This is our last post for the Student Blogging Challenge until we start again in March 2017. I hope you have enjoyed the activities and the chance to make connections with other students and classes around the world.

I would like to thank the mentors for taking time to visit and comment on student blogs. I would also like to thank those educators who wrote a post for one of the challenges this time round.

We have had a great 10 weeks of blogging. You have learnt so many skills to help you improve your blogs. Many of you have improved those writing skills or maybe digital skills with using a variety of tools to embed on your blog. But it is now time to evaluate your progress as well as the progress of the blogging challenge itself.

This week there are two things to do:

  1. Evaluate your own blog
  2. Evaluate the actual blogging challenge

1. This is an audit of your blog since the beginning of October 2016.

  • How many posts did you write?
  • How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge?
  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students?
  • Which post received the most comments? Why do you think that happened?
  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?
  • Did you change blog themes at all and why?
  • How many widgets do you have? Do you think this is too many or not enough?
  • How many overseas students do you have on your blogroll?
  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?

Now ask another student and teacher/parent from your school who might not have read your blog to do an audit.

Sit beside them while they navigate around your blog, record what you observe as they interact with your blog. When finished, ask them the following questions:

  1. What were your first impressions of this blog?
  2. What captured your attention?
  3. What distracted you on the blog?
  4. What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?

Write a post about your blog audit.

2. Evaluating the challenge.

This is the seventeenth challenge and sometimes I feel like the activities are getting stale especially for those students who have taken part in more than one set of challenges. So over the next few weeks I will be adding new pages that you all can contribute to. Every month of the year, there are special events, festivals, birthdays of authors etc. Which ones do you think it would be interesting to write about? Find the post ideas page for that month and add your ideas in the comments. (These are found above the header area)

I usually have a form to fill in here but this time I would like you to leave a quality comment giving your opinion of the challenge. You might want to mention some of the following things:

  • the most interesting challenge for you
  • how often you visited other blogs and left comments
  • whether you read the challenge flipboard magazine
  • a PMI or plus/minus/interesting point about the challenge
  • the most important thing you learnt while doing the challenge

Thanks again for taking part in this challenge. Hopefully you will take part again in March next year. If you have taken part in at least two sets of challenges, you can also become a mentor, so watch out for the mentor post in February.

Keep writing, keep reading the magazine, and if you have a great post you would like me to add to the magazine over the Christmas break, feel free to leave a comment here.

37 thoughts on “Week 10: Farewell until March 2017

  1. Hi Miss W. It’s me Ashlyn again and I tried to get a avatar for when I comment on people’s blogs but it always shows that grey background and white head and I can’t change it for some reason. Please visit my epicly awesome blog at and leave a comment if you have time please. Bye,

  2. Thanks for this wonderful blogging challenge. It was so amazing for my first one. I think that the blogging challenge is interesting because of the really cool things we get to write about. My favorite challenge was Free Choice. I liked this because I got to write what I wanted to write about. I visited and commented on peoples blogs at least once every week. I did read some of the flipboard magazines because I knew the ones that got picked would be amazing posts. *Nice job everyone who made it to the flipboard. I’m clapping for you* The most important thing I learned during the blogging challenge was that you can be an amazing writer if you try your hardest. This helps me because some day I want to be a writer, and to get this motivation helps so much! Thank you for the blogging challenge Mrs. W. 🙂

  3. Dear Ms. W

    Thank you for all of the challenges and I really liked this blogging challenge because I started off not enjoying blogging, but now I really enjoy blogging because I makes other people know about you. My favorite post that I did was about killing trees because I enjoyed writting it and hope I can do another post about funny things and make my friends laugh. I hope to start again next year doing more blogging challenges with my school, my parent, and you. Thank you Ms. W.

    P.S Check out my blog.

  4. Dear Miss. W,

    The most interesting challenge for me was Week 5: Free Choice. I enjoyed this week the most because we got to write about whatever we wanted. I visit blogs sometimes. I comment sometimes because I don’t always have time to come one to EduBlogs. A plus about the challenge is that you can learn a lot about other people and learn how to post. In my opinion, there are no cons to these challenges. The most important thing that I have learned is about making correct attribution. It’s important because if you don’t do it correctly, you could get into serious trouble in the future. Come check out my blog!

  5. Dear Mrs. W,
    The most interesting challenge you gave us is probably SBC Week 9: Show off when we had to write our best free post. I visited the Flipboard Magazine and other blogs from different countries because they are usually different from the way I write. I usually visit blogs once a month and sometimes leave comments.
    One important thing I learned while doing the challenge is about correct attribution and picture usage whether you read the challenge Flipboard magazine.
    Aloha and Thank you,

  6. Dear Mrs. W,
    The most interesting challenge you gave us is probably SBC Week 9: Show off when we had to write our best free post. I visited the Flipboard Magazine and other blogs from different countries because they are usually different from the way I write. I usually visit blogs once a month and sometimes leave comments.
    One important thing I learned while doing the challenge is about correct attribution and picture usage whether you read the challenge Flipboard magazine.

