Thanks to all those students, teachers and mentors who have been checking the student list for students mentioned more than once. If you haven’t checked yet, please make sure you are only listed once.

Also we still have some mentors not able to leave comments especially on those blogs from blogger or blogspot. Make sure you have Name/URL as an option when leaving comments.

Teachers: here is a lot of information regarding images, creative commons and copyright which you can use with your students or to refresh yourself about what is acceptable or not on public blogs. Also one of our mentors in 2014, Maria, has put together some lists with great tools when using images and audio. The Edublogger also has a post on free image sources.

This week’s activities are going to be fun but first there are some things you need to know so please read carefully.

I have been visiting many blogs over the last few weeks. Some students new to blogging have been writing some great posts while others who have been blogging for a bit longer have started adding videos and images to their posts.

Yes, this week we deal with using images, music and sounds in your posts.

But can’t I use any image, music or sound that is on the internet?

No, you must use creative commons or in some cases the fair use rule.

But where can I find these images, music and sounds? Can’t I use anything when I google an image?

No, your blog is public so you must use creative commons images, sounds, music and videos.

Sue Waters over at the teacher challenge has written a fantastic post about images, copyright and creative commons. I would suggest you all head over there to read the post. She explains about creative commons and the licences, attribution, how to find images for your blog and how to upload images to your blog. Most of this would be appropriate whether you are using Edublogs, blogger or any other blogging platform. This might be very wordy for some students, but Sue uses lots of images and how to do sections in her posts.


Have you read Sue Waters’ post yet?

Off you go then come back here for more information and the activities for this week.


Other places to find information

Head to the creative commons website.

Check out the CC wiki to find out what is happening in your country. What are the different licenses used?

Teachers check out the education section of creative commons.

Youtube allows creative commons for videos.

Teachers: A fantastic guide to copyright, fair use and creative commons has been written by Ronnie Burt and I would suggest you read this to understand more about using images, music and video on your blogs. Also includes what might happen if you use an image etc incorrectly.

Larry Ferlazzo also has a great “Best List for images” that you might want to check out as well.

OK I want to use some legal creative commons images and music in my slideshow.Where can I go to get them?

Do you have compfight plugin for your blogging platform? Follow the instructions from Sue Waters’ post.

Maria, a mentor from 2014 and also helping this year, created some lists of tools to use with images and audio.

Other places to get images and music:

You will need to work out how to get the attribution to put on your posts. Check Sue Waters’  post to get more help and more places for images. This post from Edublogs explains how to add media in all its forms to your blog posts or pages. If using blogger, check out the posts from this blog.


Music and sound effects

JamendoCCMixter, post with 14 websites for music, post with 20+ websites for music, post with 55+ sites with sound effects

Now for the activities for this week

Activity 1 Watch this video about sharing work and write a post about what you learned. Include words such as attribution, share alike, licences and derivatives to show you understand what the video was about. Do some more research on the topic and perhaps create your own class video about using images, music and videos in class.

This video is the reaction of students in Mrs Yollis’ class when she mislabelled their artwork. How would you have felt?



Activity 2. Check out this story using remix and fair use of video. What was interesting, positive or negative about it?  Could you and your friends create a 20 second video using remix and fair use? Mrs Miller’s class left some comments on her blog about creative commons

 Activity 3. Find an image or piece of music. Add it to your post (with attribution) and write a poem relating to the image or music. Invite your readers to write their own poems. Here is Fernando’s example, Samantha is confused

Activity 4. Similar to activity 3. Find an interesting landscape image (include attribution).  Write the beginning of a story relating to your image. Remember to include a conflict of some sort between your characters. Invite your readers to finish the story. How many different endings can you get? Which ending do you prefer? You might need to visit some other bloggers and invite them to finish your story. Remember to leave the URL of your post for them to click on. Leave a comment on this post if you want me to visit and finish your story. Check out Kat’s story and endings, Ghost Soldier began his story,

Activity 5. Write a sentence using just images – no words. You still need to include attribution for each image you have used.

