This week we are talking about our digital footprint.

Being connected with all this technology means everyone is leaving a digital footprint.

Activity 1. Watch the following 2 videos then leave a comment on this post about something that you found very interesting in one of the videos. Write a post explaining the differences between the videos. Which did you prefer and why? These show how easily a footprint can be created. It is not only you but your relatives, friends, newspapers etc also add to your footprint.



Activity 2. After watching the two videos, write a post about your digital footprint. Is it positive or negative? Would you be proud to have your grandparents or your future grandchildren look at everything you have included in your digital footprint? Why or why not? Maybe Google your name to see what is online about you, that you might not have put there. Remember to Google your nickname used in online games etc as information might be included there.

Activity 3. Imagine you are debating this topic: It is better to have a negative digital footprint than no footprint at all. Give three reasons to support each side of the debate.

Activity 4.  With so many students now involved in social media such as facebook, instagram, pinterest and twitter, how much information are they leaving by not checking their privacy settings but leaving things on default?

Watch this video to see how easy it is to find out information about you. Jenny Luca, director of ICT and eLearning at a college in Australia used this with her grade 7-12 students. Read her post to find out their reactions. Jenny then directed me to another tweet from Doug Peterson in Canada linking to this post from lifehacker.

Why is it important to check out the settings whenever you buy a new device? Default settings often allow the manufacturer to gain information about you without you realising it.


Activity 5. Should all teachers,principals and parents have a digital footprint in this time of technology? Google your teacher or principal (with their permission first) or even your parents. What have they got online? Do they have some information you think should not be there? Discuss it with them. Write a post about the discussion you had without giving away personal information to your readers.

You also leave a footprint when you sign up to join websites such as Moshi Monsters, Voki, Animoto and photopeach.  Do you ever check the terms of service or privacy settings? Have you joined a site that says you must be over 13 years old yet you are only 10?

During 2017 I am going to be adding to our list of web tools to use in the challenge (see list on sidebar) I am going to be sorting them according to how old you have to be to use them, whether they are free or you have to sign up, whether there is an education version or not and whether that is free or paid and finally what is the tool/app used for.

Activity 6. I would like your help to get the list organized. Write a post about 5 of your favourite web tools or apps. In your post mention how old you need to be to use it, whether you had to sign up to use it and what type of tool or app it is eg mindmapping, poll/survey, slideshow. Also tell me why you enjoy using the tool or app.

Activity 7. Here are some websites to visit related to cybersafety and digital footprints. Visit some of them and write a post, create a poster or glogster, create a cartoon about what you found out. Your teacher might also give you other websites to visit.

Activity 8. Mainly middle and high school students – There are 9 elements to being a good digital citizen. Read this post then write your own post about what you consider are the most important parts of the nine elements. Are there certain areas you need to improve on? Why?

Activity 9. There are both advantages and disadvantages to being able to connect and communicate more easily. Write a post or run a debate on this topic. Maybe create a comic strip showing each side.



Here are some links to  sites relating to digital footprints and internet safety

Still time left

Check your widgets. Do you have one called Class blogs? If yes, then add it to your sidebar. Use the drop down arrow and make sure the number is 30 or so to cover all the students in your class.

Visit other student and class blogs, read our new flip magazines, add links to your blogroll of blogs you visit often. Try to categorize these eg class blogs, overseas students, my friends etc.

Before playing the games next week, make sure your blog is ready for visitors.

  1. You have lots of interesting posts for visitors to read and comment on.
  2. Visitors can find posts by using tags or categories on your sidebar.
  3. You have a visitor widget to see where your visitors are coming from.
  4. You have at least five student blogs from other places around the world on your sidebar.


137 thoughts on “Week 7: Footprints

  1. I found both of the videos interesting but I found that the first video got the same amount of information across in less time. I found both of the videos informative and eye opening.I found it interesting that the first video asked not only how you could protect your privacy but how you can be careful not to invade others. Learnt about how big your digital dossier can get without you Evan knowing.I enjoyed watching both these videos and learnt a lot.

