Check here please
We are now two weeks into the challenge and students are still registering, but I think some may have registered more than once. So can you please check the student participation list to make sure your name is only on there once. It should be under your age group area. Some students have mentors who will be visiting their blogs to give help and answer any questions you might have. If you have registered more than once, please tell your teacher to contact me via the email or leave me a comment on this post telling me how many times your name is included.
1. Check participation list for name
If you are using Edublogs and leaving comments, you should now have uploaded your user avatar. Dashboard > users> avatar
2. User avatar uploaded
On your profile page under contact information, there is a section called website. Make sure you have the URL to your own blog written there. Include the http:// part as well. This will then link with your name and avatar when leaving a comment.
3. Blog URL included