March 2010: Challenge 5
Creative commons, images and attribution
What is this? If you didn’t take the photo, then someone else did. Some photographers get paid money for taking images to use in newspapers, so often online newspapers copyright their images. This means you would have to pay money or have the photographer’s permission to use that photo on your blog.
Why? Your blog is in the public domain and is available for anyone to see. You are not allowed to put copyright images on your blog without the permission of the owner. This means you need to find images that are creative commons instead.
What is that? Watch this YouTube video about sharing your work and creative commons.
Below is a list of websites that have creative commons images. Remember attribution doesn’t include a URL beginning with or some other search engine. Attribution is the URL of the original image.
Finally a link from Mr Bogush’s class for their links to photos to use
Write a post about your Spring break or Easter holiday. Include at least one image that is creative commons. Include the attribution at the bottom of the post. Here is a post to show you how to insert an image.
Do you think you should have a creative commons license for your blog? Why or why not? Is your audience mainly students in your class and/or the blogging challenge or have you had readers that are teachers and/or visitors you don’t know?
Visit ten blogs from students in the challenge of different ages. How many of these blogs had images with attribution? How many blogs did not have images at all?Which blogs did you prefer to read and why? Leave your answer here as a comment or leave a comment on each of the blogs you visited.
If using Edublogs, create a gallery of images to represent your class’s holiday or break. Here is a post on how to create a gallery in your blog. Remember to include the attribution of where you found the images. Perhaps you could also add the ‘Support CC’ button like I have below, on your blog sidebar.
The original comic of this YouTube video remix can be found here:
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