  2. Hello everyone
    Both videos were very interesting and both showed the same things in different ways but my favourite was the first video. The reason is that it showed a lot in a simpler way and shorter time it also had a lot of pictures and not much words. while the other one had quite a lot of words and a couple of pictures the time limit was also long.
    Thanks Sharday

  3. hello everyone,
    what I found interesting about the videos was that in the second one your digital dossier starts before you were born and in the first one I found weird and kind of scary was the music.
    From Sorcha

  4. Blog post week 7
    This weeks blog activity one was very interesting and I am going to share what I have learnt.
    In video 1 I didn’t know that every time you log onto a website you leave a mark and what you do can be found, copied by anyone. Once it’s passed on it can be permanent!
    One difference is that video 1 is talking about your digital footprint and talking about what stuff you do can be seen, video 2 was talking about how it’s formed.
    I prefer video 1 because it’s short sharp and shiny and told you quickly and in a very creative way.

  5. I found how in the second video Andy’s Digital Dossier got bigger even after he died very interesting.

  6. Both videos were very interesting and both showed the same things in different ways but my favorite was the first video. The reason is that it showed a lot in a simpler way and shorter time. The other one went deeper in explaining one thing but they were both very helpful to explain digital footprints.

  7. Hi everyone I really loved both of the videos but I preferred the 1st one because it showed how easy it is to leave your digital footprint from the things you do to your phone number to your pin number and address for your house. So that is why I think the 1st one is more helpful to look at and it shows the dangers you can get in. But then again it was really hard to pick between then because they are both interesting and important.

  8. I have learnt that when you go to a website and when you go off it other people can see that you went on this website and it is there for ever, even if you delete it but it can still be there.

    The videos have taught me that you need to be careful online at all times.

  9. How can we really understand how big our digital dossier is? Anyone can access your history and personal information if you are that silly to enter your personal information when signing up onto social media, Social websites, Social games. Maybe you accidentally clicked on an advertisement that popped up on your screen the exited out of it you have still been there and made your mark. Overall I preferred the digital dossier video because of how it told you about how everything you do from when you are not even born till you die is recorded is some way and that is actually quite scary and interesting at the same time.

  10. I think that I would be okay with showing people I know my digital footprint, but definitely not strangers. It is creepy to think that someone can be watching my type this comment right now and might be accessing this anytime in the future. When I look up my name on google, it is creepy that it comes up with photos of my relatives, like my aunties or uncles.

  11. I thought that the fact that people can steal your address is quite scary because anybody can find you that way. They could come to your house anytime if they know where you live.

  12. In the first video, it was really interesting to find out that whatever you do online can be seen by anyone, even people you don’t know. In the second video, it talked about what your digital dossier was and how it is created throughout your entire life. It explained how easily your digital footprint is created. I enjoyed watching both videos and I learned a lot and will definitely use that advice in the future.

  13. I found the fact that your digital dossier was made before you were born, and after death interesting. The difference between the two videos is that one explains the whole digital footprint situation a lot simpler with less detail, and the other explains it all in detail. I prefer the second video because it explains more about what happens when you go online.

  14. I already know that everyone has a digital footprint and you have to be safe online. It is really scary that people can watch you when yo are online.

  15. Hello everyone,
    I learned that when you go on a website, the owner of the website can see what you are doing. I liked both videos because they both cover the basics but then if I had to chose which one is more informative I would have to choose the second one because it goes into more detail.
    Thanks Rashi

  16. The videos were very interesting.
    I did not realize that anyone could see what you do and what you log into online.
    I also did not know that your digital footprint started before you were born and that it keeps going after you die.
    I was surprised that any photo or thing you do online can be copied and copied and be online forever.

  17. Hi Miss W.

    I thought the digital dossier video explained how you had a digital foot print since the day you were born, and you couldn’t to anything about it. In the privacy intro student video, it explained how others would spread the word about your posts online and it wouldn’t stop.

    Thanks, Hunter

  18. Hi Miss W.

    I thought the digital dossier video explained how you had a digital foot print since the day you were born, and you couldn’t to anything about it. In the privacy intro student video, it explained how others would spread the word about your posts online and it wouldn’t stop.

    Thanks, Hunter

  19. I didn’t like either video, but the first was slightly better. What I did find interesting was this misleading narrative that every action is seemingly linked to one-another, as if it is an uninterrupted chain of gathered information.

  20. I prefer the second video because it expanse more about digital foot prints. A digital foot print could be created with just one click of a button to a webpage or even just a simple online game!

