More time for visiting and leaving answers in the polls

photo © 2010 Nick Anderson | more info(via: Wylio)There are so many fantastic blog posts being written relating to the challenge activities.  Make sure you check this next lot out, especially the polls. Previous challenges: Voicethread about Lawndale, Coleman about giftedness, the “I’s” have it, Marcy visits these blogs, must see Luna Park, Ashley’s tips…Continue…Continue Reading More time for visiting and leaving answers in the polls

Challenge 6 – Sept 2010

There are only a couple of challenges this week, as we still have classes catching up. I am also putting together our school yearbook and it is now time to be writing reports. 1. The Game: Those who have taken part in a challenge before know the game of  ‘Count Out Three’. Here are the…Continue…Continue Reading Challenge 6 – Sept 2010