Some fantastic about pages or posts created by both students and classes. Check these out. Also check out the reminders at the bottom of this post.

Classes about us pages
Third Graders,Dreaming Big, Grade 3/4B, Mr McCleary’s class, Mrs Jones’ Fab Five, Room 7 NZ, 6th grade window, Penbank6, MrsK’s class (leave comment on a post),Room 2.1, Mrs Martinez, Radical Room 2, Grade 1 WPPS, Mrs Yollis, Mrs McKelvey, 6/7T and teacher, Room1 and Mrs Black, Mrs Hamman, Huzzah, Mrs Bliss, Knights of the Ross Table, Room 15 NZ, Class 6b Vietnam, 6a Vietnam, Mrs Zwettler, Grade 3/4, Pod 1, Grade 5 at Napoleon, Harley 3A, Ms Hanna, Mrs E and Bookblog, Ms Meredith, Kereru,

Classes exchanging info already

Mrs Heckstetter, Mrs Garvar, Grade 3/4 B, Third Graders, Mrs Jundef, Room 24 (NZ slang), Learning2gether, Ms Olen, Ms Simonsen, Mrs Phillips, 6b Vietnam, Grade 3/4, Mrs Caudill, Room 9 Einsteins,

Students about me pages

Jarrod, Madeline, Dawso, Raiyaan, Samantha, Cam, Ethan, Ilaria, Oscar, Kristina, Acrostic poems from Mr Fachet’s class, I am posts from Shirley’s 6th grade, 8LD Poems about themselves, comment on student about me pages on sidebar of Mrs Martin’s class, Alex from Russia, students used Prezi to create ‘About me’ pages in Mr Cave’s class, Alina from Russia, Marina from Russia, Dasha from Russia, Kirill from Russia, Stas from Russia, Kathy from Russia,

Students recommending blogs to visit

Summer, Jack, Jane, Carly, Ilaria,


  1. Both teachers and students: Please check that the link to your URL is correct. If it is not, leave a comment on this post with the correct URL, your name as registered and your age(students only), so I can make the change more easily.
  2. Teachers: There are still some Kidblog blogs that are set to “login to leave comment or post”. Please change this.
  3. Both teachers and students: Remember to moderate or approve your comments at least once a week in case either Miss W (me) or your mentor has left a comment.
  4. Both teachers and students: Please make sure your link comes back to the exact URL of the post of the activity in the student blogging challenge, not just the URL of the blogging challenge.
  5. Students: If you have already created your blogroll, make sure you have the link for your class blog on there as well if your class has one. Mentors might then visit blogs of other members of your class as well as yours.
  6. Mentors: If you find some great posts written by the students you visit, feel free to email me with a link so I can add them to another ‘Visit these’ post.
  7. Mentors and teachers: If using Twitter to mention some great posts, use the hashtags #12sbc and #comments4kids  Please don’t add any links onto facebook pages as many schools have this banned or filtered.

Image: ‘Liberty 1

9 thoughts on “Visit these week 1 + Reminders

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