  21. The Differences between the 2 videos.

    The first video tells you what happens when you log on to something on a website you leave a mark wich means anyone can see what you’re doing.

    The second video tells you when you log on to or your family logs on to something with a picture and very important details about you like your B-Day or when you were born and which day you were born it can affect that person’s life and what happens to then when there growing

  22. Hi Miss W,

    Some things I found interesting in two of the videos is that digital footprints are so easy to make like making a fingerprint on an object and can still be found before you are born to after you pass away. Another thing I thought was interesting was how they are so spreadable and how everybody can see your page activity and can hack it.

    Please feel free to visit check my blog.


  23. Hi everybody,

    I watched both videos and I think both gave a thorough explanation of the basics of your digital footprint and your digital dossier.

    These videos have both reminded me that you have to be careful about what you do online, because anyone can see

    what you have done, even if you don’t know them.

    I hope you remember to stay safe online!

  24. I found the first video interesting because it says it you visit a web page you will leave a print of yourself and that it also says that everyone will see it and that it can be found, shared or copied. That is why I found this video interesting.

  25. The differences between the two videos are.
    ( 1st video )
    ~ No sound🎧
    ~ Talking about your digital footprints and what you do👣

    ( 2nd video )
    ~ Has sound🎼
    ~ Talking about when your older🙎🏽
    ~ It tells you how long a digital footprint can go on for🐾

  26. The thing I found very interesting in the second video is how it explains about you already have a digital trace before you are even born. The difference between the videos are that in video one it talks about the situation straight forward, but in video two it uses an example.

  27. I think now that I know that, I will be more careful on what I tell people and what I post online.

  28. I think I like the first one ,because it tells you how it can see what you do on the internet and everywhere you go which is so weird and creepy.

  29. I enjoyed the first one more since it gives information about the basic of digital footprints and what you should know. While the second video goes into more detail, but I also liked it because it gives examples and tells it from a timeline and in order.

  30. Dear Ms. W,
    I thought that it was really cool, but scary at the same time that you could see other people’s accounts that were around you. I learned that you need to be careful on what you post on your social media accounts, and that you have to be careful on what you do, would you like you future children seeing this.

  31. The difference between the 2 videos.
    The 1st video tells you about how when you log into something on a device it can be copied and people can track you.

    The 2nd video tells you about when you post something it can effect your life and what happens when you get older

  32. I found the second video very interesting because I didn’t know that personal information could travel that fast and your address, phone number e.g. could get passed on to other people that you trust and maybe even other websites. I also didn’t know that you leave a mark whatever you do on your laptop, iPad, phone or iPod.

  33. Hi Miss.W,

    Something I found very interesting about in the first video was that you can leave a mark. What I mean by leave a mark is that when you login into a website, someone can see what you are doing. Anyone can see. Even strangers can see what you are doing too and it’s permanent. That’s what I found pretty interesting about the first video.

    Sincerely Fern,

  34. Dear Student Blogging Challenge,

    Something that I found very interesting is that every time I log on, I leave a mark. I did not know that.

    Sincerely, Celso

  35. Something I think was very interesting was in the second video, where I found out people could see everything you could do online. I also found it interesting that your digital dossier expands as your life goes on.

  36. i liked the 2 video because it told us about how people can what you have done even if you deleted it it is in a deleted folder and you can still get it back it is just in the deep weed to sum it all up i think that it is cool that someone can see what you have done even if you only sent it to 1 person you maybe even nobody.

  37. The difference between the two videos is that the first one said that people that you don’t know and don’t know you can access you information. but the second video talked about what makes up your digital dossier/footprint. I honestly prefer the second more because it goes more into detail.

  38. Dear Miss W,
    I found interesting how people can get apps, like Facebook, and then not be careful about information. I also think that people finding out information about each other that someone didn’t post is creepy. People shouldn’t put their personal information out for other people to see, so that gives creepy people, or dangerous people, chances to figure out who their next victim will be. I prefer the second video because, even though the first video had more information, the second one tells people how it can endanger all kinds of people from kids to adults.

  39. Dear Miss W,

    One thing that was interseting in the videos is how you can look at a digital file of what you have done on the internet. The difference between the 2 videos is that one was about how you can look at what you have done on the internet on a digital file. The other video was giving us a story about the dangers of the internet.


