to add videos to our blog.
    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    Get to make new friends.

  253. Hey there,

    I joined this challenge because it is an excellent way to find new, interesting blogs from people all over the world; and for other people to find my blog.
    I hope that this challenge will include activities related to design and usability. I am extremely interested in user-interfacing.
    Through this challenge, I hope to improve my blog formatting, the presentation of my posts, increase the number of viewers of my blog, and of course to improve my blogging skills in general.


  254. Why did I join up for the student blogging challenge?
    To add some more education to my blogging skills, and to make it easier for me to have something to post about. And also to have a challenge!

    What do you hope some of the activities include?
    Web 2.0 tools, because I like to make things on the internet.

    What do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?
    I hope to make my blog more popular, and to also improve my skills so I can keep blogging in secondary school.


  255. Why did you join the blogging challenge?

    I wanted to keep track with my blog.

    What do you hope some of the activities include?

    I don’t know. I’ve never done a challenge before. This is my first blog.

    Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks?

    200 visiters.
    To have more posts on my blog.
    To have comments. To know what blogs I like to go to where I can make comments.


    1. Thanks for answering Ethan,
      To get those visitors, you will need to visit other blogs and leave comments. Do you have a visitor map or flag counter on your blog?

      1. To Miss W,
        Thank you for writing back. I visited some other blogs. I’ll keep doing that. I do have a clustr map.

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