Swinging in the sunset
This week was going to be the game week but it has to be postponed until next week. So far only two mentors have replied to the email I sent about them helping out in the second game.

So really this week is going to be the last week for you to prove to your teachers what you have learnt about blogging.

The activities this week will involve you doing the following:

  • adding hyperlinks so your readers can find out more on the topic
  • adding images with correct attribution
  • adding categories and tags to your posts
  • being able to write in paragraphs about a topic
  • stretching your imagination by using a tool other than writing

Again the activity relates to the number 10.

Write a post about 10 of your favourite things. It can’t be ten movies or ten games, but must be about ten different things.

Some examples could be:

  • movie star
  • book to read
  • place to travel in the future
  • invention ever made
  • blog post you have written
  • etc, etc, etc

This post will be ten paragraphs long, one for each of your favourite things.  In at least three of your paragraphs include a link to another website. Include at least two images related to your favourite things. Make sure you have tagged and categorized your post.  Use a tool other than writing to tell us about one of your favourite things eg include a video or Voki or audioboo or slideshow – the list is endless.

As I am expecting fantastic posts for this, you will have two weeks to do this. Next week will be the two games and the final week will be an evaluation of the challenge, so really make a great effort on this post.

If you are using Kidblog or blogger, please leave a comment on this post when you have finished yours. I have been checking with Edublogs and apparently the pingbacks and trackbacks are only working for Edublog blogs not for any other platform. So the only way I will know if you have completed this activity is if you leave a comment on this post and include the URL of your post.

Just before the last challenge I will write a post highlighting the thirty bloggers and five classes I feel have done a great job with this post. They will have included links, images, other tool, tags and category as well as having left a comment on this post or if using Edublogs sent a pingback to me.

Good luck everyone on this post that will show off to your teachers what you are capable of doing using your blog!

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Gail Delderfield via Compfight

62 thoughts on “Challenge 8 – Favourites

  1. Here are some finished posts:


    Mrs. Vilas

    1. Dayanara’s post:

      From Mrs. Vilas

  2. Pingback: TEN OF THE BEST
  3. Dear Miss. W,
    This is a great idea for a blog post. I’m actually shocked with the great ideas you come up with. You are a blogging queen! Respond to me later! Also try to visit my blog. http://kiara309.weebly.com/index.html

  4. 1)Horses (favorite animal)
    2)Josh Turner (favorite country singer)
    3)Face Off (favorite T.V show)
    4)Computer (favorite invention)
    5)Kentucky (favorite place to travel)
    6)Horseback riding (favorite hobby)
    7)Blue and neon green (favorite colors)
    8)Oreo or orange (favorite ice cream)
    9)Quarter horse (favorite breed of horse)
    10)Fishing (favorite thing to do with my dad)


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