Activity 6. Find 5 images that create a story – again no words only the attribution for each image.

Activity 7. Create a slideshow, photo gallery or poster about your interests to add to your about me page or as a separate post. Your final slide should include attribution for each image.

Activity 8. Create your own images and add to a post of your choice. In your post add a link to the website or tool you used to create your image.

Other options for creating your own images include:

  1. Image Generators such as
  2. Comic Generators like,  ToonDoo
  3. Photo Editors like Befunkyfd’s Flickr Tools
  4. Tag Cloud Creators such as Wordle
  5. Graph Creators including GraphJam and Crappy Graphs

Mixing up your images using these types of tools can really spice up your posts! Leave a comment on this post, if you or your class can recommend some other image sites to add to this list.

Activity 9.  Zoom out from an image

We first tried this activity in the challenge in September 2010. Choose a picture, and have your readers zoom out, so to speak, by leaving comments.  Check out the example from Huzzah who finished their story. If doing this activity, include the word ‘zoom’ in your title so I can find it easily. Remember to give attribution. Most important here is to read previous comments, so you can add to the story.

Check out these zoom pictures: BeckyJacquelineAbbey

Activity 10.  Go back to previous posts

If you have used images in any previous posts you have written, then you are ethically obliged to give the correct attribution or take the image out of the post if it does not have the right creative commons license. Check out where Holly found her image, Samudra also wrote a great post,

Activity 11.  Create a jigsaw from your image. Check out how Mrs Schmidt’s students did this for a previous activity including a tutorial from Mrs Schmidt.

Activity 12. Write a post about different websites to find creative commons images. Are there any widgets you can add to your blog to make this easier?

Visit a mentor: This is for the students at high school or older as it looks at selfies. Elementary (primary) or middle school students comment about robots here.

Previous week’s activities: Visit and leave quality comments 

Please visit Mrs Rombach’s class blog as they have a question for every country mentioned in the challenge list, Jennifer has questions about Mexico,

A-Z paragraphs – Mrs Rombach,

Videos – Madi, Miss Scarrott’s class created a commenting video,

Passionate posts – Maeve (animal cruelty), Marilyn (turtles),

Commenting posts – Reese and Alyssa used pic-collage, Kendall commented about visiting overseas blogs, Nellie wrote about getting more visitors, Teo and Lucas created a slideshow about commenting, Lucas and Piotr gave some hints,

Controversial posts –  Should kids do chores? Should kids do homework on weekends? Death penalty? Robot revolution?

About me pages – Melinda had some great things you should know about her, Sydney wrote about Cassie using a Wordle, Bryce wrote about Jonah, Harlee, Evan wrote about Erica, Charles wrote about Isabelle, Alexis wrote about Tatum,

Avatars – 3B Superstars, 6B earned leaders badges and jackets, Ethan,

How do I know about these great posts? Students and teachers have left a comment on the challenge blog post and included the URL of their post so I could visit.

Still got time left this week:

1. Visit other student and class blogs – leave some quality comments

2. Reply to comments on your own blog – if your country is in pink then visitors can’t leave comments.

3. Start using tags and categories with each post you write to make it easier for people to find posts on certain topics. Make sure you have the tags and categories widgets in your sidebar.

4. Have at least five other student blogs linked on your sidebar – students from other classes and schools – not your own. We will need this for a game we play in a couple of weeks.

Try to have a few different headings like

  • My Blogging Friends
  • Other Class Blogs

Having lots of  links to student blogs from other countries will help spread the game.

Here are the instructions for adding links to your sidebars.

EdublogsBloggerKidblog – not sure if this widget goes on the class page or each student page

 Most important learning from this week’s challenge is:

Use creative commons images, not just any image on the net. Always include attribution of where you found the image. Compfight plugin does this for you.

PS If you have done the blogging challenge before, you will find these activities are nearly the same each time. If you have ideas for different activities please leave a comment on this post.


