The next student and class blogging challenge starts on Sunday 1 October 2017.

Why do we need mentors in the blogging challenge?

When I first began the challenge back in 2008, there were only about 200 students taking part and I could visit each of them three times over the ten week period.

But in the last few challenges, there have been over 2000 students and there was no way I could visit them regularly. So in 2010 I started asking people in education to mentor a small group 20-30 students over the ten week period of October to December or March to May.

If you register to be a mentor, please keep checking back on this post as I will allocate the students to you and mention in your comment reply who you will be visiting.

Once students start registering this week, I will be allocating mentors immediately so please keep checking out the student participant’s page in the main header above to find out who you are mentoring.

Who can be a mentor?

classroom teacher or homeschool teacher
principal or senior staff or faculty members
trainee teachers
students who have taken part in at least two sets of previous challenges or been invited by the organizers
educational coaches or trainers
regular blogger about educational matters
authors of children’s books with their own website

What do you do if you are a mentor?

Visit your allocated student blogs at least three times throughout the challenge
Leave comments on posts written by the students
Continue conversations in the comments
Remind them about visiting the main blogging challenge page each week
Contact me by email or a comment if having concerns or problems (contact is on right sidebar)

So you have read the above and have decided you have the time to visit the student blogs, now it is time to register.

In a comment below, mention the following:

A short bio of yourself including some interests
Link to your own blog, especially a class blog or your personal blog – allows me to check validity as an educator
Age group you would like to mentor and how many students

101 thoughts on “Will you be a mentor for the October challenge?

  1. I am a homeschool teacher/ mom. My 13 year old just signed up for this awesome challenge and I want to do my part! Aside from homeschooling and volunteering at a homeschool co-op, I also work as an ABA therapist with children and as a case manager. I am currently pursuing my Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling so I am a student, too!

    I recently got rid of my blogs. I used to have a homeschool one and a work at home one. I deleted them both very recently. I still have the social media accounts tied to them that I can share and I can certainly set up a new blog. I can also share my social media pages so you can verify I am a real person.

    I’d like to do my daughter’s age group, 13, if possible (but I can do others if needed). 20-30 kids sounds good.

    1. Hi Christen,
      Thanks for offering to be a mentor in the challenge. I have lots of 13 year old students needing a mentor so I will give you some of them. Check in the student list above my header and scroll down to the 13 year old group. They are in a yellow colour and your name will be there as mentor. The students are from two grade 8 classes – I think they are on Whidbey Island in Washington USA.

  2. Hello.
    I’ve checked all of the students allocated to me and the last group added have not set up their blogs yet.

  3. Hello,

    I am Purviben K. Trivedfi-Ziemba.

    I have taught in public school & home school, hybrid class at technical college as well as have tutored students ranging from K- community college.

    At this time I am in-between teaching. I am taking GA online teaching class so I can teach virtually. I would like to mentor up to 5 K- 8th grade students.

    My blog is:

    Thank you.

    Purviben K. Trivedi-Ziemba
    Mom, teacher & Learner

    1. G’day Purviben,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 13 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 13 year age group and yours are in dull green.

  4. Hi Mrs. W,

    My name is Milani and i would be interested to be a mentor to kids ages 8-9. I would like at the most 3 students because I would like to comment on their blogs as much as I can. I have been participating in the student blog challenge for 2 years, and I was in Mr. Geiman’s class. And as you might know, his class participated in the student blog challenge. Here is the link to my blog:

    1. G’day Milani,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 10 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and yours are in bright blue. Two are from Mr Geiman’s class this year.

      PS Remember to change your about me page to update any information.

  5. I am Kate or Kathryn W. I am ten and I am interested in being a mentor. I have participated in the blog challenge for 2 years. I use to be in Mr. Geiman’s class. I may not be able to get on every day because of school, but I will try to be on at least 3 times a week. Here is my blog link

    1. Also I want to mentor kids from ages 7-11. Can I please mentor Mae Bashore? She is a friend of mine.

    2. Hi Kate,
      Thanks for offering to be a mentor. Would you like to look after the youngest students? I think there are 4 students aged 8/9. I just checked your blog and you had a great mentor last time with Merry Beau from Ireland, so you know what to do as a mentor.

  6. My name is Adam Geiman. I am an elementary instruction technology Coach for Eastern Lancaster County School District. For the past 3 years my classes have taken part of the Stident Blog Challenge and it has been wonderful! I have even grown as a writer myself. I would like to be a mentor for the fall challenge. Ages from 7-12 would be perfect for me. I am in a new position this year and learning a lot of new things.

