A Picture Says A Thousand Words

Duncan Hull via Compfight


A post looks a lot more interesting if you have included an image, as long as it relates to the topic you are writing about.

But where can you get these images?

I’ll Google it


Not every image on the web can be used in your blog. You need to find ones that have a creative commons license and then you need to give attribution to the owner of that image somewhere on your post.

What’s attribution?

A note to show that someone else took the photo and they have given you permission to use it.

But how can I know that?

Using the correct images, clip art, music and videos is a very necessary skill for both teachers and students. Sue Waters has written a brilliant post showing how to find images, how to give attribution and how to add them correctly to your blog posts.

Please read this post before doing the work this week.

If you want lots of other activities for using images correctly, check out our post from the March challenge. This includes a couple of videos you could use in class regarding images.


If you are using an Edublogs blog, you have a plugin called Compfight. Here is part of the teacher’s post that Sue Waters has written about using this on your blog.

To activate, go to dashboard> plugins> find compfight and click on activate> then go to settings and change to look like mine above – #4 is what I actually change.


Time now to get to the activities:

Many students mentioned in their About Me posts about their love of family and doing things with them like playing volleyball with cousins, or going camping during summer.  So the activities for this week will need an image included.

Activity 1: Write a post about a favourite time with your family.

Include an image with attribution. If using an actual image of your own family, you need permission from your parents and everyone shown in the image. Make sure you mention in the post that you have permission to use this and maybe that it is copyright to your family so no one else may use it without your family’s permission.

Activity 2: Write a post about a person who has passed away.

Maybe a family member who you have a picture of in your family archives. Or maybe a famous person from your town or country.

Activity 3. Have a relative write a post about their parents or grandparents

They could tell you about their parents/grandparents or you could interview them and ask questions. Find an image of something that was happening in the world during that person’s lifetime. Remember to give attribution.


  • Many of you are now starting to get visitors to your blog. They may come from your own country or maybe from overseas.
  • How do you keep a record of that?
  • You add widgets to your blog sidebar. Sue Waters from Edublogs has written a post including 42 widgets including ones mentioning visitors to your blog.

Activity 4. Add at least one new widget to your sidebar and write a post explaining why you chose that particular widget.

Activity 5. What have you learnt about using images on your blog? Write a post, create a poster or video explaining your understanding now.

Activity 6. Write a post in your native language using an image as a prompt. Make sure you have a translate widget on your blog for your visitors to use. Check out the Serbian students linked on this sidebar.

Still got more time?

  1. Visit other blogs either class or student – choose bloggers from other countries, maybe you will start getting some dots on your clustrmap or some flags on your widget.
  2. Look out for another special event post coming soon – lots of creativity for this one.
  3. Check out the magazine on the sidebar – are you featured in there yet?
  4. Also check out the One World Our World magazine – this is where I am flipping the Raise Your Voice posts

Visit these posts from previous weeks which can’t be flipped to our magazine:

Online vs real life – Rachel & Kelly, Walaa, Shay, Isabel, Brianna, Pailyn, Jessica,

Avatars – Miss Brunton’s class,

About me – Kaitlyn, Anthony, Hannah, Elijah, Kaylynn, Jaaron, Emilee, Logan, Cheyanne, Cade, Michael, Chase, Jason, Taylor, Mrs Powers, Autumn, Hailey, Kendall, Brieanna, Zoe, Isabel, Roque, Liam, Grace, Mary Ellen, Caitlyn, Liam,

Commenting guidelines – Lucy used Powtoon to create a video, Mrs McKelvey’s Bloggin’Frogs have created a video, Dinah used bitstrips for her guidelines,

Commenting post – Kataeya, Michael,

Check out the comments on this post: Faithful Leadership students,  Blog action day suggestions

Darcey included a video she created for her RaiseYourVoice post

Raise your voice posts: Mrs Black,  RoybelJoscey, Jared, Jesse,  Isabel, McKayla, Noah, ChloeKathryn, Daniel, Calvin, Dalton,  Larissa, Kaya,  Maddie, Daltin, Ty, Skylar, Nathanial, Alicia, TyW, Addie, Shane, Trae, Shaylee, Amber, Jayden, Kadi, Clove,

Miss W visiting your blogs

Starting next week, I will only be visiting blogs where students or classes have left the URL to the post in a comment with an explanation. If your teacher is moderating your posts, you will need to wait until it has been published before giving me your URL. Check out the difference between a blog URL and a post URL.

