March 2018 students
Below is the list of students taking part in the challenge.
What can you do next?
- Check that your name is only on the list once. Leave a comment on this page if it is there more than once. Include your first name and blog URL and age.
- Start to visit students with similar interests as yourself. Read their posts and leave quality comments.
- Once the challenge starts, remember to fill in the weekly form with the URL of the post you have written. Commenters will then visit you.
- If you use Twitter to promote your blog posts, please add the following: #stubc so I can also see your posts.
Blogs will be checked and if the name of your country is in bright pink, then you will be deleted at the end of March. Why? One of the following reasons:
- blogs where you can’t leave a comment – might need privacy settings changed by your teacher or yourself
- if using Blogspot, you need Name/URL as an option for leaving comments
- students who have written no posts at all relating to the challenge
- students who still have the basic Hello World post and nothing else
- students who don’t have an About Me page or post
If you think your country should not be in pink, contact me by leaving a comment on this blog.
Older students aged 18+ might prefer to be a commenter rather than take part as a student. Activities are more appropriate for students aged 8-16.