  7. Dear Miss. W,

    The most interesting challenge for me was week five because we got to writte about anything we wanted.I did visit other blogs and comment on them. I like to read other peoples blogs in other countries because they are different and more interesting than mines. I did not read the flipboard magazine, it was mostly because I did not have enough time. A plus for me was that I could interact with people that don’t like in my area. A minus for me was that we had to write three paragraphs every week. For me, the most important thing I learned was how to write with less spelling and grammatical errors then I used to have.

  8. Dear Miss.W,

    I really enjoyed these challenges. But my favorite one is Week 5 when we could write about any topic. It made me feel more free to write whatever I want. That post also became the most popular one with nine comments.

    Thank You,

  9. Dear Mrs.W,
    I learned that to write a good blog you have to pick a topic that you are very interested in so you can write a very detailed and meaningful blog.


  10. Dear Ms. W,
    My favorite week was week five when we got to write about what we were passionate about. I tried to visit other blogs often to show support for other students and their blogs. I read a lot of interesting Flipboard magazine posts and I really enjoyed them! A plus is that we got to visit blogs from all around the world and read about other kids’ experiences. A minus was that sometimes there were too many activities in one week. An interesting point was when we got to visit a lot of other blogs and see other things that other students could create.


  11. Hi Ms. W,
    The most interesting challenge for me was Week 9 because we could write about any community we were in. I didn’t really visit blogs and comment on them very much. I read some posts on the Flipboard Magazine, but I didn’t do the challenges. The challenges you made were very interesting. When I was doing the challenges, I learned how to make and post a quality comment. Here is a lijnk to my blog: hmsjennifer’sBlog</a7!

  12. Dear Miss W,
    My favorite challenge is always the free post. I visited and left comments to an extent that is enough. I read the flipboard magazine. + Very good -Some challenges take a long time to finish. I learned to stick with the subject longer until I finish.

    Thank you

  13. Dear Miss W,

    The most interesting challenge for me was week 5 because we were able to write about things we’re passionate about. I tried to visit other blogs and comment at least once a week, but it was hard. I wanted to read the Flipboard magazine, but I use Internet Explorer, so it didn’t let me. The most important thing that I learned during the challenge is that it’s actually very important to connect with students all around the world because it may be helpful if you ever travel abroad.


  14. Dear Miss W,

    I have really enjoyed blogging challenge and now I don’t feel like stopping blogging but still have to! I had a good time and learnt many new things. And here are the answers for your question.

    • The most interesting challenge for you the most important thing you learnt while doing the challenge
    My most interesting challenge was Week 6! In this challenge I got to tell the other bloggers about their amazing post and explain why I really like it!

    • How often you visited other blogs and left comments
    Whenever you post something new on the flipboard magazine then I check the blogs! And if I have free time then I try my best to comment on other people’s blogs!

    • whether you read the challenge flipboard magazine
    Yes, I do read posts from flipboard magazine.

    • a PMI or plus/minus/interesting point about the challenge
    I think the minus thing about this challenge is that we have to use computer and using computer for a long time puts strain on my eyes.
    The interesting point about this blogging challenge is that I got to make more friends and I tried different applications to show my creative skills.
    The most important thing that I learnt was to include my passion in all my posts!


  15. Hello Miss. W,
    Here are my answers to the questions you asked this week. The most interesting challenge for me was week 5 Free Choice because I like writing about anything. I visited other peoples blog twice a week. I don’t read the flipboard magazine. I think the most important thing I learned while doing the challenges is EDU Blogs can be difficult but very fun. Please come visit my blog Reise
    From, Reise

  16. Dear Miss W,

    Well done on a fabulous challenge this term! I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this wonderful event and I hope to do the same next year.

    My favourite challenge was week 5 because we could write about anything we liked and could share our interests with all the other bloggers. I found it very interesting reading other’s week 5 posts and learning about their role models, hobbies and interests.

    I made sure that I visited at least 5 blogs a week or more and left at least three quality comments and I stuck to this throughout the whole challenge.

    I enjoyed reading the flip board magazine as it showed me what a quality post was, and it inspired me to create better posts. I really appreciate my posts being flipped onto the flipboard magazine.

    A plus about the challenge was that I could interact with students all over the globe and share my ideas and learn about theirs. I can’t think of a minus straight away but one minus was that sometimes I could not interact with bloggers on other sides of the world due to the time difference. An interesting experience for me was learning about everyone else’s culture and their home country.

    The most important thing that I learnt while participating in the challenge was how to make a quality comment and how to make sure that my images and videos have bibliographies.

    I have learnt so much for this challenge and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in this great experience.

    Olivia 🙂

  17. Dear miss W

    My mentor never commented on my blog for any of my posts. Is she suppose to or what is my mentor for?


  18. Hello Miss W!
    Here are my answers for the questions that you asked on this week’s post,
    My most interesting challenge is the week 9 because you get to show off what you learned in the challenge, I mostly visit other peoples blog and leave a comment maybe twice and thrice a week, I do read the flipboard magazine, I don’t think there are any minus or plus to the challenge it is just perfect to me, and the most important thing I learned in the challenge is to stay connected and not be lonely every time.
    My Blog:


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