  40. Dear Miss W,

    One thing I found interesting in one of the videos was that you had a digital file of everything that you have done on the internet. The difference between the videos was one was about your digital file of everyhting you have done on the internet and the other was about how your info can be leaked to people you don’t know.

    Syncerely, Christopher

  41. What I found interesting in the video was how it told you that something is watching your every move.

  42. Hello,
    I liked the videos. I learned a lot from the 2 videos. Something interesting I learned was that people keep data of you even before you were born and after you died. I also learned that almost everything you do is looked at. These videos make me feel more cautious with my actions.

  43. Dear Mrs .W I didn’t know that the internet kept all of your stuff on there for ever. I do have one qustion when we sing out can people still find are stuff

    1. Hi Emma, once you put something on the internet it is there forever and anyone can see it as long as they can find it. Sometimes it is hard to find a blog because there are so many of them and the person looking would need to know the URL. That is why we always suggest not using your last name anywhere on your blog.

  44. I think it is interesting that in video 2 it says that because your relatives are posting pictures of you your digital dossier grows.

  45. I really liked the first video because it told me how the people can see what I did on that site. The second video really talked about how you have a dosser that will follow you around forever.

  46. These two videos about digital footprints are very different. For example, one talks about how your digital footprint starts growing when your mom is five moths pregnant while the other talks about how anyone can access your digital footprint.

  47. Dear Ms. W,

    It’s very scary to know that people I don’t know can see the videos and pictures my family post of my sister and I. I will be very cautious of what I post on social media and, also, what others post about me on their own social media.


  48. I liked that the 2nd video shows the cycle of digital dossiers. I also like how in the 1st video it talks about how you leave a mark from everything you touch.

  49. Dear Miss W,
    The fist video I watched had more information than the other so it was better for me. It also seemed a bit creepy because they can know everywhere you go. It was really interesting and good to know. I was aware I have to be more careful on not leaving footprints. It was a good video just want you to know.

    From Jasmine

  50. Dear Miss W,
    I learned in the 1st video that you leave a footprint every time you log onto a website. I found this very interesting because I never knew this.

  51. Dear, Miss W
    What I found interesting in these videos is that people can see what you are doing. I find this interesting because been if you do not know the person they can see images of you or see things you have done. I noticed their was a sort of difference in the videos which was that the first video was covering the basics but the second video went into detail. An example is that in the second video it pretty much was just saying that thing you do can be found but the second video explained how it things about you get into files or the internet.
    Sincerely, Moises

  52. I found it interesting that your digital dossier can go on even after you die, like with “Andy”.

  53. Dear Mrs. W,
    I enjoy both videos. While the first one talks about the basics of letting your personal things online, the other one goes more in-depth and shows along Andy’s life everything that will be tracked. This includes almost everything he does in life. What I learned from it is that what I am typing right now is recorded somewhere!

  54. Dear Miss W,

    I think that the first video didn’t include a lot of detail and info. The second video included a lot more detail. It also gave a story about the dangers of the internet.


  55. Dear Miss W,
    I learned that your history is saved even before you’re even born. I also learned that you should be careful about what you post, because anybody can search your history and put it against you.


  56. Hi,
    I thought the digital dossier was interesting and same with the fact that everything that we do on the internet never leaves and always stays there.

  57. I like the second video best because it showed real life things/and examples that we all might do.

  58. I learned about what a digital dossier is and how it affects you. I also learned about how the internet tracks everything you do.


  59. I liked the first video better because what I didn’t know was that people can see everything I do on the computer.

  60. I was amazed to find out, from both video’s that almost everything you do online can be traced back to you, often without you even knowing that it is there. It can get passed on until everyone knows what happened. I liked both videos and the second one really showed me the impact that a simple photo or sentence can have.

  61. I liked both videos but I prefer the second one more because it was more informative.

  62. The difference between these two videos is that the first video is about digital footprints and the second is about your digital dossier. A digital footprint is where you post something or send something like a photo or comment. That photo or comment can stay on the online permanently, can be found and passed onto anyone.
    What is your digital footprint???

