I really enjoy checking up on those blogs where students have left trackbacks to the post in the student blogging challenge. Here are some more from the last week for you to look at.

Where I live, our school

Mrs Jundef, Awapuni school, Mr Fachet, Gabby, Mr Gonzalez, All about Sage’s crew, All about Vogt’s crew, student entries at the Idea Hub, Jerry, Mrs Zwettler, Mrs Swift Vokis, Napoleon Primary, Mrs Norton – Quiz, Sophie – sliderocket, Summer – sliderocket, Sciencegirl Em, George, Kyle– sliderocket, Colton – sliderocket, Caitlyn – sliderocket, Hannah -Prezi,

Great conversations

Molly and Mrs Watson,

Need answers to questions

Mrs Martinez,


Mrs Norton, Brandin, Joshua, Mrs McKelvey uses voicethread, Mrs Lucchesi, Mrs Barinova’s class, James, Toby, Eli, Hailey, Adem, Alyssa,

All about commenting

Tarron – glog, Mr Ross and his knights, Grade 5 Napoleon video, Spencer, Haley, Adem, Teegan, Ilaria,


Mrs K – poll, Room 15,

Interesting posts

Mrs Kolly, Yes that’s me poems, Mrs Lucchesi, Mrs Kelly – video, Ozz Man, Noah, Lupita,

Visiting others

Casey, Dante, Daze, Ethan, Joel, Joseph, Maraea, Reef, Satriani, Te Whaitiri, Terira, Travis, Anahi, Gisela, Kaylee, Sam, Kiley, Caroline, Eli, Jeff, Caitlyn,


Gabrielle, Joey, Joey again, Quinn, Carson, Alexis, Sam, Molly, Mrs Kelly,

Mentors recommend you visit

  • Vic and Em – evolving story with polls to help the story along
  • Raiven MP – lots of humour
  • Peyton – well organized
  • Amy – lots of different features

6 thoughts on “Visit these – week 3

  1. Thank you for providing all these links to blogs for us to visit. We can’t hope to visit them all but my students are having fun and learning lots from visiting different blogs around the world. I asked them what literacy skills they were developing from taking part in the blogging challenge and they were spot on when they said:
    learning about other people and places
    writing blog posts
    communicating with others
    from Ms Norton & 5N

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