Next week I will be starting the flipboard magazine for this set of challenges. I will only be adding posts that:

  • are written in paragraphs
  • have been proofread
  • include an image, sound or video with attribution

So make sure you have taken note of this week’s learning about creative commons.

75 thoughts on “Week 3: Let’s show photos

  1. that was a very good and educational video thanks for sharing it with us .i will tell my friends to watch that video

    1. G’day Jrod48,
      I would love to see your presentation but I need your permission to see it. So you will need to share it with me.

  2. Dear Miss W,
    I know I’m a tad late, but I chose to write Activity Four for this week’s challenge, and I’d love it if you’d finish my short little piece! Here’s the link:

    Additionally, I was wondering how it would be possible to snag a mentor now that the challenge has begun? I don’t have one, actually, and feel like I’m writing to a brick wall. Thank you so much, and I think this challenge is such a cool idea!


    1. Writing to a brick wall is what many students feel until they start visiting other student blogs and leaving comments including a link to their blog. I would suggest you visit some of the posts I mention at the end of each week’s challenge post. I know that Nelly and Kendall are doing a great job conversing with their mentor. Head to them then Merry Beau might also visit you.

  3. Hi Miss W,

    This was a very successful blogging week for my students. We had very good discussions about copyright and creative commons. We also discussed HTML code and digital citizenship. My students really enjoyed searching for photos and creating poems. I can’t wait to see their writing continue to improve. I’m sure they would love feedback on their posts. Looking forward to week 4.

    Mr. Helpern
    Helpern’s Helpers

    1. G’day Mr Helpern,
      It is so important to learn about copyright and creative commons early in the challenge, especially if students want their posts added to the Flipboard Magazine for this challenge. I feel blogging is a great way to teach digital citizenship and it can be part of everything they do on computers not just when blogging. Great to see your students enjoying the activities.

  4. Hi Miss W,

    This week, my class completed Activities 1, 2 and 9. Some of my students also chose to complete Activity 3 or 4 on their own blogs. Please see our post about the Week 3 Challenge.

    Thanks for another great week of activities!

    Miss Andrews

  5. Hello! This week I asked my students to choose one of the activities for this week’s challenge to complete. I asked them to comment on my blog post to tell me which activity they chose. Here’s the link to my blog post where you can see their comments. Their user names are their blog urls if you add to them. I hope this is simple enough for you to see their work. If not, their links are on my class blogroll.

    We are really enjoying this blogging challenge! Thank you for doing this!

  6. Thank you so much for showcasing my blog for great completion,again. I was so happy to see my name! I love the blogging challenge, it’s so much fun!
    This week I have completed activities 3,4,5,6,9,10,and 11.
    You can visit my blog here
    Please comment and write an ending for the story I started if you want to.
    Having So Much Fun,
    Jennifer ♥

  7. Hello Mrs.W how are you I have done activities 1,3,5,11,12 and am working on the Zoom activity.The ones I did were really fun. Here is my blog if you want to look at my blog. Thank You

    PS I just did some tweaking and the link now works.

  8. Hi Mrs. W,
    I’m Rachel. I have done many activities and they are really helping me grow as a blogger! Before making this blog for my school, I didn’t have any blogging experience. Can you tell me what should happen in my story?
    My blog is:


  9. Hi Miss W,
    I’m having a great time blogging and doing all of the fun activities! Before participating in this blogging challenge, I didn’t have a lot of blogging experience, and now I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. I can’t wait to do more activities!


