
Students … students…

  • Have you been keeping up with the challenge activities?
  • Have you completed an about me page or post?
  • Have you written at least two other posts related to the challenge?
  • Have you been moderating your comments and replying to mentors?

In two weeks time, starting 19th October, I will be removing students off the student list if I feel they haven’t been doing the challenge activities mentioned above. Or if their country is in red still.


We have lots of students who don’t have mentors and have been doing the challenges. They deserve to get a mentor who can help them more with their blogging.

Classes… classes…

I will also be removing any class blogs that have no posts relating to the challenge at all.

I will keep those that have information posts telling students what to do on their own personal blogs relating to the challenge.

I will keep those where students have been writing posts on class blogs.

Mentors… mentors…

If you could get back to me around 19 October (via email) with a list of students in your group who have not completed activities mentioned above, that would help me when removing student names.

Once I have removed the names of non participants, I will then allocate a few more students to your list.

 Online Image Creators

23 thoughts on “Warning …. Warning

  1. What do you mean when it said
    “your name is about to be removed
    from the list, get blogging!
    I don’t get that 🙁

  2. Hi, the students at AISG in China have been on fall break so may have been a bit inactive the past couple of weeks.

    1. G’day Ms Lieschke,
      I realize quite a few schools have been on a break which is why I am only starting to delete from the 19 October or thereabouts.

  3. Our school has been on a two week Fall Break, so my students should have posts from the first two weeks and will do some serious catching up next week when we return. is one of our bloggers and the other students follow with the same naming convention.

    Thank you for all you do to make this such an amazing experience!

    1. G’day Mr Bibicoff,
      Just checked out your visual arts blog. Has lots of interesting posts. I run this blogging challenge twice per year for a ten week period. Helps students with being internet safe when using blogs as well as improving their communication skills.

  4. Hello Miss W,
    I am just surfing through all the material and hoping to get a creative blog going here.Hopefully I am on track.

    1. G’day Patricia,
      I hope all the information helps you with a creative blog. Leave the URL of your blog in another comment here and I will visit.

  5. I write one post for every challenge, and do numerous activities on every post. So, I only have two posts, but about 15 activities done.

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