This week instead of mentioning individual students, I am going to mention class blogs to visit. Make sure you also check out those with student blogs listed in their blogroll.Some of these classes and students have had very few visitors, so please leave a comment when you get there.

Class blog – no student blogs

Mrs Zwettler, Mrs McKelvey, Mrs Lucchesi, Mrs Norton, Mrs Shirley, Mrs Jundef, Miss McLeod, Mrs Bulger, Mrs Bliss, Room 15, 6B Vietnam, 6A Vietnam, Mrs Wunder, Mrs Swift – check pages,

Class blog – check out the student blogs on sidebar

Mrs Kelly, Mr Martinez, Mrs Benn, Ms Simonsen, Miss T, Mr Miller, Mrs Beaulieu, Mrs Schmidt, Mrs Massman, Mrs Sanderson, Room 1 class, Mrs Sage, Ms Vogt, 8LD, Mrs Martin, Emerson Eagles, Mrs Heckstetter, Mrs Flower, Mrs Barinova, Mr Woods, Mrs Ramirez, Hobloggers, Mrs Guna, Mrs Martin,

3 thoughts on “Visit these – week 7

  1. Faith and I have found a site that we think shows creativity. You get to make your own coloring pages. You can add backgrounds, animals, and much more. You get to print it out and color it yourself. If you would like to visit the site here is the link for Crayola,

    What is your favorite part of Crayola?

    Can you please share with us what you have created?

  2. Pingback: Week 7

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