    My class blog from last year is

    My current elementary tech blog is:

    1. G’day Adam,
      Thanks for offering again to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 12 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 12 year age group and yours are in bright orange. They are from the same class (bar one) and here is the link

  7. Greetings! I am Kumu Charity, Teacher Charity and have been a classroom teacher for almost 20 years. I now ‘teach teachers’ via coaching and sharing STEM PBL resources. Our offices are based on a University campus. And I enjoy visiting and keeping in touch with teachers in the classroom. I have taught K-12, mainly K-8 in a one room school setting. I am an enthusiastic wanna-be Blogger. I have a LOT to share. So I am thinking this might be a great way to Dive into Blogging.
    You can follow me on instagram: @hawaiieducationnetwork or @coco4milehigh or or Twitter @CharinCo and our website below

    1. G’day Kumu,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 13 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 13 year age group and yours are in bright blue.

    1. G’day Valerie,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. Would you like to look after the students 16+ at the moment? If more students join the challenge I could allocate some from the 14/15 year age group to you.

    2. G’day Valerie,
      Thanks for offering again to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 14 year olds to you. If you still want to check out the older students, feel free as they won’t be allocated actual mentors.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 14 year age group and yours are in dark green.

  8. Hello, I would love to become a mentor for this year’s challenge. I have my own page at edublog– I have posted a profile of my qualifications and experience both as an educator and coach. Please let me know as soon as possible if I am selected. I would love to have students, faculty and parents visit my site, especially male students with challenges particular to them in all facets of their academic life and growth as students. Best wishes, Stan Holland

    1. Hi Stan,
      Students won’t necessarily visit your blog. The idea is for you to visit their blogs and comment on their posts, try to continue conversations begun in their posts. Please get back to me if you still wish to mentor some students.

  9. Hello my name is Ms. Drasby.

    Please consider me as a Mentor.

    I’m a Middle School teaching assistant and facilitate Ed Tech workshops for a teacher’s center. In my Free Time I blog and assist in the Google Help Forums as a Top Contributor. I’m also an artist and love creating both visually and with words.

    I maintain several blogs of my own:

    My preference is for mentoring students from 4th to 6th Grade. Would like to start out with a very small group of students to mentor.

    1. G’day Ms Drasby (sorry can’t change the grumpy face unless you have your own Gravatar)

      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 10 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and yours are in bright orange. It is 4 students from Vietnam. Please get back to me if you would like more students.

  10. My name is Macee. I’m a senior in high school and I was appointed by a former English teacher to be a student mentor for this challenge. I blog casually, mostly poetry. Poetry is a passion for me. I’m also interested in topics such as psychology and sociology. I have a pretty outspoken personality…I’d feel more secure working with students of about 14-17 years of age.

    My blog from junior year of high school:

    My current blog:

    1. G’day Macee,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 14 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 14 year age group and yours are in bright yellow. They are from the one class and here is their class blog

  11. Hello 🙂 My name is Andrea & I teach seventh grade language arts in Ohio. I have been a mentor for the past few years and really enjoyed it! Our class blog is I love hiking, travel, animals, and baking. I am happy to mentor students of any age group.

    1. G’day Andrea,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 12 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 12 year age group and yours are in brown. Students from USA (not your class) and Vietnam. If more 12 year olds join the challenge I will add them to your group.

  12. My name is Teigan Galloway, and I am a high school English teacher in Marietta, Georgia. I also serve as the yearbook adviser for my school. I have kept a class blog for the last four years (, but this year we moved to Edmodo.

    I am currently pursuing my Specialists in Instructional Technology, and I would like to enroll my students in the blogging challenge either this semester or next.

      1. Okay, great! I will offer this opportunity to my students next week. Would it also be possible for me to serve as a mentor for other students? I would prefer middle or high school aged students if possible.

        1. Hi Teigan,
          Will be great to see them on the list. I will add you to the mentor group – at the moment we are covered but once more students start registering we might need you to help mentor.

