Think globally, act locally


  • My recycling bin has more in it every week than my normal rubbish bin.
  • I have a worm farm that chews up any extra fruit and vegetable rubbish I might have left over.
  • Whenever I go for a walk, I pick up any rubbish especially on the beach nearby.


  • I sponsor a Panda with World Wildlife Fund
  • I sponsor a child in Sri Lanka to improve the lifestyle of the child, their family and community. Have sponsored since I received my first pay cheque as a teacher back in the 1970s.
  • I donate to Kiva with micro loans of $25. I have made 69 loans so far and 8 friends I have invited have also made loans

What could you do about some of these world problems?

Here is a great website with lots of information about many topics below.

There might be some that are more specific to your area of the world. But this week research one of the following topics:

  • hunger
  • water
  • racism
  • use of resources
  • global warming
  • specific aspects of the environment
  • unemployment
  • war and unrest
  • use of land
  • terrorism
  • HIV/Aids
  • child labour
  • women’s rights
  • education and literacy
  • another global issue of your choice

Activity 1: For this challenge we are looking at research skills, attribution, links and creativity in how you have presented the work.

For the topic you have chosen you might want to create two or three shorter posts rather than one very long one.

In your posts, include links to where you researched and some images with attribution. You might also want to include a poll or survey, a collage of images, a slideshow you have created. You may have found a great video you could also include.

Teachers – Here are some links to where you might get some ideas –  Global Concerns Impact, educating for global citizenship, ACEE – student voices, Global Oneness project – bringing the world to your classroom

Activity 2: Global issues in your classroom

Have you or your class taken part in some work associated with a global issue? Create a post about what you were involved in. Check out what some classes did a few years ago relating to Uganda. Here is a wonderful newish website about projects students and classes can join in.

Activity 3: Visit other blogs

Visit at least ten other blogs not from your country. Ask questions about some of the issues they might have in their country. Make some comparisons between the countries taking part in the challenge. Write a post about your findings.

Activity 4: Be creative

Use a web 2.0 tool to be creative about global issues. This might be a poll or survey, a quiz, write a poem, create a poster, draw a picture, write a story or cartoon about a super hero saving the world – just be creative.

Activity 5: Do something

Do something about a global issue. Here are links to games and activities for kids about global issues. What did you choose to look at? Write a review in your post.

Teacher resources – Action Aid resources, Know My WorldiEarn in many countries of the world, World Savvy, Kiva help entrepreneurs around the world

Still more time to spare?

Visit students and classes from the other countries involved in the challenge. Leave a comment or question relating to a global issue that might be affecting them.

Leave a comment on this blog telling Miss W. the global issue you think is most important to be solved. It might not be one of those mentioned in the post. Give reasons why it should be the first issue solved.

47 thoughts on “Week 7: Thinking globally

  1. Hi Mrs. W, My Week 7 post is about Hunger, and the Homeless. I describe how lucky we are to have the proper shelter and food. And have access to healthy water. Some people suffer from not being able to eat and being treated wrongly.

  2. Hello Ms. W. ,
    My name is Lila. I have completed my post for Week 7. I did it on animal conservation and protection because I am very passionate about this topic. I think you would be very interested in this post because I talk about how I am a young entrepreneur who is making a difference in the world. If you get the chance, please check my post out! Thank you! here’s a link:

  3. Hello Mrs. W,

    I completed the week 7 global problems challenge. I did the problem of child labor. I made a slideshow about the issue and how to solve it. Please go check it out. The link is provided below.
    Sincerely, Lucas

  4. Dear Miss W.,

    i have completed my Week 7 Activity 1 posts. I did three posts about climate change.

    What is climate change? -
    What evidence exists that proves that climate change is real? –
    How can we stop climate change? –

    From Emma

  5. Dear Ms. W,

    I have completed my Week 7 post – Thinking Globally.
    While researching about my Social Studies project on African countries’ economy, I came across this very interesting FRESBERG Educational Cartoon Videos Channel, which addresses ‘Unemployment’, a global issue and I have shared it in my post. I hope this channel will help kids understand many topics in a fun way.
    Please check the following link:

    Van Anh

  6. Dear Miss W.,
    I feel like global warming is a huge problem if it’s not stopped then countries will be flooded and temperatures will be at an all-time high.
    (I can’t send the link to the post because my teacher has to approve it so I will just send my blog.)

  7. Hi Miss W. I really enjoyed this post and was quite inspired by Mahika and the work done by the Student Blogging Challenge to encourage students and teachers to consider actions they can take to make a positive difference in the world. I have written about and linked to your post in my contribution to the #WATWB We are the World Blogfest. You can read it here Best wishes, Norah.

  8. Hi Miss W,

    I think the most important global issue is poverty because many people don’t have money. Without money, people can’t afford food, water, shelter, or other things they need to survive. If they don’t have money, then they can’t buy the things they need to survive and they might die. They can’t survive without money because they need to buy food and shelter. If people weren’t in poverty, they would be able to buy food and the other things they need and less people would die from hunger. Here is also a link to my blog below:


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