    A digital dossier is where your information is gradually gathered. It is sometimes personal information. The information is collected from where you have been online. Your digital dossier grows when you grow.
    I found that the most interesting thing I found is that Your digital dossier starts when you have been in your mum’s tummy for 5 months.

    I prefer the first video because it was shorter and it didn’t sound as depressing as the second video. I also enjoyed listening to the music in the first video. It made it seem like a spy case or something.

    By Georgia.

  63. I preferred the first one because it has made me feel like I have to be a lot more careful online and entering all my personal details in.
    The difference between them was the first one was about your digital footprint. Your digital footprint is where you post something either a photo, video or message. Then it gets found by someone and gets put on the internet and spreads to others. This makes a digital footprint.
    The second video was about Digital dossier it is when you leave track behind and there is information of you even when you were just born. Or even when you were only in your mum’s stomach. When you grow your digital dossier grows. As you get older people find out all your new personal details.

    I found it interesting that you have a digital dossier when your only 5 months old in your mum’s stomach.

    By Charlie

  64. I preferred the first one because it has made me feel like I have to be a lot more careful online and entering all my personal details in.
    The difference between them was the first one was about your digital footprint. Your digital footprint is where you post something either a photo, video or message. Then it gets found by someone and gets put on the internet and spreads to others. This makes a digital footprint.
    The second video was about Digital dossier it is when you leave a track behind and there is information about you even when you were just born. Or even when you were only in your mum’s stomach. When you grow your digital dossier grows. As you get older people find out all your new personal details.

    I found it interesting that you have a digital dossier when your only 5 months old in your mum’s stomach.

    By Charlie

  65. In the second video what interested me was that Andy’s digital dossier had information even before he could give the information himself. What he posted online and what was kept in his files created his digital footprint. All the photos he, his family, his friends and his relatives posted and strangers screenshotted made up his digital footprint and his digital dossier. All the information he added to websites like his first name, last name, his birth date, his email address, and his phone number made up his digital footprint. When he got a credit card he bought things online by giving his credit card number. This also made up his digital footprint and his digital dossier. His digital dossier does not finish there as many family and friends post tributes. I really enjoyed watching this video.

  66. Privacy student intro video:
    This video about leaving your mark where ever you go was interesting because it states that what, where and how you go on to the internet can be seen and copied. When you log on everybody can somehow see what you are doing. It can also be seen by people you don’t know.

    Youth and media:
    This video is similar meaning to the first video and it is all about leaving you mark everywhere where people can see throughout Andy’s life. This sometimes can lead to bad things like looking at Andy’s personal information and his home life.

  67. I prefer the second video because it’s in more detail and it shows that everyone can know where you are, where you live, how old you are and if your married or not. When you post a photo/ video you never know who is watching or taking screenshots.

  68. Before I had watched the second video, I had no idea what a ‘digital dossier’ was. It has alerted me that whatever I do online has left a track, or a path, that anyone can follow. Now when I go on the internet I will definitely bear in mind to be careful in what websites I go on and what I search for.

    1. In the first video (digital footprints) I found it very interesting that every search you make will be stored, maybe as a footprint, and that anyone can see what you search. I find the second video slightly similar to the first, but instead of a footprint, it is talking about some sort of track.

      The difference between the two videos is that:

      1. One talks about a digital footprint, and one talks about a digital dossier

      2. The second one talks about your digital path from before you were born through to after your death

      I prefer the second one because it is more clear to me that you have a digital path and that you can be followed, so next time I am on the net I will be more aware of that.

      Thanks for reading this post


  69. I think that I prefer the second video because it shows you more about the world around us and how just walking on the streets record information about you. Also, that just by posting a couple of videos/photos can cause a lot more damage than you think.

  70. I think both videos gave a thorough explanation of the basics of your digital footprint and your digital dossier. These videos have both reminded me that you have to be careful about what you do online, because anyone can see what you have done, even if you don’t know them.

  71. What I thought was interesting was how the videos explained what can happen online, everyone can see what your doing and the website can see who logged on. I preferred the first video in my opinion because I could understand the second video but the first video really made me think and wonder about it and I also really understand it.

  72. Something that I thought was interesting and something I didn’t know in both of the videos was that I didn’t really know that if you sign up and agree to a website they get all of your personal information and can hack into your computer and can look at all your personal photos and all your information, also if you buy something on amazon or eBay they ask for all of your credit card number and your address and they can track you were ever you are going sometimes.