      2. G’day Teigan,
        Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 13 year olds to you.

        To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 13 year age group and yours are in brownish colour. They are from the one class and here is their class blog

  13. A short bio of yourself including some interests:
    My name is Andrea Clark and I am a 5th grade teacher in Texas. I teach all subjects, but my favorites are writing and math. This is my 7th year teaching, and I have taught 2nd-5th grades. I am interested in teaching middle school math in the future. In my free time, I enjoy reading, running, cooking, traveling, and learning about edtech. I have lived in three countries outside of the United States, and am currently learning German and brushing up on my high school French.

    Link to your own blog, especially a class blog or your personal blog – allows me to check validity as an educator:
    I do have a class blog, but that is password-protected. My personal blog is:

    Age group you would like to mentor and how many students:
    I teach 10-11 year olds, so I am good mentoring anyone 10 years old and older. Since I have never done this before, I would like 3-5 students, unless you need more help, in which case I could probably mentor more.

    1. G’day Andrea,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 10 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and yours are in bright yellow. Two students from Australia and three from Vietnam.

  14. 1) A short bio of yourself including some interests

    My name is Angelica, I am currently a senior in college and a TA in a middle school. Training to be a mathematics teacher for grades 5-12, with special education certification. I’ve been tutoring students one-on-one, in small groups, and my own organized classes for over 7 years now. In my free time, I like to read, do photography, graphic design, teach swimming lessons, and I know American Sign Langauge!

    2) Link to your own blog

    I just started it, it’s about me writing my Honors Thesis this year. I plan to start an education blog in general after this semester. (definitely on edublogs!)

    3) Age group you would like to mentor and how many students

    I’d prefer middle school and high school students, but I love and have worked with all ages! I’d be happy to work with any age and as many students as you want to give me!

    1. G’day Angelica,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 13 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 13 year age group and yours are in red. Many of the students are from an international school in Senegal.

  15. Hello,
    I would be interested in participating as a mentor. I too am new to blogging but love it so far. I teach EL K-12 and want to offer technology options for my students as much as possible.
    My Blog is TESOLblogger

    1. G’day Denise,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 13 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 13 year age group and yours are in a green colour.

  16. Researcher in Digital Business Transformation, Mentor and Program Manager in IoT Thought Leadership, 10+ Years in progressive roles across Technology & Business Strategy Consulting, Currently working for Cisco, Parent to two kids – 11 and 7. My 11 year old is also planning to take up the challenge.

    1. Hi Hiten,
      Do you have a blog or articles in newspapers or magazines that I could check out? I have to be careful when allocating mentors to young students.

  17. I’m Melissa Hughes and I teach 6th grade in Chula Vista, CA, USA. I’ve participated in the Edublog Challenge for the last 5 years, and mentored one year. Reflecting back, I probably wasn’t as consistent giving feedback as I would have like to have been. So, I’d like to give it a second shot – hopefully with some student blogs that are keeping themselves regularly up-to-date. In my free time, I enjoy cookie decorating, getting outdoors, and traveling. My class blog is Mrs.Hughes 6th Grade Class ( I’d prefer to mentor between 10-15 students so I that I can give them constructive comments without me feeling rushed to just “get it done.” Another group of 6th graders (ages 10-12) or a grade younger would be great.

    1. G’day Melissa,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 12 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 12 year age group and yours are in a blue. As more students register, I will add more students to you.

  18. I am first and foremost a maths teacher, who by chance got involved with helping my colleagues with integrating technology into our classrooms, so these days I call myself the ICT coordinator. In the 12 years, I have been teaching I have gone from using nothing but chalk and a blackboard to teaching a full on 1-to-1 classroom.
    I have my own blog ( where I share ideas to help teachers incorporating technology in their classes. When I started butterflyclassrooms I just wanted to create a place to post information, but over the past 2 years, I have fallen completely in love with blogging.

    I would prefer to mentor high school learners if possible.

    1. G’day Renate,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 14 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 14 year age group and yours are in a purplish colour.

  19. Glad to be a mentor
    A short bio of yourself including some interests
    Ayeshat Addison. Teacher of IB Diploma Programme Computer Science, and Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS). I have taught 14-18 year olds. Just completed my MS in Instructional Design & Technology. I love technology, teaching and discussing the effects of technology on individuals and societies. I love gardening as well.

    Link to your own blog, especially a class blog or your personal blog – allows me to check validity as an educator
    Professional blog:
    Class blog: Just starting my class blog for ITGS on

    Age group you would like to mentor and how many students
    I am glad to mentor up to 14 students.

    1. G’day Ayeshat,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 14 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 14 year age group and yours are in a reddish colour.

