O, Let Me Ne'er Forget

Mike Trimble via Compfight

So we are one week away from the end of the challenge. Do you think you have improved your blogging skills since you began earlier this year?

Now is your chance to prove your skills

Activity 1

Write the very best post you can for your teachers and visitors to read.

Remember essentials for a great post:

  1. catchy title
  2. includes at least one visual (with attribution) whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like padlet or glogster
  3. interesting topic with the passion of the author coming through
  4. well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else
  5. shows it has been proofread and spellchecked
  6. written in paragraphs – at least three of them
  7. includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these
  8. ends with a question to lure your visitors into leaving a comment

Your choice of topics: only write about one of them

  • History
  • Inventions
  • Travel

When you have finished your post and your teacher has published it, then return here to leave a link to the post. We still have some students just leaving a link to their blog rather than the exact post.

Activity 2

Do you have a favourite blog (not from your class though) that you visit often?

Write a post about that blog and why you keep going back there. Remember to include links to a couple of posts they have written. Also leave a comment on their blog to say you have written a post about them.

Still got time left

Visit other blogs and leave quality comments.

Read the magazine and visit posts to leave comments on.

19 thoughts on “Week 9: Have I improved?

  1. Hi Mrs. W,
    I have done Activity 2 for SBC Week 9 about FLUFFYWHISKER’S CATS LIFE AND HOW TO LIVE A PURRFECT NINE LIVES. Here is a link to my post: The Blog I Visit Often</a7!

  2. Hello Miss W,

    I wanted to show u this blog that recently started to read very often! I love her blog so much so please check out Priscila’s blog!. Here is also a link to my blog! check out Ayane’s blog!.

    If there is a title that says “oops couldn’t find the page” then please scroll down, look on the side, and click on any title!


  3. Hi there Miss.W! I posted about The Golden Age of Islam: Inventions, regarding activity 1. Since many don’t know about the Golden Age or how Islam was involved, I decided to write about it. And I would really appreciate you check it out, thanks!

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