From Darkness to Light - please read
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Evan Leeson via Compfight

Well, this is our second last week in the March challenge for 2014. Over the last 8 weeks, you have learnt a lot about blogging if you have done most of the activities and checked out the links included in my posts.

It is now your time to do your best and show your teachers and myself what a great blog post looks like.

The one and only activity for this week:

Write a post on one of the following topics

  • What makes a great family
  • A global issue you would like to help solve
  • My future
  • Visiting overseas

Having read many of your posts, I came up with the following essentials in a great post.

  1. catchy title
  2. includes at least one visual whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like padlet or glogster
  3. interesting topic with the passion of the author coming through
  4. well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else
  5. shows it has been proofread and spellchecked
  6. written in paragraphs – at least three of them
  7. includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these

When you have finished your post, please come back here to the blogging challenge and leave a comment on this post. Mention which topic you wrote about and leave a link to your post. Those posts covering the seven things mentioned above will be added to the flipboard magazine.

Still more time left this week:

Visit other student and class blogs.

Read posts and leave comments.

Decide on a student blog and/or class blog you would like to nominate for the Edublogs Awards in November/December this year. You will get a chance next week to write a post about the blog you have chosen. HINT: Can’t be your own blog nor one from another student in your class.

58 thoughts on “Week 9: Doing my best

  1. Hello Miss W.,

    Ghost just finished his post on family. Sometimes you are not always sure exactly how your children feel, so it was interesting for me to read. He did good job, and he even got a little creative with the picture he added.

    Here is the link: Making it Great: Family

  2. Hi Miss W,
    For this weeks blogging challenge I chose to write about the topic “My Future”. I also tried to include many of the “essentials in a great post” that you mentioned. This week definitely got me thinking, I hope you have time to check my post out, and tell me what you think about it!

    -Audrianna 🙂

  3. In my opinion, I think this post should be in the flip book magazine. I think my post should be in the flip book magazine, because I have put alot of effort into this post. Not just only this post, but ALL my posts! I express my feelings in all my posts, and I am not afraid of what people might think of me. I love to put alot of thought in my posts, because if I didn’t, what is the point of posting that post? I hope you have the chance to read my post, and consider putting it into the flip book magazine. Thankyou so much for reading this comment, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. Dear Miss W,
    I chose a leap in the future for my blog. I wrote about how when I grew up how my career changes. I also wrote steps in time from being a soccer player to a soccer coach. I wrote the footsteps of my life tragedys as a soccer player and the tragedys of everything and everyone around me. I think this weeks challenge was fun and very cool to do. Here is the link to my blog into-the-future-my-career-professional-soccer-player/.org

  5. Hi Mrs W,

    I have placed my students posts all on the one page. There is at least one post on each topic and the presentation rangers from a pdf to a powerpoint.

    🙂 Miss Smith

  6. Hello,
    I completed this weeks challenge and I think I included all of the dot points! I really liked this challenge because you gave us a few little things to write about and we could choose which one we wanted to do.
    Here is a link to my blog

    Please tell me if it didn’t work!
    Tess 🙂

  7. Dear Miss.W

    I wrote a post about a global issue that I want to solve.I think it is a relevant and it is in my best quality.
    Here is a link to my blog post,hope you like it!

    From Brendan

  8. Hi Miss. W! I made sure to look at the list of things to make a good post and believe it helped me create a really personal and informational post about my future! I hope you check it out!

  9. Hello Miss W.,

    For this challenge, my children and I chose to write about what makes a great family. Kat has finished hers, but Ghost hasn’t finished his yet. He is still a little behind on his other posts, finding it hard to make time to get his blogging done with all of the other things he has to do. (Maybe he will be able to get caught up next week.)

    For our class post, I added a Padlet wall where anyone can add their post or thought about family to it. I have already added the posts written by those who have left comments on this page. Hopefully, I haven’t missed any.

    Also, I am working on how to make a catchy title. I think my daughter may be better at this than I am, but I’m giving it my best shot. 😯

    ☆ Add your post or thoughts about family to our Padlet wall Where Family Love Reigns.

    What do you think? Catchy title? 😆

    Ms. Mara

  10. Hello Ms. W,
    I took your advice and posted my work on the home page as well as the separate page. You can view my posts at the following links:

  11. Dear Mrs.W,
    I wrote a great blog this week. Can you goo check it out. I dont have any visitors or comments. It has been lonely at blog. Can you go and check it out, please?

  12. Dear Mrs W.
    I am currently doing the student blogging challenge and this is for homework. For week 9, can you look at it and tell me if it’s long enough that you think my teacher would like? Thank you. Please comment on the post to tell me if it is long enough. Here is the link:

    1. Sorry, I can’t make the link show up so you are going to have to copy and paste it. Here’s the link:

  13. Hello Miss W.

    I finished my post about family. I wasn’t sure what kind of links to add since I wrote my own thoughts about what I think makes a great family. I did add a photo and a catchy title. Here is the link: The Famstyle Way.

    Hope you like it!
    Kat 😎

  14. Dear Mrs. W,
    I love writing and my father is a writer, and I think it would be great if week 9 of the Student Blogging challenge could be about creative writing! A topic could be as simple as what would be your dream summer vacation, to as creative as what would you do if you were your pet. My blog is and I would love it if I win the SBC (Student Blogging Challenge) because I have quite a few great stories on it.
    Thank you,
    – Caiya

    1. I just saw your comment about my future in 10 steps. Thank you for visiting! I was seeing the magazine too, and it surely has led me to many other awesome blogs.


  15. Thank you Miss W for the front page! I never expected it. A pleasing surprise. I have fixed the image sourcing on that post as you requested in the comments. Come back to my blog anytime and leave a comment! Thanks!

  16. Dear Miss. W,
    I have finished this weeks challenge, and really enjoyed. I think that next weeks challenges should be great! Check out my post Enjoy my post, and please leave a comment so I know you were there. Thanks!

  17. Dear Miss. W,

    I think the next weeks challenge should be something about summer because it’s coming up. Lots of schools have summer break soon. I think people could write like where they are going and what they look forward too. Like this week we would have to anwser questions, maybe there should be a google doc form.


    1. Dear Evan and Ms.W,

      I also think the next blogging challenge should be about Summer!

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