If you go to Edublog Awards website, you will find you can vote using List.ly but you need to be 13 or older to have an account.

So to allow our younger bloggers to vote for the best student blog, we have created this poll below. You will be allowed to vote for one blog each day.

How to vote.
Check out all the blogs at the Edublog Awards link above.
Decide on one you want to vote for.
Come back here and find it in the list.
Vote for it.

Voting will close at 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, December 18th.

One vote per day per IP address. Most schools have the same IP address for every school computer, so students will need to vote from home, libraries, wifi cafes, relatives houses etc.


20 thoughts on “Voting is now open for the best student blog

  1. I hope that everyone votes for the best blog and not for someone they know or goes to their school because people put a lot of hard work into their blogs and MAY THE BEST WIN!!

  2. Hello Bloggers,
    I was so happy to be nominated 🙂
    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who kindly nominated me, It is very much appreciated. Please vote for me, I would love that! My blog is called dance to this blog……….
    Annabel 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. I can’t believe that I am nominated! This is so incredibly awesome. Thanks everyone who nominated me! Vote for me please! It would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Emmalie,
      Voting isn’t over until the end of 18th December. You can check what the voting looks like by going to the Edublog Awards website at http://edublogawards.com/ and looking at the Vote Now pages in the header. Our voting using the poll daddy will also be counted somehow.

  4. On the Edublog Awards website link there are votes, but in the end do the votes from the poll add up with the votes on the Edublog Awards website?

    1. Hi Breana,
      Sue Waters from Edublogs will be including the students votes from the polldaddy as well when considering the winner. Maybe they will have a student choice and an adult choice winner. Congratulations on being shortlisted.

  5. How do I know that it will only let me vote once a day?
    Because when I voted once, I came back later that day and saw I could vote

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