      1. Thanks for assigning students to me. I have tried to add the blogs to my RSS aggregator, however, 3 of the blogs require a password. Is it possible to get that resolved?

        Thanks for getting back to me and for this wonderful opportunity.

  20. 1. A short bio of yourself including some interests
    Hello! My name is Melanie Ruiz and I have been an elementary educator since 2000. I have taught grades 2nd through 5th. I am passionate about educational technology, and making sure my students are being taught the vital 21st Century Skills they need to be successful in life.

    2. Link to your own blog, especially a class blog or your personal blog – allows me to check validity as an educator

    3. Age group you would like to mentor and how many students
    I prefer upper elementary and middle school, but I am happy to work with any age group that you need help with. 🙂

    1. G’day Melanie,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 13 year olds to you.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 13 year age group and yours are in a yellowish colour.

  21. Greetings!
    My name is Hailey, and as I am sure you may have concluded, I am interested in being a mentor! Currently, I am a student myself, attending Denham Springs as a freshman. Personally, I love to learn- whether such is done through having a teacher, or having the opportunity to be one myself. In addition to my love of learning, I have a great admiration for art, as well as writing. Both of these things fill my free time, for they are great interests of mine. My personal blog may be found at

    Mentoring any age group would be a privilege, but mostly I am comfortable in doing so to those in the younger-aged category; perhaps somewhere between ages ten and thirteen.

    I appreciate the consideration, and am looking forward to working with you in the future!

    1. G’day Hailey E,
      Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 5 students aged 12 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 12 year age group and your name will be in a greenish coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

  22. Hi! My name is Aaron and I’m a Freshman at DSFH, I was asked to be a mentor and I would gladly do so! I am in the BETA Club at the High School and I love to help others. My hobbies are band and of course reading, and I will work with any age, but i tend to work best with kids ages 8-10 years old, I am happy to help with the bogging challenge and look forward to working with you in the future! : )

      1. G’day Aaron,
        Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 6 students aged 10 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and your name will be in a green coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

        I noticed some of the students are into music.

  23. My name is Logan Collins, and I would love to be a mentor for the blog challenge! I am currently in Honors English at Denham Springs Freshman High, I actively participate in the Band, and am also doing AP Human Geography, Geometry, and Biology. My parents are divorced, I live with my mom, stepdad, and my siblings during the week, and most weekends are allocated to my dad, stepmom, and depending on whether or not they are there, her kids. My class was offered to mentor for this blogging challenge, and I would be absolutely thrilled to do so! My blog is located at and I am happy to take any age group that you think would be sufficient.

    1. G’day Logan,
      Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 5 students aged 12 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 12 year age group and your name will be in a brownish coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

  24. Hi, my name is Madison Wagner! I am a student in the ninth grade at Denham Springs Freshman High and I am part of Honor’s English. My class was asked if we wanted to be a mentor for the October Challenge, and I knew I wanted to do this to help and give feedback to others on all of their different challenges. The link to my blog is

    I would like to work with 5 students ages 9 or 10, or something close, but I’m perfectly okay with taking any students you need me to!

    1. Hi Madison,
      I will allocate students to you once more have registered. From previous years I know we have lots of 11/12 year olds who often miss out, so will wait a while before allocating to you.

    2. G’day Madison,
      Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 5 students aged 12 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 12 year age group and your name will be in a yellowish coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

  25. Hi! My name is Gabbie Dietel. I go to Denham Springs Freshman High, and I am in English Honors. The Honors classes were asked if they wanted to mentor students in this year’s blogging challenge, and I am more than happy to help. I’d love to help children get better at writing.* My personal blog can be found at:
    I’d prefer to have 5 students, with the age group 10-12, but I’ll go wherever I’m needed.
    *I’m that one really annoying friend who corrects all of your spelling errors. 🙂

    1. G’day Gabbie,
      Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 5 students aged 10 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and your name will be in a mauve coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

      PS I refuse to read newspaper articles if more than one or two spelling errors.

  26. Hi, i’m Lauryn . I’m in Honors English at Denham Springs Freshman High and I was offered to be a mentor for the writing challenge. I enjoy working and helping out kids along with writing. you can find my person blog here: It does not really matter to me what age of kids I get so you can feel free to put me with the age group of kids that need the most people/mentors and i would prefer to help bout 3-5 kids. Thanks.