  73. I found both the videos very interesting, I had no idea that every time you log in or search something on google it keeps tabs on what you do! I know that your digital footprint is very important but I did not know how easy it is to be found.

  74. What I found interesting is that digital dossier keeps growing even after your death. The differences between the videos were the digital dossier was about it will keep everything that you do online and the digital student one was about it can track you. I preferred the digital dossier one because I didn’t really know anything in the video so it was interesting for me.

  75. I checked to see if there were any pictures of me online but there were not. I think that is because I do not have much/any social media accounts and I am still not very old. The videos were very information packed and I learnt a lot from both of them!

  76. Which do I prefer?

    I liked the one about your digital dossier because it can stay with you for your whole life. It shows how every little photo can effect you digital footprint and your posts can be copied and shared to the world.

    What were the differences between the 2 videos?

    The first video about how it can be shared onto other people and how it can be spread to people you don’t know. The other one talks about how your digital dossier can be with you for your whole life. They both talk about different digital footprints one talks about how it can effect you in the long term and the other on is about one post.

    -Matilda Ryan

  77. Watching the digital footprint video and the dossier video was very confronting. I never knew that your dossier stated before you were born and keeps going, even after you die! The difference between the two videos was that one of them was about your digital footprint, the other about your dossier. The dossier was about how everything that you send can be saved. The digital footprint was about how you leave a footprint on whatever website you access. I found both interesting but mostly that every time you log on or go onto a website the evidence that you have been on it gets copied. When the evidence is copied anyone can access it.

  78. I found the digital dossier very interesting. It was interesting how it keeps the information growing before you are even born and after your death. A difference between the two videos was that the digital dossier one was about that it will keep everything you do, and the privacy student one was about that it tracks where you go.

  79. The difference between the two video is that one explains about your digital dossier expands and the other explains how easily people can see what you are posting.

    What I found interesting about the digital dossier video. Is that your digital dossier starts before you were even born from pictures your family members share.

    I prefer the second video about digital dossier because I have learnt that your digital dossier starts before you were born from family sharing photos of you.

  80. Hi,

    I found the fact that the videos used a metaphor (footprint) to get the point across that it will stay and leave a mark, very interesting.

    I think that the difference between the two videos is that the first one is very broad and visually interesting to follow, however, the second one is quite fast and you have to follow what the lady is saying. I prefer the first video because at the end there are open-ended questions at the end which really helps you to reflect on your footprint.


  81. I prefer the second video because it alerts you that every single thing you do online and the things you post can be copied and used by websites, which is quite scary.

  82. I liked how in the first video it explained a digital footprint in simple words not too difficult to understand. In the second video, they made a story about the information they already knew about digital footprints. I prefer the second video because it was a lot more interesting to watch and even though the second video was a lot clearer to understand I liked the second video the most.

  83. The first video was more alerting you about the dangers of a digital footprint and what they are and the second video was about how a digital footprint can be made and is made.

  84. I found it the second video very interesting because I did not know that your digital footprint starts before you were born and it continues even after you die too.

  85. Some of the differences between the videos are:
    • One of the videos went into more detail than the other.
    • One used writing and one talked.
    • The second video made you be more aware that everything you do online can be recorded.
    • The second video also talks about how it is an endless cycle of people finding out what you are doing.

    I liked the second video more because it went into a lot of detail and talked about what happens your whole life.

  86. I liked how the videos told you about the different allowments you have to show the website to be on it.

  87. In the first video it was interesting to find out that whatever you do online can be seen by everyone, even people you don’t know. In the second video it talked about what your digital dossier and how easily a digital footprint can be created. I found both videos really helpful and I’ll use the information in the future.

  88. It was really scary to find out that people don’t really worry about what they post and that my Digital Dossier is always changing but that’s the way people find out about me.

    I prefer the second video better than the first as it gives a lot of info about Digital Footprints.

    Thanks, Cat

  89. I did not know that ANYONE could see what you do or post online even if you delete something it’s online forever.

  90. I liked the 2nd video because it showed how your digital footprint is created and the journey that it takes.

  91. I think both videos were great but I preferred the first video because it was really informative and detailed. I learnt a lot of new things. The way the first video presentied the information was more interesting. The second video was a much less engaging and I drifted off a bit.

