Visitors to New York are sometimes overwhelmed by it all ...
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon via Compfight

You have been blogging now for at least five weeks.

Have you been getting many visitors?

Have you been receiving many comments?

If your answer is no, then what are you going to do about it?

How can you attract readers to your blog?

When I first began blogging back on January 18, 2008 I was expecting hundreds of comments on my blog posts. They were interesting and describing my journey in teaching using a Smartboard and technology in my classroom. Then I wrote a post less than a week later asking why nobody is commenting on my blog.

I didn’t realise I would have to spend time working out ways for people to find my blog first and then to leave a comment. By the way, I had 16 people leave comments on that post, mainly due to the fact that Sue Waters from Edublogs had tweeted out about my post.

So what hints did my readers leave me ?

  1. Start using twitter – need to be at least 13 years old – maybe you could have a class twitter account
  2. In your posts, add links especially to other bloggers posts that you have found interesting – shows you are reading other blogs
  3. Write for yourself, and put your heart into it – write posts that have nothing to do with school but are about your passions
  4. Have a really interesting about me profile page so your readers can see what your passions are and comment on them
  5. Write posts that give guidelines or how to’s – how to do something in minecraft especially helpful for newbies, create video about how to add a certain widget
  6. Read and share on other blogs – visit lots of other blogs, leave a quality comment including the URL of your blog – they will often come and visit if your comment is interesting
  7. Treat every post as a conversation – reply to every person who leaves a comment

Activity 1: Write a post explaining what you are going to do to attract readers to your blog

Activity 2: Write a post about one of your passions – maybe a hobby, sport, animal, music etc Remember though to write in your own words and not copy/paste from another website.  If you use information from a website, include a link to it in your post. If you include an image, add the attribution as well.

Activity 3: Visit at least 5 blogs from other students or classes but not from your school. Add to the conversation in the comment area of a post. Maybe check out our Flipboard magazine to find some more blogs to read.

Activity 4: Write an interesting how to post – create an origami, make a screencast, create a movie on an ipad, use a certain web tool

Activity 5: Add at least 5 new bloggers to your blogroll or links on your sidebar. Have to be from other countries not your own. Create a link category for overseas bloggers.

Activity 6: Check through all your comments and reply to your readers. If they have asked you to visit their blog, go there and check out a post or two, leave a comment as well.

Activity 7: Many of you have mentors for the blogging challenge. Make sure you have read their comments and continued the conversation with them. If you have not yet had any comments, leave a comment here on the challenge blog, mention one of your great posts you think I should read and comment on – remember to include URL of your blog.


As many schools have just had Spring break and many are having a holiday over Easter, there will be no set challenges next week.

Instead, keep visiting other blogs. There have been some great story starters and poetry written for week 4 challenge.

Catch up with any challenges you might have missed due to testing and holidays.

Read the flipboard magazine, find out if any of your posts are in there. Visit other posts from there, you think might be interesting.

Read comments left on my challenge posts for each week. Visit some of the bloggers who have left links in their comments. Add to some of the comments left on the challenge posts.

Finally enjoy your break and come back to the challenge all refreshed and ready to add to more conversations.


46 thoughts on “Week 6: My visitors

  1. Hello Miss W.,

    I have changed my name to Ms. Mara, which I explain why on my newly updated About Me page. I have also started a Twitter account: @HmSchlTowers. Yay! Although, I am still a little Twitter shy.

    Lately, we have been experimenting with Powtoon, a cool way to make animated videos. I made an assignment video for this challenge. Here is the link: Visitors, if you would like to check it out.


  2. Hello Miss W.

    My idea for my blog is to make it fun and interesting, something I would want to read. It has been a lot of hard work, but I think I am doing a good job considering I have only been blogging for a couple of months.

    I updated my All About Me page. Also, I made a promo video for my blog: My Kool Promo Video.

    Hope you like it!
    Kat 😎

  3. Dear Mrs.W,
    I think my post should be in the Flipboard Magazine because I think everyone would be interested about this and would have the own opionions about it 🙂 I think that would be cool. And it would make me really happy 🙂 thanks.

  4. Dear Mrs. W,
    I think you should put my post on the flipboard magazine because i think a lot of people will be interested about what i wrote about. 🙂 It would also make me very happy to be on the flipboard magazine.

  5. Dear Mrs. W,
    I would really appreciate if you would put on of my posts on the flip board magazine because I really want people to know what my school is like. So other people can compare my school to there school. Thankyou. 😉

  6. Hi Bloggers!
    Would anyone like to be featured on my blogroll? I need 4 more blogs to feature!

  7. Hi,

    I’ve also been getting quite some visitors but not a lot of comments. Here is my blog.

  8. This seems like a great challenge. I chose challenge 6 and I replied to your comment so now I’m commenting on your blog. My blog is on the friendsofthefifthdimension website under Joseph. Thanks!

    1. Hi Angel,
      Remember when you leave a comment you need to include the URL of your blog, otherwise I won’t know where to go to leave a comment.

  9. Hello Mrs.W,
    Thank you so much for writing this post, it’s exactly what I needed. I have been having a little trouble getting lots of visitors. Other kids in my class have about 100 visitors and I don’t have that many. Our sixth grade class made our blogs around Christmas time. Having a blog is so much fun! It’s like getting to have your own little world where you can talk to new people and it’s safe. The 7 tips you posted I think will help me a lot. I can’t do the first one, because I’m not 13.
    In my post I’m going to start adding even more links than I already do. I’m also going to put more feeling and passion into my post and comments. I already have an all about me page, but I am going to try to put even more information on the page. One thing I haven’t done is make how to do’s, and I’m going to start now. And last I will share my URL and comment back to everyone. Well thank you for the tips and I am sure they will help me. Did all these tips help you a lot? Did they help you instantly or did they take a while?

    My URL is

  10. Hi Mrs. W.,
    I only recently got my blog, so I haven’t had too many visitors, but I’ve done pretty well in the 4 months I’ve had a blog. Some older blogs like this one have visitors into the thousands, but 58 is pretty good for a fresh blog. I’ve been tagging my posts and adding my URL to my comments, and I got a visitor from halfway around the world. Speaking of which, would you like to visit my blog at If you do, I’ll see you there!

  11. Hi Mrs.W,
    Thanks for the post about all the tips it was very interesting. Now I know how to attract more and more people to my blog. The tips really helped me feel more confident in myself. To make my posts come alive to get the reader to keep on reading and wanting more. I have not made a video yet ,but my English teacher is going to teach me how. Here is my blog address if you ever want to visit my blog sometime.

  12. Sup,
    I to was expecting many visitors on my blog, but this advice has made figure
    out what I was doing wrong. Thanks for the advice!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  13. Hello Mrs.W
    I thought practically the same thing when I started blogging. in my head, I imagined that I would get a TON of visitors but in reality, it is a lot harder than expected. I tried to write a post every 2 days but with school work and activities, that made it a little hard. If you can’t use social media, using internet games is a good way to spread the word about your blog or tell your family members about it. This was a awesome post with tips and tricks to get visitors to your blog ( which everyone wants ). Thank you for the post. It will definitely help me get more visitors. my URL is

  14. Hello, Mrs. W!
    My name is Shawn, and I am from Mrs. Donofrio’s blog, Hey Kids! I am in the sixth grade, and really liked the tips you gave us about how to get Visitors on our blogs. Come, and check out my blog Thanks for the tips, and if you remember who was your first comment from?

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