  10. Hi Ms. W,
    I did Activity 3 and Activity 5. I added Activity 3 to a new page and Activity 5 is a post.


  11. Hello Mrs. W,
    This is Jazzy. I participated in last years Fall Blogging Challenge and enjoyed it immensely, I am so glad to be back! 😉  I have completed this weeks challenge thoughtfully, I hope you have time to come see it; 
    Along with this I have also created a page introducing myself, and welcoming new bloggers to the challange; I look forward to the rest of the 2015 Blogging Challenge!!
    Talk to you soon
    ~Jazzy 😉

  12. Hi Miss W.,
    In browsing through the photographs they seemed like beautiful landscapes and close ups. I could not find any objectionable materials. I think the age policy was referring to the collection of personal information, which is only required if you are submitting photos. However, I do see where that policy could lead to some concern. Thank you for your reply and for bringing that to my attention.
    -Mr. Helpern

  13. Hi Miss W,

    Our first post from the week 3 activities is live:
    Activity 3 Lion Poem

    We also discovered a great new site for free high resolution photos. They add ten new photos every ten days. Unsplash

    Thank you,
    -Mr. Helpern’s Class

    1. G’day Mr Helpern,
      What a great site for high res images but I noticed in the privacy policy, it is not recommended for those under 18.

      1. Well done Piotr,
        Giving me the link of the actual post is much better than just the blog URL. It will pinpoint the specific post when I need to check it out again for inclusion in the September challenge as an example for others to look at.

  14. Hi Miss W,
    My name is Erica and I have completed challenge #5. I have currently finished two picture sentences and am working on making more. It would be awesome if you could visit my blog and tell me what you think they say at

  15. For week three, we selected activities: 3, 5, 6, 9 and 10.
    For week two, we selected activities: 1, 2, 4, 7 and 9.

  16. We usually use a lot of words to tell about images. You can see our exposition in the waiting room of the school. We invited friends and family.
    Xander likes reading Shel Silverstein’s poems. He selected ‘ICKLE ME, PICKLE ME, TICKLE ME TOO’ to share it. The title is the refrain throughout foor 4 parts. It is a nice story he retold in prose in the classroom.
    Moreover he wrote a follow up to ‘THE LOSER’.
    Now we invite our readers to comment with some verses.

    Xander and Mohamed are selling in our classroom. They learn counting and the use of money and foreign currencies.
    We are selling lots of stuff. It is a role play organized by our teachers.

    Frak and Eli are practicing the previous role play and they are using lego in the dining room.
    Our images when they are not the school’s pictures are taken from ‘google’.

    Another pupil in our class is Frank. His passion is drawing.
    Our project deals with pollution. Is it good to protect environment ?
    Please blog friends, reply using : Yes or No.
    In our school the pupils are from international background like South Africa, Spain, England, USA, Turkey, France, Algeria, Congo, and Cheque Republic….
    We choose this blog : to have exchanges about our learnings.
    We want also to ask questions about China. First, Where is China situated ?
    Second, what is its capital city ?

  17. Dear Miss W,
    We have completed activity one about copyright and creative commons – Post about copyright
    We have also started Zoom Writing –
    Zoom Post on Miss Scarrott’s blog we would love people from outside of our school to add to the story. We are going on school camp next week and then we have two weeks holidays so we may not be able to complete tasks for the challenge for the next few weeks,
    From Miss Scarrott

  18. Hi Miss W,

    Thanks for running the blogging challenge, and telling us about the image plugin! I’ve enjoyed writing posts for the challenge on my blog.

  19. Hello Miss W. ,

    We’ve spent a lot of time discussing copyright, Creative Commons licensing, and Fair Use this year, so for this week’s challenge, I asked my students to reflect on the extent to which they are applying what they’ve learned.

    Our subject: the images and song they used to create a video to add to our “About” page as part of the first week’s challenge. While the responsibility to revise our video falls on us, we’d certainly welcome feedback from other bloggers.

    Best regards,

    Mr. Jewell and Students

    1. G’day Mr Jewell,
      Use of images is such an important skill for technology nowadays. I like how you have used this week’s activities to have your students reflect on how they have used images so far on the class and individual blogs.

    1. G’day Miss Scarrott,
      Using Google advanced search is also good but I found it difficult to get the attribution for the image as often someone had used it in their blog or website and not given the site for the original image. I will have to check out and add it to the list for the next challenge.

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