    From Millie J

  92. Hello everyone,
    I prefered the first video even though I thought that the second video was also interesting. I thought that the first video was a bit more basic and more visually interesting and it had lots of information about everything that you do can leave a mark on your digital footprint even if you don’t mean for it to be there.
    I thought that it was quite creepy that people could see exaclty what you do when you do it online and I will definitely be a lot more careful online from now on.
    I thought that the second video went into a lot more detail and that it was more like a story than the first one. It basically said that your digital footprint record started before you even knew anything about the internet.
    I thought that this was very helpful and that both the videos were very informative.
    I think that the internet is quite hard to understand and tricky because you dont know who is seeing your stuff and even if you put your accounts on private or something, that does not stop the server or the owners of the app or site you are using to see all your photos and information.
    You also never know what people are going to do with your information and wehter they are going to share your information or not.
    With my new knowlege about my Digital Footprint, I will defenitely be a lot more careful with what I do and I now know that WHATEVER you do online, WHENEVER, will be kept in records online FOREVER.
    From Arabella B

    Here is the link to my blog :

  93. Hello Everyone.
    I defently think those videos were very informative.
    With My learning from the first video I am quickly going to say what i think,
    The internet is tricky because you don’t who is seeing your posts. Even if you put protections agenst your account you never really know But the worst part is, You never know what they will do. Some people might just look at the post and leave a comment but others could do bad things like copy your post just with an easy screenshot!
    With my new Knowledge from the second video about Your Digital Dossier.
    I found that very Wierd because i knew records were being cept from Goverment things like for the population (from the cencus) but i did not know it happened so often and so many things are kept, copied and FOREVER there. But my question is, does that infomation ever get used? and if, for what?
    If you have an opintion on anything i just said i would apricate a reply!
    Thanks Lily.

  94. I thinks kind of scary how people can see where you have been. All your imformation can be accssesed by people you dont know. I found it interesting how all the sites you visit online piles up behind you to make one long trail, (also known as your digital foot print.)

  95. What did you learn?
    I learnt anyone even people you don’t know can see what you search or what you post.

    Which video did you like more and why?
    I liked the first video more because it makes me seem more interested when there is less writing on the page or not as much talking all together.


  96. Something interesting I found out was that your digital dossier can start before you were even born and can still continue after you die.

  97. I found that it is amazing how much you can be tracked by others just by your FaceBook, Instigram, Snapchat, Twitter and many others.
    – Claudia

  98. Hi,
    I found both videos intresting but I learnt more from the second video. I think that the reason why the second video taught me more is because it went into detail and told me things I hadn’t heard before like the word dossier. I also prefered the second video because it had a voice over. I think that the main difference between the two videos is the fact that the first one is more of a introduction telling you what the main things about a digital footprint are. The second video goes into more detail about examples as well.

  99. The difference between the videos is the first video was telling us what could happen, whereas the second one told us how it happened. I prefer the second one because:
    1. It was less stressful to watch.
    2. It gave me more information about what a digital footprint is.
    Thank you for reading,
    Eva L

  100. I thought that the second video had more information in the content of it than the first, therefore I prefer the second. I value the way they – the videos are so different from each other. The second video had more detail than the first and the first video had more basic infomaton.

  101. I thought it was interesting that everyone has a digital dossier.
    I never knew that when you are online, so many people can see where you are, what you are doing and what you have done. These videos have reminded me that you have to be careful about everything that you do online, because anyone, even if you don’t know them, can see everthing, copy it, and even print it. I think both videos have given a thorough explanation about digital foot prints and digital dossiers.

  102. Hi Miss W, I have watched both videos and I like the part in the second video that shows how as you grow up,more and more information is going out to the rest of the world through many different ways. I like that it shows that because many people don’t realize that all of their information can be shared or copied to anybody once you post it.

  103. I loved the 2nd one because it tells me about a Digital Dossier and how you have one before you’re born!

  104. I preferred the first video because it had lots of information on how it can leave a mark forever on your website or blog.

  105. it is creepy that people can see what you have done on line even if the don,t know you

  106. I loved the videos the first one more covered the basics the second video went into more deatail

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