    1. G’day Lauryn,
      Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 5 students aged 10 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and your name will be in a blue coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

  27. Hi!! I am Mayli Morgan. I am a ninth grader at Denham Springs Freshman High and I’m also apart of their Honor’s English. Our class was asked if we wanted to help be a mentor for the October Challenge and I became excited to help other children during their writing like I have been helped. A little comment goes a long way!
    My personal blog can be found at:
    I would like to work with 5 students ages 8-10, but whatever you need help with I will totally be willing to take!

    1. G’day Mayli,
      Thanks for offering to mentor while you also take part in the challenge. I have allocated 5 students aged 10 to you. To find them, above the blog header is a page October 2017 students. When you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 10 year age group and your name will be in a peach coloured cell. Your students are in the same colour.

  28. Hi!
    My name is Darcy. I am a first year teacher is SBD100, second year teaching overall. This is my first year ever blogging myself and doing student blogging, so I’m still learning. I am trying to find ways to engage my students in blogging and would love to register them for the October blogging challenge as well as volunteer my services as a Mentor.
    I teach 6th grade ELA and would love children close to that age, roughly 25-30 students would be ideal.
    Here is a link to my blog this year. Again, I’m just starting out so it’s a work in progress.

    1. G’day Darcy,
      Thanks for offering to mentor a group of students in the challenge. I have allocated some 11 year olds to you, but so far only 7 have registered. I will add more students to your colour as they register.

      To find them, above the header of this blog is the page October 2017 students, when you open that a spreadsheet appears, scroll down to the 11 year age group and yours are the first.

  29. Hi! I am new to blogging, but would love to get involved as a mentor. I just started my first class blog this year

    I am a middle school science teacher and will be getting my students signed up for the challenge with their individual blogs later this week. I am currently working on my masters in educational technology with emphases as a tech integration specialist. I would prefer to mentor middle school aged students if possible. As this is my first time it would probably be best for me to have a smaller sized group. Thanks!

    1. G’day Jory,
      Welcome to the challenge and thanks for offering to mentor a group of middle school students. I have allocated you a group of 14 year old students. To find them, above the header is a page October 2017 students, and when you click on that a spreadsheet with all students will appear. Scroll down to the 14 year old group and find your name in the blue area.

      This is the first time this group have taken part in the challenge, their teacher is Mrs Dupuy and here is their blog

    1. G’day Astaneh,
      Great to have you back mentoring on the challenge. I have allocated some 14 year old students to you. This is the first time they have taken part in the challenge. Perhaps you could add on to your comment here so the students get to know a bit about you. Their teach is Mrs Dupuy and here is their class blog

      1. Thanks for your efforts Ms. Sue.
        It would be my pleasure to be with mentioned students as a mentor in this challenge.
        After being in this challenge as a mentor since 2010 there were lot of classes from many countries those were using this useful challenge to improve their blogging skills and I was their mentor. Also I have been working as a training officer at many companies and TV broadcasts. I invite new students in my group to have a glance at to have more details about my previous activities regarding this challenge.

  30. Hi Sue,
    I am Marg Grosfield, retired grade three/four teacher in Duchess, Alberta, Canada. I have been a mentor in the last couple of challenges. I will happily take up to thirty kids, would prefer elementary age. Thanks Sue, I loved blogging with my students and love being able to continue encouraging new bloggers.

    1. Hi Marg,
      Thanks for offering to mentor again. I love having reliable mentors I can count on. I have allocated some 10 year olds to you. I will add some more though as they register.

  31. Back again!

    I’d like to be a mentor again. I have already taken part in the Teacher Challenge and have completed the Student Challenge in Spring with my English class. See for more content 🙂

    I have served as a mentor in the same challenge. Unfortunately, most of the students I was supposed to mentor turned out to be rather inactive. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to another go.

    My subjects are English and German. I am an Austrian teacher with students between 11 and 19 yrs of age. I should add that I will be on maternity leave for some of the challenge in 2018.

    Studentwise, I’d like to mentor the older ones again.

  32. Hello

    I’m Nina a post-graduate art student in Brighton, UK. I’m a regular contributor to EdublogsClub. My interests are collage, zines, blogging, Minecraft, going to museums and chocolate.

    I am happy to mentor any age group of students and I think I could realistically mentor no more than twenty students. Though I’ll happily comment on other student blogs if I have the time.

    1. Hi Nina,
      Thanks for offering to be a mentor. I hope you enjoy the experience. I have allocated some 10 year olds to you. They are new bloggers and all from the same class in USA.