Blog URL: https://studentchallenge.edublogs.org

Post URL : https://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/2015/10/10/raise-your-voice/

99 thoughts on “Week 3: Using images

  1. The most interesting blog to me was “Nature”. I learned a lot from writing that post and it is one of the things that interests me most!

  2. This idea is great. A picture is worth a thousand words. Various pictures in detail show that you actually care about the project and that it lets people understand more what you’re doing or what you like do do. Great job! Come check out our educational bogs @cougarnewsblog.com

    1. G’day Melodious Harmony,
      A couple of ways to find blogs to read. First, in the post I write I often have links to other student or class blogs. Second, in the sidebar is a flipboard magazine you could read with student posts in it. THird up above the header is a list of the students taking part.

  3. HI Miss W,
    Some of my students have finished their posts on Week three: Images. I thought this was a great activity that students would flow into quickly. The students are still working on adding details to their posts. : ) I liked the Creative Common image search cite that you shared. I added it to my library website for easy access for the students to use. I know I enjoy reading your comments as do my studetns. I hope you can visit the published posts for both classes:



    Thank you.

  4. Hello Mrs W,
    I have finished my post for week three – sorry it is a bit late. I really enjoyed doing this because using images is fun. But I have a question how do you get the translate widget into your blog?
    -I think this is the way to do a post URL. Sorry if it isn’t.

    1. G’day Mr Helpern,
      It is also a great way to showcase half a dozen posts each week. But it also makes it easier for visitors to see a variety of posts from your students.

  5. Hello Miss W,

    We chose to do some of the activities from the March challenge, you can find them at: http://www.flags8.org/category/about-our-class/

    I chose to have my students do these activities instead so that they could practice using various sites with Creative Commons images, as well as adding the attribution to the caption. Next time I’ll show them how to clean up the attribution and hyperlink the URLs!

    -Mrs. Lepre

  6. Soaring Through The Pen

    Hello Ms.W! Finally, I know how to give credit to pictures I use! I completed my first challenge (the rest are soon to come). I decided to do Activity 2…but I added a twist to it. However, I’m still not sure if I was supposed to explain why I used the picture because my post clearly shows why. All in all, if you’re curious as to what I changed in the activity (It’s really creative) please check out my blog!

  7. Hi Miss W,

    Here are the last three activity post links that I have done for this week.
    This is for activity four about which widget I chose to add and why: http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/2015/10/22/sbc-34-new-widget/
    This post is for activity five on what I learned about using images: http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/2015/10/23/sbc-35-what-ive-learned-about-using-images/
    This is a link to the preview of activity six that I wrote about my home in my native language. Sorry, it’s still pending because I just submitted it. http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/?p=73&preview=true

    You have such great activity ideas and I can’t stop admiring your work! All of your activities are great and I can’t wait to start the activities for next week.


  8. Hi Miss W,

    This is the link to my first activity about my favorite time with my family: http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/2015/10/21/sbc-31-my-favorite-moment-with-my-family/
    This is for activity two about one of my passed away relatives: http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/2015/10/22/sbc-32-passed-away-relative/
    This is the link for activity three about one of my family members: http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/2015/10/23/sbc-33-about-my-mom/

    I have enjoyed how you explained how to properly insert other people’s images with credit included. So far, all the activity links in this comment are great!

    The other three links will be on another comment.


  9. Hi Miss Wyatt,
    Thanks for your guidance on adding images to our posts in this week’s challenge. We wrote posts defending a position, namely, which is the better pet, a cat or a dog? The fur was flying and so were the photos! We used the Compfight widget, and some students even uploaded photos of their own pets. Links to each student post can be found at http://huzzah.edublogs.org/2015/10/21/cats-dogs-or-cats-dogs/ .
    Many thanks,
    Jan Smith and the Huzzahnians

  10. Thanks, but I don’t understand what you mean by adding more images to my posts that related to the topic I am writing about.
    Can you make me understand by show me how to do it?

    1. Hi Hawa1 (sorry don’t know your name)
      When you write a post, add an image or picture to it. If you are writing about Lego things that you build, find an image using Lego blocks and put it in your post. Readers will often look at a picture to see what the post is about.

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