The student and class bloggers have been doing excellent work.

And here’s some of their work to check out!

From the Class blogs

  1. Fifth Grade Stars – Posts of the week to showcase student posts
  2. Mr Baldock’s class blog – Storybird
  3. Mrs McDonald Room 208 – How to embed video or cartoons
  4. Busy Bee’s – Voki posts
  5. Miss Hutchinson’s class Room 3.1 – Blog Action Day
  6. Mrs Goucher’s class blog – Blog Action Day, Digital citizenship, Goucher’s Class tours the World
  7. Mrs Martinez’s Class blog – Digital Dossier
  8. BRCS Reads – posting and commenting
  9. Computer class connections – Passion….definition and own passions
  10. Ms Olen’s Class blog – World Problems, Digital Footprints
  11. Mrs Yollis’ Classroom blog – Skype
  12.  Year 6 HIC – Colors
  13. Learing with MrD Carson – Digital Footprint
  14. Learning Hub 3 @ Stonefields School – commenting on our posts
  15. All About Us – Is Hallowe’en Amazing or not
  16. Mrs Gregory’s 7th Grade  and Mrs Gregory’s Class – Star bloggers and Star bloggers nominations
  17. 5.1 Class blog – Ideas and feedback on the Blogging Challenge

From the Student blogs

After School Activities

Keira, Daniel, Cheyenne, Lupita, Steph, Eduardo, Giovanni, Ana, Dharyl, Christian, Breeyana, Julie, Adi, Leti, Cassidy, Sophie, Tess, Angie, Liana, Lorenzo, CamiloAnalucia, Juliana, Cinda, PJF, Zechariah, Zainab, Mohana, Keisha, Mikayla, Edith, Jack, Maria, Maria Gabriela, Julia, Alex, Vanessa, Cole, Emma

Blog Action Day

Jarrod, Jessica C, Jaden, Jake , Ethan, Barbie, Okali, Teagan, Clay, Natalie, Daniel, Julie, Letty, Sophie, Angie, Angie, Justin, Meridith, Shweta, Simone

Blogs I recommend

Jaden, Jake, Emily, Jose, Alex, Alexandra

Images and embedding

XavierEthanLily, Georgie, Bonnie, Gemma, Kali, Andrea

Global Issue

Analucia, Camilo, Valentina, Sarah, Mikayla, Gemma, Amy, Kimberly, Santiago, Victoria, Sammy, Daniela, Valen, Lauren, Simone, Kaarishm, Vinay, Anthony, Kenneth

My Favorite Color

Caroline, Sammy, Em, Tess, Angie, Emily, JuanMaria, NicolasAnalucia, Majo, Alejandro, Valentina, Juliana, Meridith, Maddi, Lily, Georgie, Bonnie, Darcy, Cinda, Shweta, Maria, Maria, Martin, Victoria, Kara, Juliama, Debra, Jaime, Laura, Alexandra

Digital  Citizenship and Footprints
Caroline, Jessica C, Laura, Keira, Daniel, Sophie, Andy, Chedo, Alex, Meridith, Bonnie, Darcy, Cinda, Zaniab, Mohana, Edina, Bronte, Dylan, Alejandro, Laura, Kimberly, Kailey, Clem, Meredith, Megha


Em, Jarrod, Lauren, Pareen, Grace, Laura, Caroline, Teagan, Angie, Emily, Natalie, Catherine, Nat, Andy, Kate, Simon, Rachel, Darcy, Cinda, Gabbi, Bronte, Chloe, Kimberly, Dylan, Julia, Kailey, Kali, Sarah, Dara, Becky, David, Mark, Simon

Things I want to learn about

Liana, Alfredo, Isaac, Ashley, Susie, Dawson, Nathan, Gary, Morgan

What type of Internet users

Tess, Meridith, Darcy, Kimberly, Marianna, Quinn, Natalia

Show your Creativity

Em, Jose, Hannah, Jake, EthanIsaiah, Caz, Casey, Teagan, Lupita, Clay, Natalie, Dharyl, Anahi, Jose, Christian, Breeyana, Adi, Letty, Cassidy, Angie, Emily, Xavier, Jose, Lorenzo, Erilyn, Santiago, Tatiana, Arianna, Shweta, Zechariah, Mohana, Mikayla, Edith, Gemma, Amy, Georgia, Daniela, Alexandra, Mario, Alexandra, Chelesea, Laura, Olivia, Benioni

Write a story beginning

Gabby, Tess, Angie, Emily, Valentina, Simon, Juliana, Lily, Georgie, Bonnie, Maria, Martin, Noah, Taylor, Brooke, Valen, Becky, Ashley, David, Ruth, Gabriela, Dylan

6 thoughts on “Visit these – Nov 2011

  1. Hi Miss W,
    I am Daniela from Colombia, and I just wanted to ask you if you could please check out my blog, I already did all the challenges (until #8) and it would be really cool of you could tell be how to improve them or put my blog in this page.
    My blog:

    1. Daniela,
      I left a comment on your Hershey kisses post. To be included on the visit these page you need to make sure you link back to the student blogging challenge post that you have completed. Or do what you have done here, leave a comment saying you have completed a certain activity.

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