      To find them, please visit the October 2017 students page above the header of this blog, scroll down the spreadsheet to the 10 year olds and find your name as mentor. Your students will be linked in the same colour under your name.

      I suggest you wait until they have written their first post then leave a comment introducing yourself. You can make this a generic type comment (use cut and paste if you wish). But any comments from then on, please be more specific to that post.

      Here is a link to their class blog and their teachers Mrs Boucher and Ellingson.

  33. Barbara Paciotti: retired Dallas TX educator with 13+ years as IB middle school librarian & 8-1/2 years as at-risk alternative high school science teacher of Biology, Chemistry, and Physical Science.
    My blog is “Looking Backward-Reflections of a Retired School Librarian” at I post weekly, more or less. I am a member of the Edublogs Club. I also created 2 subsidiary “student” blogs for technology under my primary blog.
    I prefer to mentor secondary students, primarily middle school grades 6-8, but would also consider high school grades 9 & 10. I can handle 12-18 students, but would consider up to 24. The can be all the same grade, although I’d love to do a mix of different grades. As a retiree I am freely available, especially during the school day.
    Thank you for your consideration.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Thanks for offering to be a mentor. As student registrations are only just trickling in at the moment, I have allocated you to the 15 year old age group. SO far one very keen student but I will add more as they register.

      To find them, in the header area is a page called October 2017 students, click on that and there will be a google spreadsheet embedded, scroll down to the fifteen year olds and you will be first in a light yellow colour.

      1. Hi Miss W.
        Oh, goody. 15 is such an interesting age and one of my favorites. Sort of like a bigger version of 7th grade, another favorite age! I’m delighted to have these students.

        FYI, I looked at Ethan’s blog, and according to that he is only 12 and in 7th grade. I can certainly mentor him, but just wanted to give you a heads up about his age in case you want to put him with a different group.

        1. Thanks for the heads up Barbara. I have now fixed up his age group. Have still left you with 15 year olds when they register.

  34. I would love to be a mentor!
    I may not blog much, but I do know a lot about nature. I also entered in many poem contests and am sometimes busy with musicals or plays. I love to express myself in many ways and blogging is one of them!

    1. Hi Claire??,
      Thanks for offering to be a mentor, but you need to take part in the actual challenge as a student first. Registration forms will be out tomorrow. Once you have been in the challenge a couple of times, and you have participated well, then you might be invited back as a mentor.

  35. Greetings.
    My name is Dinah Hunt and I’m a Media Specialist on the campus of a community college working with teacher education students. I especially enjoy all sorts of things related to technology (web tools, SMART board, etc).
    In my spare time I create using different types of arts and crafts and write letters (snail mail version). In addition, I’ve decided to complete a virtual walk across the United States. Whew!

    I have a personal blog ( and I co-host a work blog (
    I would be happy to mentor any age or grade group and as many students as you need.
    Thank you for considering me again this semester.

    1. Hi Dinah,
      Thanks for being a regular supporter of the challenge. It is great to know I have that core of educators prepared to help the students. I have allocated some 12 year olds to you but haven’t put the colour band across the top yet with your name on it. They will be in light green.

      As more students register I will add them to your group.

  36. Happy to be a mentor 🙂

    A short bio of yourself including some interests …
    Helen Digby, Teacher in a small P-12 school in rural Victoria, Australia, teach mostly English with other things like Drama and Humanities thrown in! I am currently renovating an historic property which will eventually be a craft shop where I will run classes for knitting, sewing, patchwork and quilting, scrapbooking, soap making, and anything else I can think of! Love travelling, have been to lots of Europe, USA, Thailand, NZ and all over Australia.

    Link to your own blog, especially a class blog or your personal blog – allows me to check validity as an educator …
    my professional blog:
    my general English class blog (used by years 10, 11, 12):
    our VCAL class blog:

    Age group you would like to mentor and how many students …
    Happy to mentor any age (have taught prep to year 12) but obviously work mostly with teenagers … in terms of numbers, 12-15 students would be OK but I can be flexible!

    1. Hi Helen,
      First in as mentor so you get the keen students who register first. I have allocated some 13 year olds but will add more as they register.

    1. Hi Chris,
      Thanks for offering to be a mentor, but you need to take part in the actual challenge as a student first. Registration forms will be out tomorrow. Once you have been in the challenge a couple of times, and you have participated well, then you might be invited back as a mentor.

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