Photo Credit: Hamed Saber via Compfight
Very early in the blogging challenge, I asked if anyone had ideas for new challenges. Amber left a comment about world leaders. So thanks to her, this week the challenges are all about being a leader.
Activity 1: Characteristics of a leader
Think about some famous leaders like Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth, Mao Tse Tung and Ghandi. What makes them stand out as leaders of the world? What characteristics are common to all four leaders? Perhaps create a Venn Diagram comparing 2 or 3 of these leaders.
Activity 2: Chances for leadership
As a student, you often have chances to show leadership while at school. What are some of these leadership roles available at your school? Would you try to take on one of these roles? Why or why not?
Activity 3: Outside school
Perhaps you are part of a sport team or in the Guides or Scouts. How can you show leadership outside school and in any clubs you might be a member of?
Activity 4: Famous or Leader
Sometimes younger students might think a famous singer, musician, writer is a good leader. Name five famous people who you think show great leadership skills. Explain why and what those skills are?
Activity 5: In the family
Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, has a show about being “Leader of the pack.” Are the skills needed to be a leader of the pack different to being a leader in the rest of family life?
Activity 6: Leadership comic, poem or story
Create a comic, poem or story showing leadership skills being used.
Classes: Extra activities
Have a go at a couple of leadership games mentioned at these links.
- Perhaps move the egg from this page.
- Leadership game and leadership scenarios from this page.
- Too many to choose from on this page.
Next week, we will be playing a commenting game. To take part in this game, all classes and students will need the following:
- a user avatar if possible
- an ‘about me’ PAGE if using Edublogs or a post if using other platforms
- a clustrmap or flag counter widget
- at least four interesting posts – could be topics of your choice not necessarily from the challenge
- your ‘Recent Comments’ widget on the sidebar with 10 comments as the choice – Edublogs
- your ‘Recent Posts’ widget on the sidebar with 10 posts as the choice – Edublogs
- Your ‘Pages’ widget on the sidebar or pages in the header – Edublogs
- at least 10 student and/or classes linked on your blogroll
- at least three overseas blogs on your blogroll
- posts tagged or categorized to make it easier to find interesting posts on each blog
- the more students or classes you have linked on your blog, the more fun the game will be
The most important of these are the links to other student blogs on your sidebar. Try to have a couple of different headings like
- My Friends
- Class Blogs
- Overseas Blogs
Having lots of links to student blogs from other countries will help spread the game.
Here are the instructions for adding links to your sidebars.
Edublogs, Blogger, Kidblog – not sure if this widget goes on the class page or each student page
Have you written lots of interesting posts for your visitors to read next week?
Use this week to get some written or use some new tools to create some stories to add to your blog posts.
Hello Miss W.,
Ghost wrote a quick post about Gandhi for this challenge. Here is the link: A Most Devoted Leader
Hi Mrs. W! I know it may be a little late but I was wondering if you would consider my blog for your magazine. I constructed a poem about leadership and I would love for other people to get a look at it, and the rest of my blog of course. So here is the link to my post!
Thank you for your consideration!
~Hayden x.
My post about leadership was a poem, you can read it if you’d like. Or check out some of my other posts! Here’s the link to my blog:
Thank you!
Dear Miss w,
I put a post on my blog about leadership and i also made a word cloud to go with it. Here is the link to my blog. Come check it out!!!
Hello Miss W.
I ran out of time to do all of the activities, but I added a post on my thoughts: What Makes a Great Leader. Hope you like it!
Kat 😎
Hello Mrs.W I have finished my leadership post. The leader I choose was Samual Adams.
Blog post:
hi miss w please check my post out for activity six
I was wondering if you would consider my post for the magazine.
Hello Miss W,
I just finished my post for activity 2. Here is the link
Hi Miss W!! Great activities for these challenges! Thank you so much for your time and effort. Could you please come and visit my blog if have any spare time? Visit my blog at
Hi Ms. W,
Could you see my posts for activities 2 and 3? Here is the link!
Hi Everyone!
My posts for activities 1, 5 and 6 can also be found at that link!
I finished my Activity 7. My Blog is
I finished with Activity 6! Visit my blog at
I love the challenges…super fun! 🙂